满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Do you know pigeons(鸽子) ? They are a____...

Do you know pigeons(鸽子) ? They are a_____bird .They are_____and gray. Some people say they are not _____ , but they are cute and _____. Many people keep them as pets. _____do people say pigeons are smart? Because pigeons can _____letters from _____place to another. And they know the _____home.We often _____ the pictures of pigeons with olive branches(橄榄枝) in _____mouths. We give the name---peace(和平) pigeons to them.They are the symbol of peace.

1.A. kind of    B. kinds    C. kind    D. kinds of

2.A. green    B. red    C. white    D. yellow

3.A. ugly    B. beautiful    C. lazy    D. interested

4.A. small    B. fun    C. smart    D. big

5.A. Why    B. What    C. Where    D. When

6.A. give    B. have    C. look    D. take

7.A. some    B. two    C. one    D. no

8.A. road    B. way    C. street    D. bridge

9.A. look    B. read    C. watch    D. see

10.A. their    B. them    C. they    D. theirs


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.A 【解析】文章大意:主要描述了鸽子非常聪明,很多人把它作为宠物,我们称它们为和平的鸽子,是和平的象征。 1.句意:它们是一种鸟。A. kind of有点,a kind of一种;B. kinds种类,复数形式;C. kind种类;D. kinds of各种各样的。不定冠词a后跟可数名词的单数形式,首先排除B,D;a kind of一种,故答案选A。 2.句意:它们是白色和灰色的。A. green绿色; B. red红色;C. white白色;D. yellow黄色。根据生活常识可知,鸽子是灰白相间的,故答案为C。 3.句意:有人说它们不漂亮。A. ugly丑陋的;B. beautiful漂亮的;C. lazy懒惰的;D. interested感兴趣的。通过后面的转折句“but they are cute…”判断,前句是说鸽子不漂亮,故答案选B。 4.句意:但它们又可爱又聪明。A. small小的; B. fun有趣的;C. smart聪明的;D. big大的。根据后面的句子“___5___do people say pigeons are smart?”可知,鸽子很聪明,故答案选C。 5.句意:为什么人们说鸽子很聪明?A. Why为什么;B. What 什么;C. Where在哪里;D. When什么时候。后面的句子以Because开头,问句应该是询问原因,故答案选A。 6.句意:因为鸽子可以把书信从一个地方传送到另一个地方。A. give给;B. have有;C. look看;D. take带,拿。take…to…把……带到……,结合句意可知,答案为D。 7.句意:因为鸽子可以把书信从一个地方传送到另一个地方。A. some 一些;B. two二;C. one一;D. no没有。one……another…,一个……另一个……,信鸽传信就是从一个地方到另一个地方,故答案为C。 8.句意:他们知道回家的路。A. road道路;B. way方法,路;C. street街道;D. bridge桥。the way to+地点,去……的路,home为副词,to省略,故答案选B。 9.句意:我们经常看到嘴里有橄榄枝的鸽子的图片。A. look看,强调看的动作;B. read阅读;C. watch观看;D. see看见,强调看的结果。此处强调看的结果,故答案选D。 10.句意:我们经常看到嘴里有橄榄枝的鸽子的图片。A. their它们的;B. them它们;C. they它们;D. theirs它们的。形容词性物主代词后跟名词,their mouths它们的嘴巴,故答案选A。

Good afternoon , boys and girls. Welcome to our Circus(马戏团).Today I'm very happy to _____you that our circus has new members._____ are they? The first one is Toby , a monkey form Thailand. Toby is very_____.He can ride a bike. Look!____he ride well ? The____is a dancing group. The dancers are four elephants. They are from_____too. They can walk _____only two legs and dance to music. Oh, I shouldn't____ to tell you their names. They are Jim, Lucy, Mary and Tony . Now it's their____ time. Have fun in our circus. Please_____our rule---no photos, OK ? Thanks.

1.A. meet    B. help    C. ask    D. tell

2.A. Where    B. Who    C. When    D. How

3.A. lazy    B. shy    C. smart    D. dirty

4.A. Does    B. Do    C. Is    D. Are

5.A. best    B. first    C. next    D. only

6.A. Africa    B. China    C. Australia    D. Thailand

7.A. on    B. in    C. to    D. at

8.A. work    B. forget    C. learn    D. listen

9.A. talk    B. exercise    C. sleep    D. show

10.A. keep    B. follow    C. read    D. speak



--Why do you want to see the lions?

--Because they're _____ cute.

A. not    B. no    C. little    D. kind of



We must be friendly _____ the old.

A. to    B. for    C. over    D. about



--Aren't these cards beautiful?

--______ .I love them.

A. Yes, they are    B. No, they aren’t.

C. Yes, they aren't    D. No, they are



They live in a village _____many apple trees

A. at    B. in    C. with    D. on



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