满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Modern Chinese use the solar calendar(阳历...

Modern Chinese use the solar calendar(阳历)as English people do . But at the same time, they use their own lunar calendar. Each lunar year is given the name of one of these animals : the rat , the ox , the tiger , the hare , the dragon , the snake , the horse , the goat , the monkey , the chicken , the dog and the pig . This list lasts for 12 years and then starts again.

Each Chinese month starts on the day of the new moon. And the full moon comes on the 15th day of the month. The New Year always starts between January 21 and February 20. On the last day of the lunar year, there is a big family dinner. All members of the family except married daughters try to be present at this meal, even of they have to travel many miles to reach the home of their parents. Old quarrels are forgotten, and everybody is happy. After the dinner, the children keep awake to welcome the New Year.

The New Year celebrations last for 15 days, from the new moon to the full moon. On the first day, children and unmarried people go to visit their elder

1.If next year is the year of the dragon, what was the name of last year?

A. It was the year of tiger.    B. It was the year of the hare.

C. It was the year of snake.    D. It was the year of the ox.

2.Suppose that next Chinese New Year’s Day is on 15th February, when will people have their big family dinner?

A. On February 15    B. On February 16

C. On February 14    D. On February 17

3.The family usually have their big family dinner at the home of _______.

A. the married son    B. the married daughter

C. the unmarried son    D. the parents

4.People celebrate the New Year ________.

A. for 15 days

B. from the new moon to the full moon in the first month of the lunar year

C. from January 21 to February 20

D. both A and B

5.From this selection we know that each Chinese month is measured by __.

A. the sun’s revolutions(旋转)

B. the moon’s revolutions

C. the earth’s revolutions

D. both the earth’s and moon’s revolutions


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 【解析】试题分析:短文大意:本文介绍了中国的农历。每年农历年给出了一个这些动物的名称:鼠,牛,虎,兔,龙,蛇,马,羊,猴,鸡,狗和猪。这个列表会持续12年,然后再开始。中国的每个月从新月开始的一天。和满月出现在每个月的第十五天。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 考点:科教类阅读。

In many English homes people eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridgeeggs or bread. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one o'clock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven. First they have soups, and then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things, like bananasapples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very necessary.

1.Many English people have ___________meals a day.

A. two    B. three    C. four    D. three or four

2.People may have ___________ for their breakfast.

A. tea and eggs

B. porridgeeggsbreadtea or coffee

C. tea and coffee

D. bread and eggs

3.People have lunch at ___________    

A. any time    B. nine    C. five    D. one

4.People don't have _____________ for their dinner.

A. porridge    B. bananas and apples

C. some soup and meat    D. meat and fish

5.In many English homes dinner comes______________

A. at one o'clock    B. about half past seven    C. at noon    D. at night



The Americans were getting ready to send their first man to the moon, an old Irishman (爱尔兰人) was____them on TV in a hotel room. There was an Englishman in the room____And he said to the Irishman, “The Americans are very____, aren’t they? They are going to send some men to the moon. It’s a very____way from our world.” “Oh, that’s____,”the Irishman answered quickly.” “The Irishman are going to send some men to the sun in months’____That’s much____away than the moon, you know. “The Englishman was very____when he heard this. “Oh, yes it is,” he said, “But the sun is too____for people to visit.”

The Irishman laughed and answered, “Well, the Irish are clever, too, you know. We____go to the sun during the day, of course. We’ll go there during the night.”

1.A. reading    B. watching    C. making    D. mending

2.A. too    B. also    C. of course    D. only

3.A. kind    B. bad    C. clever    D. good

4.A. short    B. long    C. far    D. near

5.A. nothing    B. all    C. wrong    D. great

6.A. later    B. ago    C. long ago    D. time

7.A. far    B. never    C. farther    D. longer

8.A. angry    B. surprised    C. glad    D. sorry

9.A. warm    B. big    C. cold    D. hot

10.A. don’t    B. won’t    C. want to    D. must



She asked me if she ___borrow my book. If she __it, I will lend it to her.

A. could, borrows    B. can, will borrow

C. couldn’t, lends    D. can’t, will lend



I've been skating __________nine o'clock .

A. for    B. over    C. since    D. at



How long ____________yesterday ?

A. have you been sleeping    B. do you sleep    C. did you sleep    D. did you asleep



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