满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

What a beautiful song! It ___________so ...

What a beautiful song! It ___________so sweet.

A. feels    B. sounds    C. tastes    D. smells


B 【解析】句意:多么美妙的歌曲啊!它听起来是如此甜美。feels感觉,摸起来;sounds听起来;tastes尝起来;smells闻起来。四个单词都可以作系动词,后面跟形容词作表语。根据句意可知,这里说的是歌曲,所以应是听起来,选B。  

Let’s go and ____ .

A. playing soccer  B. play the soccer

C. to play soccer  D. play soccer



It’s eight o’clock. We are late______ school.

A. to    B. at    C. in    D. for




1.______(我们)are in the library.

2.My friend_______(有)two baseball bats.

3.I’m_______(迟到)for school.

4.The ball is under the bed._________(让)me ________(取)it.

5.—Let’s play soccer.





1.—Where’s my_______?

—It’s under the bed.

2.The _________isn’t Mike’s. It’s mine.

3.Let’s play ________this afternoon.

4.This is a __________ball. It’s black and white.

5.I have two ping-pong __________.What about you?



A.They have set the style for clothing, food, manners and many other things.

B.In the mid-19th century, it came into England.

C.Some use the computer.

D.Today cartoons are a part of the daily life of most people.





The word “cartoon” came from Italy. It first referred to the picture before an actual(真实的)drawing on the wall. Since the 1840s, it has also come to mean any drawing that is humorous, satirical(讽刺性的)or showing an opinion. It usually appears in a newspaper or a magazine, with or without a short text.

   2   People of all ages, especially children enjoy all kinds of cartoons in newspapers and magazines, on TV and at the movies. Cartoons not only show their life, but help form it.   3   They have supplied ideas to plays,movies and television series and so on. Names or words from cartoon series have also come into modern languages.

Many cartoonists (漫画家)draw with special pens.  4  Surely, computers are especially effective for the making of animated cartoons. This helps us to enjoy more lively cartoons.





5.From the passage, we know that_______________.

A. few children like cartoons

B. the word “cartoon” came from England

C. all cartoonists use pencils to draw cartoons nowadays

D. people like cartoons because they show and help form the life.



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