满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

-What's up, Lily? You seem to be unhappy...

-What's up, Lily? You seem to be unhappy.

    -Nothing serious. I just can't decide_______ to do next.

A. what    B. how    C. where    D. when


A 【解析】句意:——怎么了,莉莉?你好像不高兴。——没什么严重的。我决定不了下一步怎么办。 A. what什么;B. how怎么样;C. where在哪儿;D. when何时。结合句意可知,答案为A,what作do的宾语。  

















5.这个节目鼓励我们…… 我们应该……





A new program called The Reader is a great surprise to us viewers. I would like to recommend it to you.




七、完成句子  按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,并将答案写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。


WangYuan ,one of the TF Boys, is _______________________________ at the UN Forum(论坛).


Chinese Dream is a great way to bring people together and _________________________our own country.


Chinese people often say, “You can ______________________________________.”


Since last April, ______________________________________ shared bikes to schools, workplaces or to go sightseeing.


The hot TV series called In The Name of the People is so wonderful ________________________________________ by the audience.


  Please make _________________________________ in order not to wake the kids up.




Do you and your friends ever talk about your dreams with each other? If you do, you might have noticed something interesting – some of your friends seldom remember their dreams, but some can always describe their dreams so clearly that it seems like they’re describing things that really happened to them. What makes those people different?

The answer is simple. There are two different types of dreamers – low dream recallers(回忆者)and high dream recallers.

Low dream recallers usually remember their dreams only twice a month. But high dream recallers are able to remember them about five mornings a week. And a new study suggests that activity in a certain part of the brain could have something to do with it, reported The Huffington Post.

Perrine Ruby, a French researcher at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center, studied 41 people (21 high dream recallers and 20 low dream recallers) and recorded their brain activity.

She found that a part of the brain called the temporo-parietal junction (颞顶联合区) was more active in high dream recallers than in low dream recallers – both when they were sleeping and awake.

This brain area collects and processes(编程)information from the outside world. This means that high dream recallers know more about what’s happening around them. For example, when they are awake, they respond (对……有反应) more strongly to hearing their own names, and when they are sleeping, they are woken more easily by sounds and movements.

By closely studying people’s brain activities, Ruby found that high dream recallers have twice as much “wakefulness time” during sleep as low dream recallers do. And it is during these short times of wakefulness that the brain remembers dreams.

“The sleeping brain is not able to remember new information,” Ruby told The Washington Post. “It needs to wake up to be able to do that.”

This is not hard to understand. Just try to think of your own sleeping experiences. If you are worried during the night, you are more likely to remember your dreams, but if you sleep well, you will remember little in the morning, and this is because “you never get a chance to remember”, Robert Stickgold, a Harvard Medical School researcher, told The Washington Post.

1.According to the article, high dream recallers ______.

A. have very little brain activity during sleep

B. can remember their dreams clearly

C. don’t know how to describe their dreams

D. remember their dreams twice a week

2.Compared to high dream recallers, low dream recallers ______.

A. have higher sleep quality

B. have more sleepless nights

C. are more easily woken at night

D. respond faster when hearing their names

3.What is the main purpose of the last paragraph?

A. To show the advantages of being a low dream recaller.

B. To suggest what to do to become a low dream recaller.

C. To make readers interested in future studies.

D. To further explain Ruby’s research.



The wind tried pushing Colin to the ground. It felt as if Colin’s news-bag was full of potatoes.

Maybe it had to do with the news Dad read before Colin left. The morning headlines(标题)were full of the usual sad stories.

“No good news again!” Dad said.

Car accidents! House burns! Storm damage(损害)!

Colin moved quickly from house to house leaving papers in the mailbox. He wished he could bring only good news to his family, also to his friendly neighbours. “How could I make things better for everyone?” he wondered.

Colin noticed Alice coming. She only had one real eye. The other was made of glass. He liked Alice even if many others laughed at her. He didn’t realize how much it helped her, having a friend like Colin.

Each time Colin left a paper by a customer’s door, he thought, “How could I make some good news?”

Colin gave his usual cheerful “Hi” to everyone on his way. His smile was like the rising sun.

Someone was crying and he ran to where a little boy had fallen and hurt his leg. Colin calmed him down until the boy’s mother arrived.

“I’m glad you’re my paperboy,” she told Colin.

He continued on his way, but he didn’t feel tired. It was fun doing what he usually did—helping others.

He raced up the street to his last customer. Mrs. Williams saw Colin coming and had peanut butter cookies as a treat for her favourite paperboy. She wondered why such a lively boy always had time to chat with an old lady.

Colin’s own treat for his customers came from his heart. He did have much good news to share, even if he didn’t realize it. His smile and polite manners brought cheering-up news to all his customers.

1.What was Colin’s trouble?

A. His news-bag was too heavy.

B. He had heard of many sad stories.

C. His dad didn’t like his job as a paperboy.

D. He couldn’t bring good news to his customers.

2.Why did Mrs. Williams think Colin was her favourite boy?

A. Because he would always like to chat with her.

B. Because he liked her peanut butter cookies.

C. Because he didn’t bring bad news to her.

D. Because he always sent papers to her as fast as he could.

3.What was Colin’s treat for his customers?

A. His smile and polite manners.    B. His papers full of good news.

C. His honesty and happiness.    D. His confidence and friendship.

4.What’s the best title of this passage?

A. No news is good news

B. How paperboys work

C. The boring job as a paperboy

D. A sunny paperboy



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