满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.装扮;乔装打扮 __________________________ 2....


1.装扮;乔装打扮 __________________________

2.代替;替换 ______________________________

3.干得好  _________________________________

4.来自 ____________________________________


1.dress up 2.take one's place 3.do a good job 4.come from 【解析】 1.表示“装扮;乔装打扮”用短语dress up。 2.表示“代替;替换”用短语take one’s place。 3.表示“干得好”用短语do a good job。 4.表示“来自”用短语come from。

Kate的堂兄去深圳时忘了带手表、电脑、钥匙和身份证。Kate的伯母让她把这些东西带给堂兄。假如你是Kate的伯母,请结合下表信息给Kate写一个留言条。词数30左右( 头已给出,不计人总词数)。

Dear Kate,

Please take these things to Shenzhen for your cousin:









A:Hello! I’m Kim Brown. I’m your new English teacher. 1..

B:My name is Li Ming, Miss Kim.

A:Oh, no. Brown is my family name.2.

B:Sorry, Miss Brown. Nice to meet you!


B:My telephone number is 929-31.4.

A:It’s 278-79. Oh, what’s this?


A:It’s nice.

B: Thank you.

A.It’s my ID card.

B.What’s your telephone number?

C.And Kim is my first name.

D.What’s your name,please?

E.Nice to meet you,too!




1.Nice__________(meet) you.

2.—Are those books___________(you)?

—Yes, they are.

3.Please call__________ (I) at 386-7655.

4.He can’t_________ (find) his radio.

5.—Where are her English books?

_________(it) are under the bed.




1.What’s your t_________ number?

2.Excuse me. Is this your p____________ box?

3.Here is a family p___________.

4.Is that your computer game in the lost and f_____________ case?

5.That is an English and Chinese d____________.



Dear Mom,

Can you bring(拿来)some things to me? I need my CD player, CD, schoolbag, math book, baseball, keys and alarm clock. The CD player and the CD are on the table in my room. My schoolbag is on the bed. The math book is on the table in the living room. The baseball is under my bed. The keys are on the table in the kitchen(厨房).The clock is on my bed, too.



1.Where is Tom’s schoolbag?


2.Are Tom’s keys on the table in the living room?


3.What is under the bed?


4.Is Tom's CD player on the table in his room?


5.Where is Tom’s math book?




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