满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mrs Brown had a small garden is front of...

Mrs Brown had a small garden is front of her house. She___some vegetables in her garden and___them carefully. When the summer came, the___looked very nice. One evening Mrs Brown said to her son, “Tomorrow I am going to___the vegetables and eat them.”

But the next morning she___that her neighbor's ducks had___her vegetables. Mrs Brown___and her neighbor was very___for that. On Christmas day, the neighbor___Mrs Brown a beautiful, fat roast () duck, and said, “Mrs Brown, please____your vegetables now.”

1.A. planted    B. put    C. took    D. carried

2.A. watched    B. looked after    C. looked at    D. kept

3.A. house    B. garden    C. vegetables    D. sun

4.A. sell    B. cook    C. water    D. pick

5.A. found    B. knew    C. watched    D. noticed

6.A. dug up    B. eaten up    C. taken away    D. pulled up

7.A. shouted    B. smiled    C. was glad    D. spoke

8.A. sorry    B. happy    C. angry    D. surprised

9.A. borrowed    B. brought    C. showed    D. lent

10.A. cook    B. pick    C. enjoy    D. save


1.A 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.C 【解析】短文大意: 布朗夫人在花园里种了些蔬菜,一天她发现邻居家的鸭子吃光了她的蔬菜,邻居对此非常抱歉。在圣诞节那天, 邻居把肥美的烤鸭送给了布朗夫人。 1.句意:她在花园里种了些蔬菜,仔细地照看它们。A. planted动词,种植;B. put 动词,放;C. took动词,拿;D. carried动词,搬动。在花园里理应“种”蔬菜。故选:A。 2.句意:她在花园里种了些蔬菜,仔细地照看它们。A. watched动词,看、关注;B. looked after照看;C. looked at看;D. kept保持。此处为“照看”蔬菜之意。故选:B。 3.句意:夏天到来时,花园显得很漂亮。A. house名词,房子;B. garden名词,花园;C. vegetables名词,蔬菜;D. sun名词,太阳。根据前文可知,是指“花园”。故选:B。 4.句意:明天我要去摘蔬菜来吃。A. sell动词,卖;B. cook动词,做饭;C. water动词,浇水; D. pick动词,摘。“摘”下蔬菜来吃。故选:D。 5.句意:但是第二天早上,她发现邻居家的鸭子已经吃光了她的蔬菜。A. found动词,发现; B. knew动词,知道;C. watched动词,观看;D. noticed动词,注意到。根据语境可知,此处为“发现”之意。故选:A。 6.句意:但是第二天早上,她发现邻居家的鸭子已经吃光了她的蔬菜。A. dug up挖出;B. eaten up吃光;C. taken away拿走;D. pulled up拉起来。鸭子“吃光”蔬菜。故选:B。 7.句意:布朗夫人大叫,她的邻居对此非常抱歉。A. shouted动词,喊叫;B. smiled动词,微笑;C. was glad高兴;D. spoke动词,讲。根据上文“布朗夫人想摘蔬菜吃”,而鸭子吃光蔬菜,布朗太太的反应为“大叫”。故选:A。 8.句意:布朗夫人大叫,她的邻居对此非常抱歉。A. sorry形容词,抱歉的;B. happy形容词,高兴的;C. angry形容词,生气的;D. surprised形容词,令人惊奇的。自己的鸭子做了“错事”,理应表示“抱歉”。故选:A。 9.句意:在圣诞节那天, 邻居给布朗夫人带来了一只肥美的烤鸭, 说,“布朗夫人, 现在请享用你的蔬菜。”A. borrowed动词,借入;B. brought动词,带来;C. showed动词,展示;D. lent借出。bring sb. sth.带给某人某物。故选:B。 10.句意:在圣诞节那天,邻居给布朗夫人带来了一只肥美的烤鸭, 说,“布朗夫人, 现在请享受你的蔬菜。”A. cook动词,做饭;B. pick动词,摘;C. enjoy动词,享受;D. save动词,节约。“享用”美食。故选:C。 点睛:整体把握语篇大意,揣摩上下文意,理解语境并选择最符合作者表达意图的选项;牢记常见的固定搭配、动词短语的含义和用法。



You’d__________to see the doctor today.


Li Lei________ ,so he didn’t go to school.


____________ the medicine_____________


I have a pain______ my leg.I can’t_____________


Do you feel             .


You should relax yourself_____________


If you_____________ ,you should eat_____________.


My grandmother often __________________.


It's ___________ for __________ to eat __________________.


Everyone should keep __________ of nature.


________________ too much is _____________ your health.


It's necessary ___________ English.


_____________ a day _____________ your health.




1.What's the matter with you?

What's _________ ___________?

2.She didn't feel like eating anything.

She didn't ________ ___________ __________ anything.

3.I had a pain in my left leg.

My left leg __________.

4.If you do that, you'll soon feel much healthier.

__________ __________, and you'll soon feel much healthier.

5.Jim always arrives at school early.

Jim always ________ school early.

6.I'm not feeling well now.

I'm not feeling well ________ _________ __________.

7.What about you?

_________ ________ you?

8.We had a good time at the party yesterday.

We ________ ________ at the party yesterday.

9.What's the weather like?

________ __________ ________?

10.Finally, they found the lost boy.

__________ _________, they found the lost boy.

11.Show me your pictures when you return to school.

Show me your pictures when you __________ _________ to school.



Eating ________ food is good for your _________. You can live _________.

A. health, healthy, healthily    B. healthy, health, healthily

C. healthy, healthily, health    D. healthy, healthy, healthily



Everyone except Tom and Tim ______ going to the cinema this afternoon.

A. were    B. are    C. is    D. was



I watched the football match last night and ________ go to bed ________ 11 o'clock.

A. don't, when    B. didn't, as    C. don't, until    D. didn't, until



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