满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Two men, starting at the same point, wal...

Two men, starting at the same point, walk in opposite directions for 4 meters, turn left and walk another 3 meters. What is the distance between them?

A. 6 meters    B. 10 meters

C. 12.5 meters    D. 14 meters


B 【解析】句意:两个人从同一地点出发,向相反的方向各行走4米,然后左转行走3米,他们两个人之间的距离有多远?根据句意可知,两个人之间的距离实际上就是长8米,宽6米的矩形的对角线的长度,根据勾股定理,可以算出长度是10米,故答案选B。  

Grandma sent Johnny some money for his birthday. Johnny spent all of it in five stores. In each store, he spent $ 1.00 more than half of what he had when he came in. How much money did he get from his grandma?

A. $25    B. $30    C. $46    D. $62



I want to write for international _________to become a writer.

A. chairs    B. computers

C. doors    D. magazines



The__________of the great book, the Adventure of Tom Sawyer,is Mark Twain.

A. theme    B. price

C. owner    D. writer



I ________ watch this TV programme. It’s very interesting.

A. often    B. never    C. hardly    D. seldom



—Don’t be angry with your kid when he makes a mistake again, will you?

—No, I won’t. I know that __________________ of us are perfect

after all.

A. none    B. neither    C. each    D. all



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