满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

IV.完形填空(共10小题,每题1分,共10分) I can still rem...


I can still remember my first day _______school. I  ______only 6 at that time. It was a big classroom. I______ at the desk near the window, but I couldn’t see_______because the windows were too high. There was a big map of China on the wall. I don’t think I was worried or afraid ______ there at that time. _______ another little boy next to me. He sat there and said nothing first. Then he began to cry, because he _______ want to stay there.

More and more students______  the classroom, but the boy didn’t stop______  . He cried again and again. Later the teacher came in. She came to the little boy, and said something to him. I couldn’t hear what she_______. Soon the boy stopped crying and began to smile. To this day, I still don’t know what the teacher said to the little boy.

1.A. in    B. at    C. on    D. out

2.A. is    B. am    C. was    D. are

3.A. sit    B. sat    C. sitting    D. sits

4.A. something    B. nothing    C. anything    D. everything

5.A. staying    B. to stay    C. stay    D. of stay

6.A. There was    B. There were    C. There is    D. There had

7.A. doesn’t    B. wasn’t    C. isn’t    D. didn’t

8.A. entered    B. came    C. came in    D. enter

9.A. cry    B. to cry    C. crying    D. cried

10.A. say    B. said    C. says    D. Saying


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.B 【解析】我第一天去上学,我坐在窗户附近的一个书桌前,但是我什么也看不见,因为窗户太高了,我不害怕在那里,但是另一个小男孩一直在哭,指导老师给他说了一句话,他不哭了,到现在我也不知道老师给她说了什么。 1.句意:我在学校的第一天。at school在学校,是一个固定短语,故选B 2.句意:那时我只有6岁,应用过去时态,am的过去式是was,故选C 3.句意:我坐在窗户附近的一个书桌前。指以前,应用过去时态,sit的过去式sat,故选B 4.句意:但是我什么也看不见。根据because the windows were too high. 因为窗户太高了,所以什么也看不见。Anything用于否定句,故选C 5.句意:在那时我认为我不害怕呆在那里。be afraid to do sth害怕做某事,故选B 6.句意:有另外一个男孩挨着我。there be有---,another little boy是单数,且是过去时态,is的过去式was,故选A 7.句意:因为他不想待在那里。过去时态的否定句,因stay是实义动词,所以否定句应加助动词didn’t,故选D 8.句意:越来越多的学生进到教室里。enter进到---里,应用过去时态,故选A 9.句意:但是这个男孩没有停止哭泣。stop to do停下来去做某事,stop doing停止做某事,根据句意故选C 10.句意:我不能听见他说什么。根据上文可知应用过去时态。故选B 点睛:根据前后文语境,结合时态,语态,词性,短语,句型,词义辨析和主谓一致,选出正确的选项。例如:小题6句意:有另外一个男孩挨着我。there be有---,another little boy是单数,且是过去时态,is的过去式was,故选A


A: Can I help you?

B: Yes,please.1.I want to order a birthday cake for my mother.


A. What size would you like?

B. Please write “Happy Birthday to Mother”.

C. Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday.

D. It’s 8910566.

E. What kind of cake would you like?

F. 56 Lincon Drive.


B:A large cake,please.

A: What would you like to write on it?


A: OK. What’s your phone number?


A: What’s your address(地址)?

B: 5.



— Please don't throw paper on the ground.  —________.

A. Yes, I will    B. No, I don't    C. It doesn't matter.    D. Sorry, I won't.



He ______ in a minute. Ask someone else to do it.

A. has left    B. is leaving    C. left    D. had left



.Peter ______ Mary last year.

A. married    B. was married with    C. got married    D. has married



We _____ our school at 7:00 last Sunday.

A. return    B. returned back    C. returned to     D. return to



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