满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

To be _____, my parents never forget ___...

To be _____, my parents never forget _____in the morning.

A. health , exercising    B. healthy , to exercise

C. healthy , exercising    D. health , to exercise


B 【解析】句意:为了健康,我的父母早晨从来不忘记锻炼身体。health健康,为名词形式;healthy健康的,为形容词形式。forget to do sth.忘记做某事(事情没有做);forget doing sth.忘记做过某事(事情已经做过),be后跟形容词构成系表结构,结合语境理解,不要忘记锻炼身体,事情还没有做,用不定式表示,故答案为B。 点睛:forget to do sth. 意思是“忘了去做某事”。说明这件事情还没做。 forget doing (sth). 意思是“忘记做了某事”。说明这件事已经做了。 Sorry, I forgot to bring the book.(对不起,我忘了带书了。) I forgot borrowing a book from you.(我忘记曾经向你借过书这件事)类似的还有:remember to do sth. “记得去做某事”。说明这件事情还没做。 Remember to turn off the lights. 记得关灯。(说时灯还没关。) remember doing sth. “记得做过某事”。说明这件事已经做了。  

You can watch TV ______, but you can’t watch it ______ a long time.

A. one, at    B. one, for    C. first, for    D. first, at



Let the children_____ on weekends.

A. relaxed    B. to relax    C. relaxes    D. relax



--I can't go shopping with you _____I have a lot of work_____

--What a pity! What a fine day today!

A. so , do    B. because , doing

C. when , to do    D. because , to do



--_____ you want to see the pandas?

--Because they are cute.

A. Why does    B. Why do    C. what does    D. What do



I like dogs, because they are _____ and clever.

A. friends    B. friend    C. friendly    D. a friend



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