满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A:What are you going to do after the exa...

A:What are you going to do after the exams?

B:1.Do you have any good ideas?

A:Yes, I want to relax myself. So I want to go on a trip.

B:Sounds great! 2.

A:I’d like to go somewhere interesting and exciting.

B:There is a new zoo in Jingyue, Changchun. 3.

A:No, I haven’t. What about you?

B: 4.But my cousin went there last week. He told me people could watch the animals there in a more natural environment.

A:Really? That sounds interesting. Let’s go to the zoo together.

B:OK. We can go there by bus tomorrow.

A: 5.It’s not too far from here. And riding a bike is a kind of good exercise.

B: OK. I can’t wait.

A.Nothing much.

B.Why not ride a bike?

C.Have you ever been there?

D.Where would you like to go?

E.Neither have I.

F.How would you like to visit?


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.E 5.B 【解析】语篇大意:本文以考试之后去“放松”为话题,他们谈到去旅游,到长春的动物园去看动物,还谈到去动物园的交通方式。 1.根据上文What are you going to do after the exams?考试之后你要做什么?,可知此处为“没有什么要紧的事Nothing much.。” 故选:A。 2.根据下文I’d like to go somewhere interesting and exciting可知,上文询问“你想去哪里?Where would you like to go?”。故选:D。 3.根据下文No, I haven’t.可知上文为现在完成时态的一般疑问句文,所以答案为Have you ever been there?你去过那里吗?。故选:C。 4.根据上下文意,可知此处想表达“我也没去过”,Neither have I.是否定含义的简略的倒装句。 故选:E。 5.根据后文It’s not too far from here. And riding a bike is a kind of good exercise.可知,此处建议骑自行车去;Why not ride a bike?为什么不骑自行车呢? 故选:B。 点睛:补全对话题,关键要理清上下文意,注意语篇语境;紧扣上下文意,根据上文或下文确定所缺句子的含义;有时,要根据答语,推理判断出答案为哪方面的语言,做到辨别甄选。

—Hello! May I speak to Kate?

—Sorry, she isn’t here now. She      to Shanghai.

A. went    B. has been    C. has gone    D. will go



—When will he leave for Shanghai?

—As soon as he _ his work.

A. finished    B. will finish    C. is finishing    D. finishes



Her son _____ Coke, but now he _____ milk.

A. used to drink; is used to drinking

B. used to drinking ; drinks

C. is used to drinking; used to drink

D. is used to drink; is drinking



I met a good friend of mine while I _____ on the street.

A. walks    B. walk    C. was walking    D. an walking



With the help of computers, people will find it easier to keep the traffic      smoothly.

A. to run    B. run    C. running    D. ran



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