满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.He ______ (几乎不) goes to the movies on...


1.He ______ (几乎不) goes to the movies on weekends.

2.My bag ______(充满) books.

3.They exercise ______(每周一两次).

4.They need ______(至少) twenty people.

5.Does he ______(帮助做家务) at home?


1.hardly 2.is full of 3.twice a week 4.at least 5.help do housework 【解析】 1.hardly 句意:他在周末几乎不去看电影。修饰动词短语goes to the movies,故用副词,故为hardly。 2.is full of 句意:我的包里装满了书。be full of充满,主语my bag是第三人称单数,故谓语用第三人称单数,故为is full of。 3.twice a week 句意:他们每周锻炼两次。twice a week一周两次。 4.at least 句意:他们需要至少二十人。表示“至少”用短语at least。 5.help do housework 句意:他帮助做家务吗?help do housework帮助做教务。 点睛:根据句意,结合词性,短语,句型,时态,语态和主谓一致,根据汉语的提示,填入正确形式的单词或短语。例如小题2,句意:我的包里装满了书。be full of充满,主语my bag是第三人称单数,故谓语用第三人称单数,故为is full of。

—I don't know you take a bus to school.

—Oh, I ________ take a bus, but it is snowing today.

A. hardly    B. often    C. usually    D. sometimes



—Do you play soccer?

—No, ________. It's too difficult for me.

A. always    B. often    C. usually    D. never



—________ do you read English books?

—About three times a week.

A. How often    B. How far

C. How long    D. How much



Li Ming works______ and he _______ plays computer games.

A. hard; hard    B. hardly; hardly

C. hard; hardly    D. hardly; hard



What time do you usually get up______?

A. everyday    B. every day

C. some day    D. one day



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