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A brave 10-year-old American girl is con...

A brave 10-year-old American girl is considered a hero because she got back into the dangerous waters to save her 6-year-old friend after being attacked by a shark.

On August 19, Kaley Szarmack was badly bitten in the leg by a shark when she was enjoying herself in the shallow(浅的) waters at a beach. Kaley felt great pain and she turned around, seeing a 3-foot-long shark. She rushed out of the water and shouted to her friend nearby to run quickly. But that younger girl did not hear her. So Kaley took a risk to go back and took her out of water.

Kaley Szarmack was taken to the hospital and she received 90 stitches(针). Now she is slowly recovering. She’ll be able to run, jump, swim and surf again soon.

“I’m just so proud of her and so thankful that she is doing well,” Kaley’s father said. “She’s going to have a pretty big scar in her leg. She’ll have quite a story to tell, though.”

The proud father, who happens to be a fireman, said it was difficult to see his daughter in so such pain.

“You see all kinds of things as a fireman, but when you see your baby, even if it was a little blood, it was really difficult to see. It was just tough(艰难的). That’s my little girl, ” he said.

1.Kaley Szarmack saved her 10-year-old friend after being attacked by a shark.

2.American girl, Kaley Szarmack, is considered a hero.

3.Kaley’s father is a doctor.

4.Kaley is going to have a pretty big scar in her arm.

5.Kaley’s father is proud of her, because she saved her own life and her friend’s.


1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 【解析】本文讲述的是一个十岁的美国小女孩,在浅水中玩耍时,受到了鲨鱼的攻击,她勇敢地救了一个六岁的朋友的故事。后来她被送往医院,缝了90针,但她现在慢慢地康复了。她的父亲以她为自豪,她被人们看作了英雄。 1.细节理解题。题意:Kaley Szarmack saved her 10-year-old friend after being attacked by a shark.在受到鲨鱼攻击时,Kaley Szarmack救了一位十岁的朋友。由短文第一句:A brave 10-year-old American girl is considered a hero because she got back into the dangerous waters to save her 6-year-old friend after being attacked by a shark.可知,十岁的Kaley Szarmack在受到鲨鱼攻击时救了六岁的朋友。所以本句错误。 2.细节理解题。题意:American girl, Kaley Szarmack, is considered a hero.美国女孩Kaley Szarmack,被看作一位英雄。由短文第一、二句可知,被看作英雄的美国女孩是叫Kaley Szarmack。故本句正确。 3.细节理解题。题意:Kaley’s father is a doctor.Kaley的父亲是一位医生。由短文中的:The proud father, who happens to be a fireman可知,她的父亲是一位消防员。故本句错误。 4.细节理解题。题意:Kaley is going to have a pretty big scar in her arm. kaley的手臂上会留下一个大的伤疤。由短文第二段里的:She’s going to have a pretty big scar in her leg.可知,她的腿上将会留下一个大的伤疤。故本句错误。 5.细节理解题。题意:Kaley’s father is proud of her, because she saved her own life and her friend’s.因为她救了自己和朋友的命,所以她的父亲以她为自豪。由文中父亲的话:I’m just so proud of her and so thankful that she is doing well可知,父亲因为女儿的行为而自豪。勇敢的女儿在遭到鲨鱼袭击时自己脱险的同时还救了朋友。所以本句正确。

Mike was a cute, good boy. His parents loved him very much. Mike did everything very well, but he had one bad______. He ate a lot of sweets and chocolates. Those were his favorites. He just couldn’t stop. His mother______told him, “Mike, don’t eat so many sweets. You will have a toothache.” But Mike said his_______were fine.

One day, Mike’s mother went to the market. When Mike saw that his______was asleep, he walked_______to the kitchen and got a jar(广口瓶). He knew his mother kept all the sweets in this jar. With great effort, he_______it and put his hand into the narrow(狭窄的) mouth. Mike picked a fistful(一把)of sweets. But when he tried to pull his hand out, it got stuck in the jar.

Mike’s father was_______and watching. He said to Mike, “You have picked too many sweets. They are more than your little hand can keep. Your hand can not_______of the jar. Let go of the sweets and pick only one sweet with your two fingers, and then you can pull your hand out easily. Always take as many as you can_______.”

Mike pulled out his hand_______the jar soon and learned a lesson, too.

1.A. luck    B. habit    C. manner    D. day

2.A. never    B. yet    C. always    D. hardly

3.A. eyes    B. hands    C. feet    D. teeth

4.A. father    B. mother    C. friend    D. sister

5.A. loudly    B. quietly    C. noisily    D. sadly

6.A. pulled    B. pushed    C. closed    D. opened

7.A. awake    B. asleep    C. afraid    D. absent

8.A. come back    B. come out    C. come down    D. come over

9.A. reach    B. touch    C. control    D. count

10.A. in    B. on    C. from    D. for



—Have you decided where to spend your holiday?

—Not yet. I ______ go to Hainan.

A. need    B. can    C. may    D. should



—I don’t think English is so ______ as math.

—I disagree with you. For me, English is more difficult.

A. more difficult    B. difficult

C. the most difficult    D. difficulter



—Could you please tell me ______?

—At 8:00p.m.

A. where will the train go    B. where the train will go

C. when will the train leave    D. when the train will leave



—Don’t be late for school again, ______?

—Sorry, I won’t.

A. are you    B. will you    C. do you    D. did you



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