满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

One hot day, some mice were playing in a...

One hot day, some mice were playing in a forest and a lion was having a rest under a tree. One mouse did not look where he was going and hit the lion’s leg. The lion was very angry, and he caught the mouse. The little animal did not know what to do. “I’m sorry, sir,” the mouse said. “Will you free me, please? “I don’t know why I should,” the lion said. “I’m very hungry, and it’s time to have lunch.” “Please don’t eat me,” the mouse said. “I’m so small and wouldn’t satisfy you.” “Besides(而且),if you free me, I might be able to help you one day.” The lion laughed loudly and said, “How could a great animal like me need your help?” But the lion had a kind heart, and he freed his little friend. “Thank you so much,” the mouse said. “Some day you’ll see that I was telling the truth.” Several days after this, some men were trying to catch the lion. They put a net in the forest, so the lion was caught in it. He couldn’t understand how this could happen because he was usually very careful. The great animal was in big trouble. Loud, angry noises could be heard everywhere in the forest. The mouse heard these noises and went to see what was wrong. He found the lion in the net and knew what he had to do. The small mouse started to bite the net, soon a little piece of the net fell on the ground. Then another piece fell, and another. In a short time the great animal was freed.


1.In a forest, a small mouse hit a lion’s head. The lion got angry and caught him.

2.The lion was very hungry, so he wanted to have the mouse for lunch.

3.The lion didn’t think he would need the small mouse’s help.

4.The lion had to free the small mouse because he was caught in a net.

5.When the small mouse heard the loud, angry noises, he was too frightened to help the lion.


1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 【解析】本文主要讲述了一只小老鼠不小心撞到了头狮子的腿上。这头狮子很生气,逮住了他。小老鼠祈求狮子放过他,说,如果狮子放过他,他会帮助狮子的。这头狮子认为他将不需要小老鼠的帮助,但是也放过了这只狮子。后来狮子被一只网网住了。他大声地怒吼。小老鼠听到了,他把网咬烂了,狮子得救了。 1.题意:在森林里,一个小老鼠撞到了一头狮子的头。这头狮子发怒了,逮住了他。根据第二句One mouse did not look where he was going and hit the lion’s leg.可知小老鼠撞到了狮子的腿,不是头,结合题意可知是错误的。写F。 2.题意:这头狮子很饿,因此他想当作午饭把这只老鼠吃掉。根据第六句“I don’t know why I should,” the lion said. “I’m very hungry, and it’s time to have lunch.”可知狮子很饿了,该吃午饭了,他想把这只老鼠吃掉当作午饭。故是正确的,写T。 3.题意:狮子认为他将不需要小老鼠的帮助。根据文中第九句The lion laughed loudly and said, “How could a great animal like me need your help?”(狮子大声地笑着说,“像我这样的一个伟大的动物怎么需要你的帮助?”)可知狮子认为他将不要小老鼠的帮助。故是正确的,写T。 4.题意:狮子必须放了小老鼠,因为他被捉到网里了。根据第十句But the lion had a kind heart, and he freed his little friend.(但是狮子有一颗仁慈的心,他放了他的小朋友。)可知不是狮子被逮到网里才放了小老鼠。故是错误的。写F。 5.题意:当小老鼠听到大声的发怒的声音,他太害怕以至于不帮助狮子了。根据最后五句Loud, angry noises could be heard everywhere in the forest. The mouse heard these noises and went to see what was wrong. He found the lion in the net and knew what he had to do. The small mouse started to bite the net, soon a little piece of the net fell on the ground. Then another piece fell, and another. In a short time the great animal was freed.可知当小老鼠听到大声的发怒的声音,小老鼠去看看发生了什么事,当他发现狮子网里时,他决定帮助狮子。故是错误的。写T。

Peter and James were brothers. One afternoon___the lessons were over, they stayed in school to help their teachers. They___for an hour. Then the teacher said, “Thank you, boys. We will finish the work tomorrow. Now you must go home.” When the boys___home, it was seven o’clock. There was a light inside their house and the door was___. They could see a man inside, too. “Who can it be?” thought Peter. “Father and mother have gone shopping. They won’t be at home___eight o’clock.” When the man___saw Peter, he smiled and said, “Come in! You don’t know me, but I’m your___friend. He has asked me to fetch some money for him.” The man didn’t see James.

Peter went inside and began talking to the man but James didn’t. He quickly but quietly ran off to call the police. He soon found a policeman and___him back to their home. The man was still there, but when he saw the policeman, he tried to run off. The policeman___him. Just then Mr. and Mrs. Baker, the boy’s parents ___.

1.A. if    B. when    C. before    D. until

2.A. studied    B. worked    C. played    D. watched

3.A. arrived at    B. went to    C. got to    D. reached

4.A. open    B. opened    C. opening    D. close

5.A. at    B. since    C. until    D. after

6.A. away    B. out    C. outside    D. inside

7.A. father    B. fathers    C. father’s    D. brother’s

8.A. brought    B. bring    C. take    D. caught

9.A. stoped    B. stopped    C. catch    D. saw

10.A. returned    B. come    C. arrive    D. reached



I have ____ to show you.

A. different something    B. something different    C. anything different    D. different anything



-___ soccer ball do you think it is?    - It must be Tom’s.

A. Where    B. Which    C. Whose    D. What



I think this bike belongs ____ our teacher.

A. to    B. on    C. of    D. with



Thy went to the village ____ their families lived ten years ago.

A. when    B. which    C. where    D. that



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