满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A few weeks ago, our dog, which we had k...

A few weeks ago, our dog, which we had kept for more than ten years, had to be put down. First,a tumor on her stomach got worse, and she was very painful. Then,the pain in her back got so serious that sometimes she would lie down in the middle of a walk and couldn’t take another step.

I didn’t know the fact until a week after that. Then I was very sad and cried a lot. She was more like a sister to me than a pet. So I was very angry at my stepfather, Steve, who had not told us the truth at once. He explained that he didn't want to worry us, and he didn't want me to get depressed(沮丧的) and fail my exams. Before that, I always thought that Jennie had been still at the animals' hospital.

“She was my dog! Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye.” I couldn’t help shouting.

Steve just sat still. People in my family had a habit of keeping unpleasant things from me. They thought they were protecting me. But that’s not true. Once I got the bad news, I might be much more painful for some moments that I had missed. I turned to my mom, and she said, “I know. I’m angry, too.” After a while, she added, “Poor Steve had to go through all this on his own.” Hearing that, I immediately shut up my mouth and was lost in deep thought.

Maybe I had been so focused on myself so much. That dog was also Steve’s baby. He’d had her for longer than he’d had us---but he had to make the difficult decision to end her life, and then kept in silence for an entire week.

My anger began to melt away, and I could guess what Steve might feel these days.

My mom’s words have constantly haunted in my ear and in my mind till now. Sometimes, we should think more of others’ pain.

1.The phrase “put down” in the first paragraph can be replaced by _________.

A. kept    B. set free    C. cut open    D. killed

2.What can we learn about the pet dog?

A. Some terrible tumors on her stomach got worse.

B. She had been kept by Steve since she was born.

C. She had been badly ill and quite painful.

D. The family gave up the treatment as soon as they knew Jennie got ill.

3.What can we learn from Paragraph 4?

A. Steve always kept everything in himself alone.

B. The family often told white lies to the author to protect her.

C. The author’s mom didn’t understand her feeling.

D. The author’s mom thought Steve shouldn’t withstand so much pain alone.

4.How did the author feel at last?

A. Angry and stressful.    B. Regretful and sorry.

C. Anxious and uneasy.    D. Disappointed and bored.

5.The best title of the passage could be ________.

A. A Right Decision    B. Believe in Ourselves

C. Try to Put Yourself in other’s Shoes    D. My Stepfather and I


1.D 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.C 【解析】这篇短文记叙了作者家养了很多年的狗,因为生重病,很痛苦,作者的继父就决定把狗杀死了。作者知道后非常生气和痛苦,一直责怪继父。但是后来母亲的一句话让作者突然意识到其实继父也很痛苦,他不能只想着自己,也要考虑别人的感受。 1.词义猜测题。短文的一开始说的是作者养了十多年的狗怎么了,根据下文对这件事情的展开描述中我们可以获得一些信息,根据“She was my dog! Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye.”可知,这只狗是离开了;再根据He’d had her for longer than he’d had us---but he had to make the difficult decision to end her life可知,这只狗是不得不被杀死了。由此可知put down在这里的意思是被杀死,故应选D。 2.细节理解题。根据短文第一段的描述First,a tumor on her stomach got worse, and she was very painful. Then,the pain in her back got so serious that sometimes she would lie down in the middle of a walk and couldn’t take another step可知,这只狗得了很严重的病,非常的痛苦。因此C选项是正确的。根据First,a tumor on her stomach got worse 可知,是一个肿瘤,而不是一些,故A选项不对;B选项在短文中并没有提到;根据Before that, I always thought that Jennie had been still at the animals' hospital.可知,这只狗生病了之后,作者的家人让她在动物医院里进行了治疗,并不是狗一生病,家人就放弃了治疗,故D不对。 3.细节理解题。根据短文第四段中I turned to my mom, and she said, “I know. I’m angry, too.” After a while, she added, “Poor Steve had to go through all this on his own.”可知,作者的妈妈能够理解作者的愤怒,她也很愤怒,但是她又补充说Steve不得不独自去承受这一切。由此可知D选项是正确的。 4.推理判断题。当作者听了妈妈的话之后,他陷入了沉思,根据Maybe I had been so focused on myself so much可知,作者觉得自己太专注于自己了,Sometimes, we should think more of others’ pain他觉得我们也应该考虑别人的痛苦。由此可知,作者对自己对继父的行为感到后悔了,他只想着自己的痛苦,没有想到其实继父也很痛苦。由此可知应选B。 5.主旨大意题。这篇短文记叙了作者家养了很多年的狗,因为生重病,很痛苦,作者的继父就决定把狗杀死了。作者知道后非常生气和痛苦,一直责怪继父。但是后来母亲的一句话让作者突然意识到其实继父也很痛苦,他不能只想着自己,也要考虑别人的感受。由此可知C选项这个题目设身处地为别人着想是最符合文意的,故应选C。


Advertising means to draw people’s attention to something. It is a central feature of our lives. Sales depend upon it. So does our knowledge of what is available. Read the following adverts and see how much you understand them.

Secure: 安全的;牢固的      mowing: 割草

1.About what they advertise, we can safely say that __________.

A. Adverts I and Ⅲ advertise two products

B. Adverts Ⅲ and IV advertise services

C. Adverts II and Ⅲ advertise beliefs

D. Adverts I and IV provide jobs

2.From the above material we know ______of the adverts are trying to be price competitive.

A. 1.    B. 2.    C. 3.    D. 4.

3.If you want to repair your house, you can call__________.

A. 4442-37058    B. 0732-605-041    C. 232-567    D. 150-000

4.It’s clear that _________.

A. a newspaper uses one of them in its own newspaper

B. all of them advertise for the largest number of customers

C. all of them list the prices

D. all of them have included contact information

5.From these examples of adverts, we can know that __________.

A. some adverts are provided by newspapers free of charge

B. newspaper is the most common means of advertising

C. advertising is an expensive business

D. adverts should attract customers



Twenty years ago ,I drove a taxi for a living . One night I went to _______ a passenger at 2:30am . When I arrived to collect , I found the building was dark except  for a single _______ in a ground floor window . I walked to the door and knocked . “Just a minute ,” answered a ________ , elderly voice .

After a _______ pause (停留), the door opened at last . A small woman in her eighties stood before me . By her side was a small suitcase . I took the suitcase to the car , and then ________ to help the woman . She took my arm and we walked _______ toward the car .

She kept thanking me for my ________ .”It’s nothing ,” I told her . “ I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother treated .‘’

“Oh ,you’re such a good man ,” she said . When we got into the taxi , she gave me a/an _______ , and then asked , “Could you drive through downtown ? ”

“It’s not the shortest way ,” I answered quickly .

“Oh , I’m in no hurry ,” she said  . I’m on my way to a hospice (临终医院).I don’t have any _______ left . The doctor says I don’t have a chance of living very long . I quietly reached over and shut off the meter (表).

For the next two hours ,we  drove through the city . She _______ me the building

Where she had once worked , the neighborhood where she had lived , and the furniture shop where she had gone dancing as a girl . Sometimes she’d ask me to _______ in front of a special building and would sit looking straight into the ________ , saying nothing .

At dawn(黎明) , she suddenly said , “I’m tired . Let’s go now.”

We drove ________ to the address she had given me .

“How much do I pay for you ?” she asked . “Nothing ,” I said . “You have to make a living ,” she answered .

“Oh , there are other passengers ,” I answered . Almost without thinking , I bent and gave her a _______.

She held on to me tightly .Our hug ended with her remark ,

“You  gave an old woman a little moment of _________.”

1.A. pick up    B. play with    C. look after    D. call up

2.A. from    B. light    C. .room    D. shape

3.A. strange    B. nice    C. happy    D. weak

4.A. terrible    B. long    C. sudden    D. short

5.A. rushed    B. offered    C. returned    D. decided

6.A. quickly    B. directly    C. politely    D. slowly

7.A. pity    B. support    C. kindness    D. advice

8.A. address    B. order    C. smile    D. gift

9.A. family    B. life    C. right    D. money

10.A. sent    B. told    C. showed    D. left

11.A. go by    B. get out    C. run away    D. slow down

12.A. world    B. darkness    C. brightness    D. sky

13.A. in silence    B. in danger    C. in surprise    D. in secret

14.A. hug    B. lift    C. handshake    D. answer

15.A. regret    B. thought    C. hope    D. joy



You can’t imagine _______ when she heard her mother passed away.

A. how she was sad    B. how sad was she

C. how sad she was    D. she was how sad



---Can you work out the two problems?

----Let me see, I think I can do ______ one. They are both easy.

A. either    B. neither    C. some    D. any



---What’s wrong with Lucy?

---She still hasn’t ______ the shock of her mother’s death.

A. got out    B. got through    C. got over    D. got on



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