满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Peter, you got to school by taxi? —Oh, ...

—Peter, you got to school by taxi?

—Oh, I _____ take a taxi to school, but my bike needs repairing today.

A. usually    B. sometimes    C. seldom


C 【解析】句意:——皮特,你乘出租车到学校?——哦,我很少乘出租车去学校,但是我的自行车今天需要修理。根据后句自行车需要修理,可知皮特平时骑自行上学,A. usually 通常; B. sometimes 有时; C. Seldom很少,故选C  

Susan is so brave that she _____ to speak in front of many people.

A. dare    B. dares    C. dared





注意:1. 词数90左右。短文的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;

2. 短文须包括所有要点,不要逐词解释,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;

3. 短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。

参考词汇:theme n.主题;   firework n.烟火

Good morning , children !

As a volunteer from Shanghai Disneyland , I’d like to say something about the park and tell you how to behave well in it .






The park is worth your visit . I hope you will have fun .





Please believe me. I won't _______________.


The news _______________.


He is only a teacher _______________ _______________ an artist.


In our exam, the _______________ careful we are, the _______________ mistakes we'll make.

5.To start with, the computer room must _______________ (保持清洁).




Nick and his friends were talking about things that can bring them luck. “I have a lucky red pen,” said Andy. “I have a lucky coin,” said Peter. “Every time I take a test, I carry my lucky coin.” Nick thought for a moment, and said, “My blue socks.” “Blue socks?” the boys were surprised and asked together. Nick said that every time he wore his blue socks to school before a test, he got a good mark.

The next day Nick had a Chinese test. He was sad because he couldn’t find his blue socks. “Mom!” shouted Nick. “Where are my blue socks? I have a Chinese test today, and I need to wear them.”

“Don’t be silly,” Nick’s mom said. “They need to be washed.” “When I wear them, I get a good grade. ” Nick said.

“Did you prepare for your test?” asked Mom.


“Then don’t worry aboutit. Just do your best.” Mom encouraged.

A few days later, Nick’s teacher told him that he got 95 in his test. Nick was so excited that he couldn’t wait to tell Mom he did well in his test. Mom said, “It wasn’t the blue socks that made you success. In fact, it was made by yourself.”

1.Who could get luck from a red pen?(根据短文内容回答问题)

2.Why was Nick sad the next day?(根据短文内容回答问题)

3.Was Nick’s good mark made by the blue socks or by himself?(根据短文内容回答问题)


Nick was so excited that he couldn’t wait to tell Mom he did well in his test.

5.In this passage, the underlined word “it” refers to ________.




1.Give some candies to the little boy. Don't _______________(使失望) him.

2.Don't worry. We are all in _______________(一致) with you.

3.The teacher, Yang Xiangming showed great _______________(勇气) to jump into the river to save the boy.

4.You've put on _______________(重量), haven't you?

5.Knowledge is the most precious _______________(财富) of all things.

6.It′s very _______________(不舒服的) to sit in the armchair.

7.To be a scientist is my _______________(目标).

8.The famous Brazilian soccer team has ever had many excellent _______________(教练).

9.Our _______________(友谊) will be remembered forever.

10.The boy fell into the hole. We _______________() him up.



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