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Mobile phone history Not long ago, mobil...

Mobile phone history

Not long ago, mobile phones were used mainly by business people and government officers in society. In the US, mobile phone users were about 340,000 in 1985. Now there are 205 million  mobile phones users in the US. Studies also show that over 50 percent of children in the US own their own personal mobile  phones. The mobile phones explosion(激增) has led to a huge number of waste phones. The number of mobile phone users has also increased throughout the world. In the middle of 2005, the number of total users jumped to 2.4 billion worldwide.

Mobile phone waste

When people throw their mobile phones away, they usually end up in the open air. Mobile phones include some materials like lead, mercury and cadmium。 They can go into public drinking water and food and do harm to people’s health. About 75 percent of mobile phone users don’t know their phones away. Instead, they prefer to keep the waste ones sitting around the house as they are not worth very much. People are also afraid that others may know their information if they sell their waste phones. Less than 20 percent of them are recycled each year.

Benefits of recycling mobile phones

  Mobile phones have valuable materials inside. The most valuable material is gold, which is used in the phone circuit boards. Recycling can reduce greenhouse gas emissions(排放物) and keep natural resources like gold. If all of the waste phones in the US are recycled, it will save enough energy to offer over 194,000 US families electricity(电) for one year.

How mobile phone recycling works

  Many people do not know how mobile phone recycling works. One method of recycling mobile phones is to take the working parts of broken phones, then combine(使结合) them with the working parts of other used mobile phones to make one ready-to-use mobile phone. Another method of mobile phone recycling is to melt(融化) down and separate parts of the phone in order to get the valuable natural resources, such as gold and platinum. Plastic and glass can also be recycled from used mobile phones.

The used mobile phones

Mobile phone history

●Compared with the condition in 1985, there are1. mobile phone users at present.

●More than2. of the children in America have their own personal mobile phones.

●The mobile phone explosion has3. a huge number of waste phones.

Mobile phone waste

●Some materials, such as lead, mercury and cadmium in the mobile phones are4. to people’s health.

●Three-quarters of the users prefer to keep the waste phones sitting around the house5. of throwing them away.

Benefits of recycling

●Some materials are of great6.. They can be used again.

●It can7. plenty of electricity for American families if the waste phones are recycled.

How recycling8.

●One way is to join working parts of9. or used phones together.

10. way is to melt down and separate parts of the phones to get the valuable natural resources.




1.more 2.half 3.caused 4.harmful 5.instead 6.value 7.provide 8.works 9.broken 10.Another 【解析】现在全世界的手机用户剧烈增长,于是就出现了一个问题,废旧手机的数目也越来越多了。手机中含有一些对人身体健康有害的东西,因此我们不能随便把他们扔掉,最好的方法就是回收手机中有用的材料,这样既对人体无害,还能节省能源。 1.根据短文中In the US, mobile phone users were about 340,000 in 1985. Now there are 205 million mobile phones users in the US.可知,在1985年,美国的手机用户是34万,现在是2亿零5百万,人数增多了,故应填more。 2.根据短文中Studies also show that over 50 percent of children in the US own their own personal mobile phones可知,研究表明在美国超过50%的孩子拥有自己的手机,由此可知,50%也就是一半,故这里填half。 3.根据短文中The mobile phones explosion(激增) has led to a huge number of waste phones.可知,手机数量的激增导致了大量废弃的手机。原文中lead to的意思是导致,这里填的cause也是导致的意思,这句话用的是现在完成时态,这里填的是过去分词caused。 4.根据短文第二段中Mobile phones include some materials like lead, mercury and cadmium。 They can go into public drinking water and food and do harm to people’s health可知,手机里的铅、汞、镉等材料可能对人们的健康导致伤害。原文中使用了短语do harm to…对…有害,这里空前是are,故应填形容词harmful。 5.根据短文第二段中About 75 percent of mobile phone users don’t know their phones away. Instead, they prefer to keep the waste ones sitting around the house as they are not worth very much可知,大约75%的手机用户不会把旧手机扔掉,相反的,他们把这些废弃的手机保存在家里。instead是副词,单独使用,常放在句首。这里是放在句中,和空后面的of组成了固定短语,instead of代替,而不是,后面跟名词或者动名词形式。 6.根据短文第三段中Mobile phones have valuable materials inside.可知,手机中有一些材料是很有价值的,原文这句话用形容词valuable做定语,修饰名词material。题目中使用的是短语be of +名词,相当于名词的形容词形式,故这里填名词value。 7.根据短文第三段中If all of the waste phones in the US are recycled, it will save enough energy to offer over 194,000 US families electricity(电) for one year可知,回收再利用手机中有用的材料,可以给美国的家庭提供电。这句话中的offer是提供的意思,跟这里填的provide同义,空前面有情态动词can,因此这里填动词原形。 8.根据短文最后一部分的标题How mobile phone recycling works可知,短文中的这一部分讲述的是手机回收是怎样运作的,由此可知这里应填works。 9.根据短文最后一段中One method of recycling mobile phones is to take the working parts of broken phones, then combine(使结合) them with the working parts of other used mobile phones to make one ready-to-use mobile phone.可知,回收手机的一种方法是把坏了的或者是废弃的手机中有用的零件结合起来制成一个待用的手机。由此可知这里应填的是broken,形容词,坏掉的。 10.根据短文最后一段中Another method of mobile phone recycling is to melt(融化) down and separate parts of the phone in order to get the valuable natural resources, such as gold and platinum可知,这里介绍的是回收手机的另一个方法, another另一个。 点睛:这篇短文给我们介绍了废弃手机的危害以及如何回收废旧的手机。短文结构很清楚,分成了四个部分,每一部分都有单独的标题,这个标题就是这一段的中心意思,因此我们可以通过先阅读每一段的标题来掌握这篇短文的大概意思。后面的信息整理是填空题,表格中也是按照短文的四个部分来划分的,因此我们在找答案的时候就变得比较简单。这10个小题中,有的填的是跟原文一样的词,有的是根据原文填写的同义词。例如第2小题,原文是用了百分数来表示这个数量,我们变成了同义词half;再例如第4小题和第6小题,都是改变了原文使用的单词的词性,但是意思是没有变的。

Lord and Lady Duncan Live in Buckingham House. They have told the police that a valuable statue has been stolen. The police have not been able to solve the crime, so they have asked Holmes and Watson to help.

Holmes: Lord Duncan, can you tell me what happened?

Lord Duncan: We returned from the party at midnight and as we drove up to the house, the alarm started ringing. I jumped out of the car and went to investigate(调查). A person, just a little shorter than me, ran past carrying a large bag.

Holmes: How tall are you?

Lord Duncan: I am 1.8 metres tall.

Holmes: What happened next?

Lord Duncan: As the person ran past me, I hit out with my umbrella. The person fell to the ground but got up and ran away into the night. It happened so quickly.

Holmes: Lady Duncan, you must have hurt the thief. Dr. Watson, please test the blood that I found on these broken glasses which were left behind.

Watson: Holmes, I have made a drawing of footprints found outside the broken window. It looks as if our thief was wearing high heels(鞋跟). By the way, the blood sample belongs to Blood Type O.

Holmes: We have five suspects. Which one do you think is the thief?

Profiles of the suspects:

Suspect 1: the gardener, male, 47 years old, 1.8m, black hair, with a beard, Blood Type A

Suspect 2: the butler(管家), male, 30 years old, 1.68m, brown hair, with a scar, Blood Type O

Suspect 3: the cook, female, 32years old, 1.75m, red hair, with glasses, Blood Type O

Suspect 4: the cleaner, female, 86 years old, 1.75m, blond hair, with glasses, Blood Type O

Suspect 5: the driver, male, 38 years old, 1.75m, brown hair, with a beard, Blood Type O

Can you use the clues to decide who stole the statue?(《选自初中英语读本》)

1.Who has asked Holmes to help solve the crime?

A. Lord Duncan.    B. The police.    C. Lady Duncan.    D. Dr. Watson.

2.Lord and Lady Duncan went to the party        .

A. by car    B. by bicycle    C. on foot    D. by bus

3.Which of the following was helpful for solving the case?

A. The alarm started ringing.

B. The thief jumped out of the car.

C. The thief left footprints and blood behind.

D. The thief was knocked over by the umbrella.

4.Which is NOT true according to the article?

A. Lord and Lady Duncan returned from the party very late.

B. The thief probably got his or her glasses broken.

C. Lady Duncan probably hurt the thief with her umbrella.

D. The thief was just a little shorter than Lady Duncan.

5.Who do you think the most probably stole the statue?

A. The butler.    B. The cook    C. The cleaner.    D. The driver.



Autism(自闭症) is a disorder of the brain that happens in the first three years of life.  It affects the brain's normal development. Most autistic patients have difficulty talking with other people or doing things. However, some of the autistic people have amazing abilities. For example, some can memorize many things and some can do calculations really fast.

     Raymond Babbitt in the 1988 film Rain Man is an example. The character in the film was based on Kim Peek, a man from the USA. Peek couldn't switch on a light or put his clothes on by himself. But his memory was so amazing that he could remember almost anything. He could memorize every road, place and distance on maps. He could even remember almost every word in thousands of books. His way of reading was more amazing. Peek could read two pages at the same time in just eight to ten seconds. He read the left page with his left eye and the right page with his right eye.

Scientists still don't know for sure why some autistic people have special talent after they have done a lot of research. There is one possible explanation.  When certain parts of the brain are damaged! by autism, other parts of the brain might get stronger. Therefore special abilities were born.

      But not all people with autism have amazing abilities. In fact, autistic people with amazing abilities are rare (罕有的) and  the  abilities cannot  be trained.  According to research,  only ten percent of autistic people show any signs of special talent.


1.What do we know about Autism?

A. It is a disorder of the bones.

B. It happens all through one's life.

C. It helps people memorize things better.

D. It affects the brain's normal development.

2.Who is Kim Peek?

A. He is a good friend of Kaymond Babbitt.

B. He is a character in the film Rain Man.

C. He is an autistic patient from the USA.

D. He is a scientist working on autism.

3.What is Kim Peek different from others?

A. He can do some basic things like dressing himself.

B. He has a special talent in calculation.

C. He had difficulty reading books.

D. He has a very good memory.

4.What does the underlined word mean in Chinese7

A. 毁坏    B. 强化    C. 开发    D. 摘除

5.What does the passage mainly talk about7

A. Ways of dealing with autism

B. Relationship between autism and talent

C. Ways of training autistic people's abilities

D. Reasons for autistic people's special talent



Nowadays there seems to be an app for everything. And mobile apps have been a part of our life. The following apps are part of the most popular apps.

Ctrip can be the best helper when you feel it hard to buy the train or airline tickets. You can buy tickets anywhere at anytime.

Ximalaya Reading has millions of books including poems, short stories, novels and even fairy tales for children. What’s special about it is that you can use it to download book recording that can be listened to. It has more than 1 million valuable rescources.

Baby Bus is a very good friend for children under three years old. Kids can learn to speak, understand numbers and draw pictures with the help of this app.

World Hero may help learn more English words while you’re playing games, so if you have problems remembering the new words when you learn English, use it!

World of Tanks Blitz(坦克世界), a free-to-play online games with over 40 million downloads, bring quick-fire tank fights. “A lot of tanks, a lot of people and a lot of fun.” It will be the best choice to kill your time.



1.Ctrip is a useful app for       .

A. playing games    B. learning English    C. booking tickets    D. drawing pictures

2.You can NOT know about       from Ximalaya Reading.

A. poems    B. novels    C. news    D. fairy tales

3.To remember words in a fun way,       is a good choice.

A. Ctrip    B. World Hero    C. Baby Bus    D. World of Tanks Blitz

4.World of Tank Blitz has       downloads and it fits in people’s free time.

A. more than 40 millions    B. less than 1 million

C. more than 1 million    D. less than 40 million

5.According to the information above,       .

A. we can buy tickets from Ctrip only in the daytime

B. we have t o pay some money for World of Tanks Blitz

C. we can’t use Ximalaya Reading to download book recording

D. Peter, a 2-year-old boy, can learn to draw pictures with the help of Baby Bus



My six-year-old daughter, Cindy, and I stopped at a food shop for some bread. As we were going out of the door, a young teenage boy was coming in.

The boy had a strange hairstyle. His nose was pierced(穿孔), and a ring ran__________the hole. He held a skateboard under one arm and a__________under the other.

Cindy, who was walking ahead of me, suddenly__________when she saw the boy. I thought he had frightened my daughter. But I was_________. My daughter backed against the door and opened it as wide as it would go. Now I came face to face with the young man. I _________aside (到一边) and let him pass. He replied very ________, “Thank you very much.”

On our way to the car, I praised Cindy for holding open the door for the boy. It seemed that she was not troubled by the boy’s appearance,__________I still wanted to mare. I wanted to be ready to talk about the young man__________was so different from others. I prepared to tell my little daughter what__________should be like.

But as it turned_______, the person who needed the talk was me!

The only thing Cindy noticed about the boy was the fact that his arms were_________. “ He held a skateboard under one arm and a basketball under the other. It would be_______ for him to open the door,” said Cindy.

I just________the hairstyle, the piercing and the ring, while she saw a person carrying something under arms and heading towards a(an)_________door.

What my daughter said__________me that I should change my ways of judging people and learn from my daughter to be open-minded and warm-hearted.

1.A. past    B. through    C. to    D. under

2.A. football    B. book    C. basketball    D. coat

3.A. walked    B. cried    C. laughed    D. stopped

4.A. afraid    B. crazy    C. wrong    D. worried

5.A. set    B. stepped    C. put    D. waved

6.A. politely    B. proudly    C. excitedly    D. sadly

7.A. and    B. so    C. or    D. but

8.A. why    B. which    C. who    D. what

9.A. teenagers    B. adults    C. teachers    D. women

10.A. around    B. out    C. on    D. off

11.A. full    B. busy    C. heavy    D. open

12.A. long    B. free    C. great    D. hard

13.A. paid attention to    B. looked for    C. looked forward to    D. heard of

14.A. open    B. front    C. back    D. closed

15.A. reminded    B. required    C. expected    D. refused



—My father has already decided to give up smoking.

—Congratulations!        .

A. Many hands make light work    B. Better late than never

C. The early bird catches the worm    D. It never rains but it pours



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