满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.How old were the twin sisters when th...



1.How old were the twin sisters when they received the Harvard offers?

A.19    B. 20        C. 22       D. 23

2.Which country does Lee-Se-Dol come from?

A. The US    B. China    C. South Korea    D. South Africa

3.Which of the following are the best spots to sight and observe birds except__________.

A. Yuexiu Park     

B. Nansha Wetland Park.  

C. Liuhuahu Wetland Park  

D. Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area

4.According to the website, which of the following is NOT TRUE about Zootopia?

A. Zootopia is a great success. 

B. Frozen sells better than Zootopia.

C. Zootopia is a movie about animal.

D. Zootopia is the latest Disney movie.

5.What can we learn from the website?

A. Google AlphaGo computer beat the professional player 5 to 4 at last.

B. The twin sisters study Chinese at Fudan University.

C. The Guangzhou Forestry Department cited five best spots to observe birds.

D. Readers can get information about business from the website.


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:这是网站上提供的四个方面的不同信息。 1.C细节理解题。根据Harvard offers twin sisters admission提供的信息:双胞胎出生于1994年,2016年三月五日,收到哈弗大学的通知书,年龄22岁,答案为C。 2.C 细节理解题。根据BREAKING NEWS中的信息“Lee-Se-Dol,the 33-year-old South Korea has been… ” 可知,Lee-Se-Dol来自韩国,答案为C。 3.A 细节理解题。根据“Watching Guide issued” 中的信息Nansha Wetland Park.; Liuhuahu Wetland Park; Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area都是观察鸟的最佳地点,只有A没有提到。 4.B细节判断题。根据Animated“Zootopia”Breaks, Disney Record中的信息“Zootopia break records, Frozen to second place in opening weekend success”可知,《疯狂动物城》的票房超过《冰雪奇缘》,故答案为B。 5.细节理解题。从网站上我们可以搜寻到很多信息,故答案为D。 考点:新闻报道类短文阅读。


China’s new hot word, tuhao, may be in next year’s Oxford English Dictionary.

In Chinese, tu means rude and hao means rich. In recent years, people use this term to describe those who spend money in an unreasonable way. The word became more popular with the newest Apple’s gold-colored iPhone, which is loved by China’s rich people. The color became known as tuhaogold”. The word is now often used to refer to people who have the cash but lack taste.

There are two other Chinese hot words: dama and NoZuoNoDie, which may also be taken in the dictionary. Dama, meaning middle-aged women, was first used in the Western media by the Wall Street Journal. Thousands of Chinese women were buying a large amount of gold when the gold price had gone down. Another phrase NoZuoNoDie means if you don’t do stupid things, they won’t come back to bite you, is also very popular. Other words, such as Maotai, Chinglish and "dimsum " have also been included in the dictionary.

“Words like dama and tuhao are so vivid. My friends and I use them a lot—it’s so much fun,” said an American student who studies in Beijing.

BBC World News recently made a special program called Tuhao, let’s be friends!” “The frequent use of Chinglish by foreign media suggests that foreign people are looking more to the lifestyle and popular culture of China,” says Zhang Yiwu, professor of Peking University.

What does this trend suggest about the Chinese language's influence?

Xing Hongbing, professor from Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) said “These show that Chinglish is now being accepted by the rest of the world and they play important roles in daily life of Chinese. Behind these Chinglish words and phrases is the Chinese culture. They are reflections of the changes and trends in the Chinese society and they help people from other countries to understand what's happening in China.”

1.__________can be called “tuhao” according to the passage.

A. The rich who like iPhone made of gold

B. The people who bought a lot of gold

C. People who can be friends  

D. The rich people who lack taste

2.Which of the following word is NOT Chinglish hot word?

A. dama    B. karaoke     C. tuhao      D. dimsum

3.Why does the word “Dama” become so popular now?

A. They bought gold crazily when the gold price were down.

B. They are wealthy middle-aged women.

C. They made the gold prices up. 

D. They worked on the Wall Street.

4.According to the passage, Xing Hongbing agreed that______.

A. Chinglish hot words tell some funny things about China.

B. Chinglish plays important roles in daily life of Chinese.

C. Chinglish hot words are so vivid that people like using them a lot.

D. foreigners want to know more about the culture of China from Chinglish.

5.What is the purpose of writing this article__________.

A. To describe the hot words in Oxford English dictionary.

B. To explain the meanings of some Chinese hot words .

C. To describe the use of Chinglish hot words and their influence.

D. To show the different opinions about Chinglish hot words.




Isabel Allende’s novels are enjoyed all over the world. She is famous for her creativity and imagination. And her own personal story is as amazing as any she has ever told in a novel. Born in 1942, Allende’s family moved often during her childhood. She went to school in South America, Europe, and Asia. As a young woman, she became a journalist in Santiago, Chile’s capital city. Then, she got married and had two children. In 1970, everything began to change.

² Leaving home

Isabel Allende’s uncle was a political leader named Salvador Allende. In 1970, her uncle was elected president of Chile. In 1973, President Allende was killed during the fighting. When Isabel Allende began to fear for her life, she and her family decided to move to Venezuela.

² From Newspaper to Novels

It was really a painful experience for Isabel Allende to leave her country. Without this experience, however, Allende said she never would have begun writing novels. Then she got a phone call from Chile. Her grandfather was dying. She knew she could not return home to be with him, but  she wanted to respect him in some way. “I decided to write a letter about all the things he told us when we were young,” Allende explained. Later, she wrote a long letter which became Allende’s first novel, The House of the Spirits.

² The Writing Life

“I spent ten, twelve hours a day in a room, writing,” Allende says, “I don’t talk to anybody; I don’t answer the phone.” When she finished the first draft of a new novel, Allende mailed a copy to her strictest critic(评论家).“I send it to my mother. She read it and came here with a red pen. We fight for a month at least.” Allende then went back to work until she felt the book was finished. “The storytelling is the fun part,” she said. “The writing can be a lot of work!”

1.What does the writer think of Isabel Allende’s story?

A. interested    B. moving    C. painful    D. amazing

2.What was Isabel Allende before she got married?

A. She was a journalist.          B. She was a teacher.

C. She was a political leader.    D. She was a president.

3.According to the last paragraph, the underlined words “strictest critic” refer to__________.

A. Isabel Allende’s father          B. Isabel Allende’s mother

C. Isabel Allende’s grandfather     D. Isabel Allende’s uncle

4.Why did Isabel Allende start writing her first novel?

A. Because she wanted to make money.

B. Because she liked writing novel.

C. Because she wanted to respect her grandfather.

D. Because she wanted to write against the government.

5.  In Paragraph 4, when Allende said “We fight for a month at least”, she meant that “___________”.

A. Isabel Allende and her mother discussed and argued a lot about the draft.

B. Isabel Allende and her mother often fought because of the draft.

C. Isabel Allende and her mother didn’t have a good relationship.

D. Isabel Allende’s mother didn’t like Isabel Allende’s draft at all .



Teenager Jake Deham was skiing with his family in the US when he fell over and lost one of his skis. His family didn’t know that he had a problem. They kept on skiing. When they got to the foot of the mountain, there was no sign of Jake.

Jake couldn’t find his ski anywhere. In the end, he decided to take off his other ski and walk down the mountain. But he couldn’t work out the right way to go.

It was now getting dark and he was a long way from any place of safety. He knew that he might die that night in the cold temperatures. But Jake kept calm. At home, Jake watched a lot of programmes about living in difficult situations. He remembered the advice from these programmes and knew that he should build a hole in the snow. He made a hole so the wind couldn’t blow into it. Outside his hole, the temperature fell to a dangerous-15℃ that night, but inside it Jake was safe from the cold.

After the long evening passed, Jake began to think his way out. He had to get down the mountain. The TV programmes always said,“ If you are lost, you should find someone else’ s tracks(足迹) through the snow and follow them.” “I wanted to live my life.” Remembered Jake. “So I got up and I found some ski tracks and I followed those.” He walked and walked and finallysaw lights. ……

His mum was very happy when she heard his son was saved. Amazingly, Jake didn’t even have to go to hospital. He got through the terrible experience without any injuries.

So, the next time someone says that watching TV is a waste of time, think of Jake. Sometimes TV can save your life!

1.Jake’s parents didn’t know that he was missing until__________.

A. Jake contacted them on the phone

B. they began to ski down the mountain

C. they reached the foot of the mountain

D. Jake lost one of his skis

2.What was the most important decision Jake made for his safety?

A. To go skiing with his family in the US.

B. To search for the ski that he had lost in the snow.

C. To take off his other ski and walk down the mountain.

D. To build a hole in the snow to keep himself warm.

3.In what order did the following take place in the story?

a. Jake made a hole in the snow.        b. Jake lost one of his skis.

c. Jake finally saw lights.             d. Jake followed some tracks.

e. Jake took off his other ski.

A. b-e-a-d-c    B. a-b-e-c-d

C. d-e-b-a-c    D. b- c-e-a-d

4.What probably happen to Jakewhen he saw lights?

A. Jake’s parents came to search and saved him.

B. Jake went back to the hole and waited there.

C. Jake found his lost ski and skied down by himself.

D. Jake found a team of men who came to save him.

5.What can we learn from the story

A. It is dangerous for us to travel alone.

B. Keep calm when facing difficulties.

C. Never give up and you will be successful.

D. It is a waste of time to watch TV.



When I was a small boy, something happened to me that made me never put any wild creature in a cage.

We lived near a forest, and every evening the mockingbird would come and    . I decided to catch a young    and keep it in a cage, and in this way, I would have my own private musician. Then I succeeded in catching one and put it in a cage. At first, the bird was    , so it fluttered (扑腾) in the cage. But finally it was used to living in its new home. I felt very excited with myself and    some beautiful singing.

On the second day, the little bird’s mother flew to the cage with    in her mouth. The baby bird ate everything. I was    to see this. Certainly the mother bird knew how to feed her baby better than I did.

The following morning when I went to see my bird, I found it    on the floor of the cage. I was terribly surprised and sad! What had happened?

Arthur Wayne, a famous biologist, happened to    my father at that time. After she knew my story, she explained to me, “A mother mockingbird, finding her young in a cage, will    bring it poison berries. She thinks it better for her baby to die than to lose  

Since then I have never caught any living creature and put it in a cage. All living things have a right to live free.

1.A.dance       B.fly         C.sing     D.jump

2.A.bird         B.boy         C.fish     D.thief

3.A.happy         B.careful         C.active     D.afraid

4.A.looked forward to B.looked out of C.looked for D.looked up

5.A.water         B.food         C.songs     D.stones

6.A.worried         B.pleased      C.bored     D.tired

7. A.alone         B.alive         C.dead     D.sick

8.A.invite         B.visit         C.challenge D.introduce

9.A.never         B.seldom         C.sometimes D.ever

10.A.friends         B.parents         C.freedom D.happiness



Jane was walking round the department store. She remembered how difficult    ____was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father. She    that he was as easy to please as her mother, who was always happy with beautiful clothes.

Besides, shopping   Christmas Day is quite busy, and at this time of the year it was not     great fun: people stepped on your feet or pushed you with     elbows(肘部), they just wanted to get to the cheapest goods before   .

Jane stood in front of a counter and some attractive ties were on display. “They are real silk,”the assistant tried    her. “They worth double the price.” but Jane knew that her father hardly liked this kind of present before.

Jane stopped at a small counter. She found some good cigarettes on sale.    her father smoked only once a week, she knew that they were the presents    belonged to him. Without    for long, she bought them.

When Jane got home, with her small but well-chosen presents in her bag, her parents supper at table with lots of dishes. Jane asked    they had supper so early. Her mother was , “Your father has at last decided to stop smoking.” Jane    by her.

1.A. it B. this C. that    D. there

2.A. wish B. wished C. wishing D. to wish

3.A. on B. in C. at D. from

4.A. an B. a C. the D. /

5.A. their B. them C. theirs D. they

6.A. other B. the other C. others D. the others

7.A. to attract B. attracting C. attract D. attracted

8.A. clear B. clearly C. clearer D. more clearly

9.A. Because B. But  C. Although D. So

10.A. what B. whom C. who D. which

11.A. think B. thinks C. to think D. thinking

12.A. are having B. had C. were having D. have had

13.A. what B. when C. how D. why

14.A. exciting B. excitement C. excite D. excited

15.A. tells B. told C. was told D. is told



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