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On weekends, everyone is at home but eac...

On weekends, everyone is at home but each is doing their own things. It’s 1. to get everyone together and do something as a family. What should parents do? Here are some suggestions.

Exercise outside

Let children 2. their bikes or just hang out in the open air. You can also just 3. a walk together with other family members. It is great exercise. And it is good for 4. .

Play a game

Games should depend on the kid’s ages. For elder kids, the father can 5. chess with them. If your kids are 6. , a game of memory is perfect. If you can’t play the games, you can always draw7. on cards and make up your own game.

Go out for supper

Going out for supper not only gives mom a break, but also offers a lot more time to 8. about the past week together.

Make a photo album

Go through all those old 9. that are just lying around and get them into a book. 10. you have a few kids, let each one do a page of their own. It can be as simple as sticking them in a book.

Hope you enjoy these ideas and will enjoy doing these activities with your family!


1.time 2.ride 3.take 4.health 5.play 6.younger 7.pictures 8.talk 9.photos 10.If 【解析】现在很多家庭里面,各个家庭成员之间总是各自忙着自己的事情,彼此没有沟通和交流。这篇短文的作者给家长们提了一些好的建议,可以增加父母和孩子之间的感情,加强沟通和交流。 1.句意:到了把家里每个人都召集在一起做点事情的时候了。time时间,是一个名词。这里是句型It’s time to do sth.到了做某事的时候了。 2.句意:让孩子们去骑自行车,或者就是在户外闲逛。ride骑,是一个动词。根据空后面的名词their bikes可知,这里应说的是骑自行车。该句使用的句型是let sb. do sth.让某人做某事,因此这里填动词原形。 3.句意:你也可以和其他的家庭成员们一起去散步。take带走,是一个动词。这里take a walk是一个固定短语,散步。空前有情态动词can,因此这里填动词原形。 4.句意:这是一个很好的锻炼,而且对健康有好处。health名词,健康。根据上文的意思可知,散步是有利于健康的,空前for是介词,这里应填名词形式。 5.句意:对于大一点的孩子,父亲可以和他们一起下棋。play玩,play chess是固定短语,下棋。空前有情态动词can,故填原形。 6.句意:如果你的孩子年龄更小一点,那么关于记忆力的游戏是极好的。younger是young的比较级形式,更小的,更年轻的。根据上句话For elder kids, the father can…可知,上面提到大一点的孩子可以做什么。那么这里说的就应该是小一点的孩子,所以也应使用比较级形式,故填younger。 7.句意:如果你不会玩游戏,你可以在卡片上画画,编造自己的游戏。pictures图画,图片。根据空前的动词draw可知,这里应说的是画画,cards是复数,故画的画也应该用复数,故填pictures。 8.句意:去外面吃晚饭不仅可以让妈妈休息一下,而且还提供了更多的时间谈论过去的一周。talk谈论,是一个动词。这里是固定短语talk about,谈论某事。 9.句意:整理一下到处乱放的老照片,把它们放到书里面。photos照片,名词的复数形式。这一段的标题是Make a photo album,因此这里应是说整理照片,故填photos。 10.句意:如果你有几个孩子,让他们每人做自己的一页。if如果,是一个连词,引导条件状语从句。根据这两句话的逻辑关系可知,这里应表示条件,故填If。 点睛:这篇短文就如何增进家庭成员之间的关系提了一些好的建议。短文结构清晰,第一段提出话题,后面几段分别介绍了作者的一些建议,每一段开头都有一个小标题,可以帮助我们准确、快速地获得段落的大意。题目中考查了动词、名词、连词、形容词等的用法,有固定短语,也有考查上下文的逻辑关系的题目。例如第1小题、第2小题、第3小题、第7小题、第8小题等,我们可以根据固定短语和句型以及句意填出正确的单词。其余几个小题应注意文章的逻辑关系,例如第6小题,上句话提到了大一点的孩子可以玩什么游戏,那么这里应提到的是更小一点的孩子,故填比较级younger。

Two frogs lived in a village. One day they wanted to go and see the big ______ that was about ten miles away.

They talked about it ______ a long time, and ______ they decided to see the city.

It was a hot day, and they soon ______ to feel tired. They ______ went a little way when one said to the other, “We must be nearly there. Can you ______ the city?”

“No, ”said the other frog, “but if I climb on your ______ I might be able to see it.”

______ he climbed up on the back of _______frog to see the city.

When the frog ______ his head, his eyes could only see what was ______ , and not what was in front. “Can you see the city ?” asked the other frog. “Yes,” answered the frog that climbed up. “I ______ see it. It looks just ______ our village. ”

So the frogs decided ______ the city, and went back home.

The two frogs ______ the others in village, “The city was just like our village.”

1.A. village    B. city    C. house    D. country

2.A. in    B. to    C. at    D. for

3.A. at first    B. next    C. at last    D. just

4.A. began    B. wanted    C. tried    D. had

5.A. never    B. always    C. only    D. ever

6.A. look at    B. see    C. listen to    D. h

7.A. head    B. leg    C. back    D. put off

8.A. So    B. But    C. Although    D. hear

9.A. other    B. the other    C. others    D. neck

10.A. turn off    B. turn up    C. put up    D. Because

11.A. front    B. beside    C. under    D. behind

12.A. may    B. have to    C. can    D. must

13.A. like    B. for    C. at    D. as

14.A. not visit    B. visit    C. not to visit    D. to visit

15.A. said    B. spoke    C. talked    D. told



(2014广东)—I wonder whether Brazil will win the match later tonight.

Go to bed first.I will wake you up as soon as the match________



C.will start

D.is starting




I have a lot of trouble________the newspaper.

A.What’s wrong;reading

B.What’s the matter;to read

C.What’s matter;reading

D.What’s the wrong;to read



—What should I give my sister on her birthday?

            give her a dress?

A. Why don’t    B. Why not    C. Why not you    D. Why to



—Which basketball player do you like better, Kobe or Jordan?

            of them. Yao Ming is my favorite.

A. Neither    B. None    C. All    D. Either



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