满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Next to our school there is a store.It's...

Next to our school there is a store.It's_____,but there are lots of school things _____it.Do you and your friends___rulers,pens or _______? Please come to the store.They _______those things at a very good _______.Big erasers are just two yuan ______.And small erasers are only one yuan.The  pens are just on sale _____ three.yuan.Oh,I like that  cartoon pencil sharpener.______ at the price! It's only two yuan.I'll take ________.Do you want school things? Just come here and see for yourself.

1.A. short    B. small    C. long

2.A. in    B. of    C. on

3.A. have    B. take    C. need

4.A. pencils    B. watches    C. clothes

5.A. like    B. buy    C. sell

6.A. store    B. price    C. table

7.A. one    B. every    C. each

8.A. for    B. at    C. to

9.A. Look    B. Watch    C. Sce

10.A. them    B. it    C. me


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.B 【解析】在我们学校附近有一个商店,它卖各种各样的学习用品,价格也非常合理,大橡皮仅仅两元,小橡皮只有一元,钢笔正在降价处理,只有三元,我喜欢的卡通铅笔刀,价格也非常合理,只有三元,我要买一个,你想要学习用品吗? 1.句意:它是小的。根据后句but there are lots of school things,但是有许多学习用品,A. short 短的; B. small小的; C. long长的,故选B 2.句意:在它里面有许多学习用品。A. in 在---里; B. of 的; C. on在---上,故选A 3.句意:你和你的朋友需要尺子/钢笔和铅笔吗?. A. have 有; B. take带走; C. need需要。根据句意和选项,可知选C 4.句意:你和你的朋友需要尺子/钢笔和铅笔吗?A. pencils 铅笔; B. watches 手表; C. clothes衣服,根据上文卖学习用品,故选A 5.句意:他们以一个合理的价格卖这些东西。A. like 喜欢; B. buy买; C. sell卖,根据上下文,商店应是卖东西,故选C 6.句意:他们以一个合理的价格卖这些东西。A. store 商店; B. price价格; C. table桌子,根据句意,故选B 7.句意:大橡皮每个两元。A. one 一个; B. every形容词,每一个; C. each形容词/代词,每个。如果用every的话是应该写为every big eraser is just two yuan.用one应该是one ereaser is just two yuan.故选C 8.句意:钢笔正在降价处理,只有三元。A. for 为了; B. at 在---; C. to到---,for+钱,,功能词汇,表交换关系,故选A 9.句意:看看价格!A. Look不及物动词,看; B. Watch 及物动词,观看; C. Sce及物动词,看见;look at看---东西,故选A 10.句意:我要买它。根据上句It's only two yuan. . A. them 他们; B. it它; C. me我,故选B

Sally buys many things in the supermarket,The price of all these things is _____.









60 yuan

13 yuan

10 yuan

2 yuan

12 yuan

5 yuan



A. 102 yuan    B. 120 yuan    C. 210 yuan



—What  color do you want?

—I want a ____ one.

A. brown    B. nice    C. long    D. small



That T-shirt _____ very nice.

A. looks    B. sounds    C. sells    D. watches



The T-shirt is too small.I want a _____ one.

A. red    B. long    C. big    D. green



We have some nice sweaters _____ blue _____ only 15 dollars.

A. in;at    B. at;about    C. in;for    D. for;at



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