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Football People call it “the first(第一)sp...


People call it “the first(第一)sport in the world”. There are two teams ()in the football field during a game. Each team has eleven players.


There is a big net (网)in the middle of the court (球场). Each player has a racket (球拍)in his hand. Two or four players can play it together.

Golf (高尔夫球)

Golf comes from Scotland.

It means green,oxygen,light and foot. People play it on the outdoor grass(草地).They hit ( 打)the white balls into the small holes()with a stick(棍子).


America is the hometown (家乡) of basketball. This sport is famous for NBA. There are two teams with ten players on the basketball court. They can’t run with the ball in their hands.

1.The first sport in the world is_________.

A. basketball    B. football

C. tennis    D. golf

2.____is a very popular sport in America.

A. Basketball    B. Football    C. Tennis    D. Golf

3.People use a stick to hit the white balls. The sport is          .

A. football    B. golf    C. tennis    D. basketball

4.There are_______ players in a football game.

A. 20    B. 22    C. 2    D. 4

5.People needn’t run in the________ game.

A. football    B. basketball

C. golf    D. tennis


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 【解析】 1.题意:世界上第一项运动是__________________。考查细节理解。A. basketball篮球;B. football足球;C. tennis网球;D. golf高尔夫球。根据介绍Football的第一句People call it “the first(第一)sport in the world”(人们称之为“世界上第一项运动”。).可知世界上第一项运动是足球。选B。 2.题意:________________在美国是很受欢迎的运动。考查细节理解。A. Basketball篮球;B. Football足球;C. Tennis网球;D. Golf高尔夫球。根据介绍篮球(Basketball)的第一二句America is the hometown (家乡) of basketball. This sport is famous for NBA.(美国是篮球的故乡。这项运动以NBA闻名。)结合语境可知“篮球在美国是很受欢迎的运动。”可知选A。 3.题意:人们用棍子击中白色的球。这项运动是_______________。考查细节理解。A. football足球;B. golf高尔夫球;C. tennis网球;D. basketball篮球。根据介绍golf(高尔夫球)的最后一句They hit ( 打)the white balls into the small holes(洞)with a stick(棍子).(他们用棍子把白色的球打进小孔。)可知“人们用棍子击中白色的球”的运动是高尔夫球。故选B。 4.题意:在足球比赛中有_______球员。考查细节理解。根据介绍football(足球)运动的第二句There are two teams (队)in the football field during a game.(足球场上有两支球队在比赛中。)和第三句Each team has eleven players(每个队有十一名队员。).可知在足球比赛中有22名球员。选B。 5.题意:在_________比赛中,人们不必跑。考查细节理解。A. football足球;B. basketball篮球;C. golf高尔夫球;D. tennis网球。根据介绍golf(高尔夫球)运动第二句It means green,oxygen,light and foot.(它意味着绿色,有氧,阳光和漫步。)结合语境可知选C。

Tony is my uncle’s son. His home is in New York. He likes sports. He plays tennis every day. He likes to go to baseball games and watch soccer games on TV. He has 25 tennis balls. He has a soccer ball, too.

My name is Tom. My home is in China. I like CDs very much because I like music. I have 400 CDs. I like watching TV, too. But I don’t like sports. I only watch volleyball games on TV. I don’t play sports,and I don’t have any balls.

1.Tony and Tom are          .

A. sisters    B. brothers    C. cousins    D. friends

2.What does Tony play every day?

A. He plays tennis every day.

B. He plays baseball every day.

C. He plays soccer every day.

D. He plays volleyball every day.

3.Tony has______    ball(s)

A. 25    B. 26    C. 40    D. 1

4.What does Tom like?

A. He likes English.

B. He likes playing sports.

C. He likes red shirts.

D. He likes music.

5.Which one is right?

A. Tony and Tom are in the same city.

B. Tony watches volleyball games on TV.

C. Tom likes CDs.

D. Tony has 25 soccer balls.



Hello! I’m ____. I’m an English boy. I _____ two sisters. ____are Sonia and Linda. Sonia has a great sports collection. She has a soccer ball, three volleyballs _____four basketballs. But she_____ play sports—she only_____ them on TV. Linda has a sports collection,_____.She has two tennis balls and_____ baseball. And she has many ping­pong balls_____her schoolbag(书包).She______ ping­pong every day.

1.A. Lucy    B. Alan    C. Sonia    D. Lily

2.A. have    B. do    C. has    D. does

3.A. He    B. She    C. They    D. It

4.A. and    B. but    C. to    D. of

5.A. isn't    B. aren't    C. don't    D. doesn't

6.A. look    B. watch    C. looks    D. watches

7.A. please    B. too    C. there    D. here

8.A. three    B. two    C. a    D. an

9.A. with    B. of    C. on    D. in

10.A. plays    B. play    C. sound    D. needs



Do you know the song Where has the time gone (《时间去哪儿了》)?

—Sure. It _______ beautiful. I like it a lot.

A. smells    B. Tastes    C. sounds    D. looks



Mr. Zhang teaches______Chinese. We like ________class very much.

A. my ; her    B. me; his

C. our; his    D. us; his



Do you like basketball, Tom?

—No,I don’t. It’s________ for me.

A. difficult    B. interesting    C. easy    D. fun



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