满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Minnie_______ herself that she is going ...

Minnie_______ herself that she is going to study hard and get good grades next term.

A. keeps    B. takes    C. promises    D. gets


C 【解析】Minnie自我许诺她将努力学习并且取得好成绩。许诺是promise。A保持;B花费;D得到。故选C。  

—My New Year’s resolution is to travel to Qingdao.


A. Sounds interesting    B. Sorry to hear that

C. Sure    D. I’d love to



—What’s your New Year’s            ?

—I’m going to eat more vegetables.

A. idea    B. job    C. subject    D. resolution



Lots of students are interested in soccer, so we are going to_________a soccer team this term.

A. grow    B. have    C. do    D. make




1.My brother learned__________(play) soccer when he was five years old.

2.He began to work hard at the____________(begin) of last year.

3.I think hobbies like___________(sing) and dancing are very relaxing. They are good for our health.

4.—How are you going to get good grades? Do you have a_________(week) plan for your schoolwork?

Yes, I do.

5.—I think your resolution is difficult ___________(keep).

—If I try my best, I can keep it.




1.Look, that s our__________(外国的)teacher,Mr.Green.

2.—What are you going to do when you are in America?

—I am going to try my best to i___________ my English.

3.If you p_________ something to others, you must try your best to keep it.

4.Do you need to_________(讨论)the problem in groups?

5.—What’s the________(意思) of the word?

—Sorry, I don’t know.



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