满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— Mum, when will we start off to the air...

— Mum, when will we start off to the airport?

—As soon as the bedroom wall ______.

A. paints    B. is painted    C. will paint    D. will be painted


B 【解析】试题分析:句意:妈妈,我们什么时候出发去机场?——只要卧室的墙粉刷完毕我们就动身。the bedroom wall与动词paint之间是被动的的关系,as soon as引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时态表示将来,故答语运用一般现在时态的被动语态,答案为B。 考点:考查被动语态的用法。  

—Lucy, do you have any plans to spend your            .

—Maybe I will go to Shenzhen. I have never visited            city.

A. five days’ holiday; the most fantastic    B. five days holiday; the most fantastic

C. five-day holiday; a more fantastic    D. five-days holiday; a more fantastic



--Wechat (微信) really influences people's life.

-- _________ . It is easier for us to keep in touch with others.

A. Mainly     I3. Exactly    B. Simply    C. Mostly



—Will Jim come to Yangzhou for a holiday?

—He _______ come and it depends on how much homework he will have.

A. may    B. should    C. must    D. need



I still like those good old songs I often listened to        myself in my spare time

A. enjoy    B. enjoying    C. to enjoy    D. enjoyed



—Do you know how many hamburgers and sandwiches there are in the fridge?

          . In fact, there is           in it. Look at the empty fridge.

A. Nothing; none    B. None; nothing    C. Neither; none    D. Nothing; none



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