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Where Are We Going, Dad ? is one of the ...

Where Are We Going, Dad ? is one of the most popular television shows in China now. Fathers now take an active part in their children’s lives.

Five well-known fathers and their children travel around China, riding camels through the western deserts (沙漠), fishing in the east sea, and selling vegetables to get money back home in the southwestern Yunnan Province. One dad doesn’t know how to do his daughter’s hair, but he learns quickly and does it well now. Another one must stay with his son for three days in the desert, because he and his son don’t know how to cook, the two only eat instant (即食) noodles.

This show raises an important question for modern Chinese society(社会) —what is the role(角色)of fathers in today’s China? In the old days, children must obey parents’ wishes and look after them in their old age. But Chinese parents now think that discussing and respecting (尊重) their children’s choices may be a better way to prepare them for modern society. “As they raise their children, parents are growing up at the same time,” said Wang Renping.

1.From this passage, we know that Where Are We Going, Dad? is a _______.

A. movie    B. song  .    C. TV show    D. book

2.Which of the following things fathers didn’t do for their children?

A. Go fishing    B. Sell vegetables    C. Go skating    D. ride camels

3.One of the fathers has to eat instant noodles with his son because _______.

A. it’s delicious    B. he doesn’t know the way    C. he can’t cook    D. it’s his favorite

4.In this passage the underlined word choice means _______.

A. 差异    B. 选择    C. 个性    D. 特点

5.Which of the following is true?

A. In the old days, Chinese parents must obey their children’s wishes.

B. Now Chinese children don’t have to take care of their parents in their old age.

C. Parents are growing up with their children in modern China.

D. Now parents shouldn’t raise their children.


1.C 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.C 【解析】文章介绍了最近很火的一个节目《爸爸去哪儿》。这个节目受欢迎的原因是什么呢?节目突显了当代中国新一代爸爸们,在照顾孩子方面遇到的种种问题,让人们开始思考爸爸的角色。 1.根据文中Where Are We Going, Dad ? is one of the most popular television shows in China now.可知,是一部电视剧。故选C。 2.根据文中Five well-known fathers and their children travel around China, riding camels through the western deserts (沙漠), fishing in the east sea, and selling vegetables to get money back home in the southwestern Yunnan Province.可知,文中没有提到去滑冰。故选C。 3.Another one must stay with his son for three days in thedesert, because he and his son don’t know how to cook, the two only eat instant (即食) noodles.可知,他不会做。故选C。 4.根据题意可知,这里的choice的意思是“选择”。故选B。 5.根据文中“As they raise their children, parents are growing up at the same time,” said Wang Renping.可知,在当代中国父母和孩子正在一起成长,故选C。

Dear Alan,

Guess what? I have a chance to choose my new place to live in! I’m excited and a little nervous. Could you please give me some help?

I’m not sure whether I will live in a house or in an apartment. On the one hand, a house will be too big for just one person, so maybe I should rent an apartment. On the other hand, if I rent a house, I could find someone else to share with me. The only problem is that a house full of people might be too noisy for me. I prefer to have my own space. The city has some nice apartments, but they are also too expensive. However, if I could find a two-bedroom apartment and get a roommate, that would make it more affordable. I just need to search for a roommate who is neat and quiet. You know I can’t live with someone who is loud and messy(凌乱的). I don’t have a car, so I also need to think carefully about the location. I probably need to look for somewhere near a bus stop or an underground station. That way I will have more time to study and spend less time travelling.

I’m looking forward to your reply.



1.Victor feels excited because ________.

A. he has a new house to live in

B. he can decide where to live now

C. he is going to see his friend Alan

D. he helped Alan out with his problem

2.Victor wants to share the house with a ________ person.

A. neat and quiet    B. messy but outgoing

C. neat and loud    D. quiet but messy

3.If Victor finds a roommate, he will ________.

A. waste money    B. buy a car

C. save some money    D. have more time to study

4.Victor doesn’t have a car, so he wants ________.

A. a two bed-room apartment

B. to ask Alan for advice

C. to have his own space

D. a place with convenient traffic

5.What does the underlined word “ travelling” in Paragraph 2 probably mean in Chinese?

A. 观光旅行    B. 路途奔波    C. 广为流传    D. 跋山涉水



Sam was a fifteen-year-old boy living with his little sister, Julie. Their parents had passed away long ago. Sam had taken care of Julie by himself.

One day, Sam woke up at three in the morning as usual. When Julie was sleeping alone, Sam left their little house to send newspapers. When he found an old man sitting in front of  their house, Sam was so surprised that he stopped to look at him closely. It was an icy morning and he looked very cold.

The poor old man didn’t have anything to cover himself with. Sam went into his house to get the old man a blanket (毯子).However, there were no extra blankets, so Sam thought hard and took his father’s coat. It was the only thing of his father’s that he had left. Sam wrote a short note.“Sir, I found you sleeping in front of my house. This is my father’s coat. I hope it fits you well.” He put the note in a pocket of the coat, and covered the old man with the coat. Then he went to work. When he came back three hours later, both the man and the coat were gone. Sam thought that it was the best thing he could have done with his father’s coat.

That afternoon, Sam hurried home after school because Julie was at home alone. However, Julie and the old man were standing in front of the house, and Julie shouted to Sam, “Brother! He’s our grandfather!”

The grandfather smiled and said,“Sam. Thank you for giving me the coat and letting me know how good my grandson is. This coat was the one that I gave my son a long time ago!”

1.How was the weather when Sam saw an old man in front of his house?.

A. Hot and sunny    B. Rainy

C. Icy and cold    D. Windy

2.Sam’s morning job was to .

A. take care of his sister    B. go to school

C. send newspapers    D. look for his grandfather

3.“Their parents passed away long ago.” means “Their parents long ago.”

A. died    B. went on

C. left home    D. passed by

4.Sam covered the old man with his father’s coat because .

A. his father’s coat fitted the old man well

B. the coat was the only thing that his father had left

C. he knew the old man was his grandfather then

D. he had no extra blanket

5.What is the story mainly about?

A. Father’s coat was missing.

B. Sam found his grandfather through an act of kindness.

C. An old man was too cold to live on.

D. Sam took care of his sister by himself.



Along time ago, there was an emperor. He had a beautiful____In the garden, there was a little nightingale(夜莺)singing very beautifully.

One day, the emperor heard about this little bird’s beautiful____He asked his guards to bring her to him. When the emperor heard the nightingale’s voice, he said, “Put her____a golden cage, so she can stay and sing for me whenever I want to hear her.

The little bird was so unhappy about being kept in the cage that she stopped____one day. The emperor was very angry. He ordered the scientists in his palace to make a robot bird for him. The bird could sing very beautifully,____The emperor was pleased.

Soon the robot bird became old. It no longer sang beautiful songs. Just at that time, the emperor was ill and he became very weak. One morning, while____in bed, the emperor wanted it to sing once____But the robot bird____sing any more. Suddenly, the nightingale landed on the window. She began to sing her most beautiful song. The emperor was very happy! He became____each day.

After the emperor was well, he changed a lot and became kind____his people. From then on, all his people cherished(爱戴)him for his love and kindness.

1.A. park    B. house    C. garden    D. door

2.A. noise    B. voice    C. sound    D. noisy

3.A. in    B. on    C. for    D. from

4.A. to sing    B. sing    C. sings    D. singing

5.A. also    B. so    C. too    D. either

6.A. jumping    B. standing    C. lying    D. running

7.A. again    B. two    C. second    D. twice

8.A. can    B. could    C. don’t    D. couldn’t

9.A. weaker and weaker    B. taller and taller    C. better and better    D. younger and younger

10.A. at    B. to    C. on    D. in



— Would you like to watch China's Got Talent(中国达人秀)?

—________ But I'm busy revising for my test

A. Don't mention it.    B. I'd love to

C. That's all right.    D. My pleasure



I have never visited a paper factory.—

A. So have I   B. So I have

C. Neither have ID.I haven’t now



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