满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

paid , leave, far, find, important, wri...



paid , leave, far, find, important, write, countries, visit , own, how.

Most American families are smaller than the families in other 1. Children in the US will 2. their parents’ homes. When they grow up, they usually live 3. from their parents because they want to 4.good jobs. They often 5. to their parents or telephone them. And they often go to 6.their parents on holiday. Parents usually let their children choose their 7. jobs. Americans think it 8. for young people to decide on their lives by themselves. Children are asked to do some work around their houses. And in many families, Children are 9. for doing some housework so that they can learn 10. to make money for their own use.


1.countries 2.leave 3.far 4.find 5.write 6.visit 7.own 8.important 9.paid 10.how 【解析】短文介绍了美国的家庭以及教育方式。美国的孩子长大后为了找工作会远离自己的父母,父母通常会让孩子选择自己的工作。美国人认为年轻人自己决定自己的生活很重要。 1.句意:大多数美国家庭比其他国家的家庭小。此句是拿美国的家庭与其它国家的家庭相比较,故答案为countries。 2.句意:美国的孩子将离开父母的家。助动词will后跟动词原形,从下文中的句子可以知道孩子们长大后因为找工作而离开父母的家,答案为leave。 3.句意:当他们长大后,他们通常离父母很远。far from远离……,下文提到他们经常给父母写信或打电话,说明远离父母,答案为far。 4.句意:因为他们想找到好工作。want to do sth.想做某事,find a good job找到一份好的工作,故答案为find。 5.句意:他们经常给父母写信或打电话给他们。write to sb.给某人写信,写信或打电话是与家人联系的方式,时态为一般现在时态,故答案为write。 6.句意:他们经常在假期去看望他们的父母。结合语境可知,平时工作忙,只有假期才能回家探望父母,答案为visit。 7.句意:父母通常会让孩子选择自己的工作。结合句意可知,答案为own。 8.句意:美国人认为年轻人自己决定自己的生活很重要。此句缺少形容词,上句提到父母通常会让孩子选择自己的工作,因此他们认为孩子自己决定自己的生活很重要,答案为important。 9.句意:在许多家庭里,孩子们做家务会支付报酬,pay for为…付钱,主语与pay之间是被动的关系,故答案为paid。 10.句意:这样他们就能学会如何为自己挣钱。此句考查疑问词+动词不定式,故答案为how。

It is said that more than four million people die each year from smoking. That number is frightening.

Yet people around the world continue to smoke. In the United States, about forty-seven-million adults smoke. This year, more than 430,000 Americans died of diseases which have something to do with smoking. The American Cancer Society(美国癌症协会)says smoking harms the body greatly. It warns that smoking even a number of cigarettes is dangerous.

It’s (1)  ______________________________(戒烟是不容易的。)However, doctors say you probably will live longer if you do stop smoking. You will feel better and look better. You also will protect the health of family members who breathe your smoke.

There is not one right way to stop smoking, doctors say. Any wa y can help. You can take long walks or spend time in places where smoking is not allowed. Also, you can eat a small piece of fruit or vegetable instead of having a cigarette. (64)The sooner you stop smoking, the more you’ll reduce (减少) your chances of getting cancer and other diseases.

Stop smoking before smoking stops you!


1.How many people die from smoking each year?


2.What does the American Cancer Society say about smoking?












My parents want me to be a doctor but I’m not ________ ______ it.


I made a study plan for myself at the ________ ________ the new term.


Tom is a kind boy. He is always ________ ________ help others.


Everyone should _______ a part _______  protecting animals.


In fact, I don’t ________ ________ him.




1.It’s ________ (danger) to get close to the tiger.

2.Our teacher often tells us, “Nothing is ________ (possible) if you put your heart into it.”

3.In some countries, people think thirteen is an ________(lucky) number and they don’t like it.

4.Zhou Xingchi is my favorite actor and I like all his ________(comedy).

5.It’s time for us to put the plan into ________ (act).

6.Lang Lang is a famous ________ (piano) from China.

7.I’m going to ________ (improve) my English by watching English movies.

8.I’m going to practice ________(play) basketball every day.

9.She’s going to take ______ (act) lessons.

10.The little girl doesn’t want _____ (grow) up.




1.Don’t take what he said seriously. It was just a j________.

2.Guo Jingming is f________ as a writer. Lots of people like him.

3.I don’t know what will h________ if I tell him the news.

4.Planting more trees is good for the e______.

5.You must understand the importance of e_______.



Caroline’s mom was good at making soup. She made it often. She made chicken soup. She made tomato soup. She made vegetable soup. But Caroline hated them all. She wouldn’t eat any soup. She thought soup was terrible.

Caroline’s mom wanted Caroline to eat soup because she thought it was healthy. One day Caroline’s mom got an idea. She let Caroline make her own soup. They made some hot water first. Then Caroline put in some vegetables she liked. She put in some salt and pepper (食盐和胡椒粉), too.

“I like spaghetti (意大利面),” Caroline said. “Can I put in spaghetti?”

“Yes,” Caroline’s mother said.

They put spaghetti into the soup. Caroline thought it looked funny.

Caroline let the soup cook for a few minutes. When the soup was ready, she couldn’t wait to taste it. It was wonderful! Caroline shared the soup with her family.

Everyone loved it!

“Soup is not so bad,” Caroline said. “Maybe I should try some other kinds of soup next time.” Caroline’s mom was so glad to hear that.

1.The underline word “hated” means “________” in English.

A. enjoyed    B. disliked    C. tried    D. wanted

2.Caroline’s mom often made soup because _______.

A. she couldn’t make other food

B. soup was her favorite

C. soup was easy to make

D. soup was good for health

3.Caroline’s mom got a good idea to _______.

A. make her daughter love cooking

B. teach her daughter how to cook

C. change her daughter’s attitude (态度) to soup

D. make her daughter cook for herself

4.Caroline’s soup did not have ________.

A. chicken    B. vegetables    C. salt and pepper    D. spaghetti

5.Where does this passage probably come from?

A. A cookbook.    B. A science magazine.

C. A storybook.    D. A sports newspaper.



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