满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

of the students in our class have lunch ...

      of the students in our class have lunch at school.

A. Two fifth    B. Threes fifths    C. One thirds    D. Three quarters


D 【解析】句意:我们班四分之三的学生在学校吃午餐。英语分数的分子写在前面,分母写在后面。分子用基数词,分母用序数词。当分子为1时,分母用单数;当分子大于1时,分母用复数。A. Two fifth五分之二,分母应该用复数,错了;B. Threes fifths五分之三,分子应该用单数,错了;C. One thirds三分之一。分母应该用单数,错了;D. Three quarters四分之三。四分之一用a quarter表示,四分之三就用three quarters。正确。故选D。  

—It’s quite an interesting game!

—______. Why don’t you join us?

A. Congratulations    B. Good luck

C. So it is    D. What a pity



—Let’s do something for our parents.

—Good idea. We should ______our parents’ love for us.

A. create    B. promise    C. value    D. allow



Jack has lots of ______. He can learn much from them and use them to mail letters.

A. newspapers    B. coins    C. novels    D. stamps



—Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the museum?

—I’m sorry. I haven’t been there before. You may ask       .

A. somebody else    B. else anybody

C. else somebody    D. anybody else



The teacher warns us ______ the school rules, or we’ll be punished.

A. to break    B. not to break    C. breaking    D. don’t break



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