满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The old lady can’t hope to ________ her ...

The old lady can’t hope to ________ her cold in a few days.

A. get away    B. get off    C. get out    D. get over


D 【解析】试题分析:老太太不指望她的感冒几天可以痊愈。A离开,出发;B下车;C离开,泄露,出版;D克服,痊愈。故选D。  

Every student in our class was out except ________ , because we had

something else to do.

A. Li Ping and I    B. Li Ping and me    C. I and Li Ping    D. me and Li Ping



10 years ago_________ only one classroom building in our school. And in 10 years_________ five classroom buildings in our school.

A. there will be, there are

B. there was, there will be

C. there will be; there was

D. there was, there are



The old woman has a bad cold. She is feeling________ today than yesterday.

A. much ill    B. a little bad    C. a little badly    D. much worse



This piece of music is ________________ that one.

A. as boring as    B. not as boring than

C. more bored than    D. so boring as



If_____________ worries me, I often go to him.

A. something special    B. special something    C. anything special    D. special anything



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