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Caroline’s mom was good at making soup. ...

Caroline’s mom was good at making soup. She made it often. She made chicken soup. She made tomato soup. She made vegetable soup. But Caroline hated them all. She wouldn’t eat any soup. She thought soup was terrible.

Caroline’s mom wanted Caroline to eat soup because she thought it was healthy. One day Caroline’s mom got an idea. She let Caroline make her own soup. They made some hot water first. Then Caroline put in some vegetables she liked. She put in some salt and pepper (食盐和胡椒粉), too.

“I like spaghetti (意大利面),” Caroline said. “Can I put in spaghetti?”

“Yes,” Caroline’s mother said.

They put spaghetti into the soup. Caroline thought it looked funny.

Caroline let the soup cook for a few minutes. When the soup was ready, she couldn’t wait to taste it. It was wonderful! Caroline shared the soup with her family.

Everyone loved it!

“Soup is not so bad,” Caroline said. “Maybe I should try some other kinds of soup next time.” Caroline’s mom was so glad to hear that.

1.The underline word “hated” means “________” in English.

A. enjoyed    B. disliked    C. tried    D. wanted

2.Caroline’s mom often made soup because _______.

A. she couldn’t make other food

B. soup was her favorite

C. soup was easy to make

D. soup was good for health

3.Caroline’s mom got a good idea to _______.

A. make her daughter love cooking

B. teach her daughter how to cook

C. change her daughter’s attitude (态度) to soup

D. make her daughter cook for herself

4.Caroline’s soup did not have ________.

A. chicken    B. vegetables    C. salt and pepper    D. spaghetti

5.Where does this passage probably come from?

A. A cookbook.    B. A science magazine.

C. A storybook.    D. A sports newspaper.


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C 【解析】短文讲述了Caroline的妈妈通过让女儿自己选择汤的佐料,从而改变了女儿对汤的态度的故事。 1.词义猜测题。根据后面的句子“She wouldn’t eat any soup. She thought soup was terrible.”可知,Caroline不喜欢喝汤,hated的同义词为disliked,“不喜欢”的意思,答案为B。 2.细节理解题。根据短文第二段开头的句子“Caroline’s mom wanted Caroline to eat soup because she thought it was healthy.”可知,Caroline的妈妈认为汤有益于身体健康,故答案为D。 3.细节理解题。根据文中句子“Soup is not so bad,” Caroline said. “Maybe I should try some other kinds of soup next time.”可知,Caroline的妈妈通过让女儿自己选择汤的佐料,从而改变了女儿对汤的态度,答案为C。 4.细节判断题。根据文中句子“Then Caroline put in some vegetables she liked. She put in some salt and pepper (食盐和胡椒粉),”可知,汤里面没有鸡肉,答案为A。 5.推理判断题。A. A cookbook. 食谱;B. A science magazine.科学杂志;C. A storybook.故事书; D. A sports newspaper.体育报纸,短文讲述了Caroline的妈妈通过让女儿自己选择做汤的佐料,从而改变了女儿对汤的态度的故事,因此最可能的出处是C。 点睛:词义猜测题在阅读理解中也是常见的一种题型。在解答词义猜测题时,由于短文中出现了部分生词,在不允许查字典的情况下,只能运用“猜测词义法”来猜测单词的意思。猜词的技巧有多种,可以通过因果关系,对比关系猜词;也可以通过同义词,反义词或构词法猜词,以及上下文的句意去判断,如第1小题,hated是liked的反义词,disliked又是liked的反义词,也就是说hated的意思即为disliked,答案选B。

It was Saturday morning. Kate got up early and had breakfast quickly. She was so excited. She was going to the zoo with her family today! There was a new kind of animal in the zoo. It was called sloth (树懒) and it was from South America. Kate never saw a sloth before. She could not wait to see it.

When Kate and her family got to the zoo, there were already lots of people around the sloth. The sloth was staying in a tree! It looked so cute! Kate looked at the animal for about ten minutes, and then she asked, “Are you sure it is alive (活的), Dad? I don’t see it moving at all.” “Of course it is alive,” her father said. “But a sloth can only move really slowly.”

Kate’s family went to see some other animals. Then they went back to the sloth after lunch. Kate looked at the sloth carefully. It was really at a different place, near the place where it stayed in the morning. “You are really lazy, Mr. Sloth,” Kate said. “I think you should do more exercise. It is good for your health.”

1.Kate’s family went to the zoo on _______.

A. Saturday morning    B. Saturday afternoon

C. Sunday morning    D. Sunday afternoon

2.Kate was excited to go to the zoo because ________.

A. she never went to the zoo before

B. the sloth was her favorite animal

C. the zoo had all kinds of animals

D. the zoo had a new kind of animal

3.Kate thought the sloth was ________ when she saw it for the first time.

A. smart    B. lovely    C. lazy    D. scary

4.Kate told the sloth to ________ to keep healthy.

A. move slowly    B. eat more    C. exercise more    D. sleep more

5.We learn from the passage that ________.

A. Kate is from South America    B. Kate often does exercise

C. the sloth moves very slowly    D. the sloth is not healthy



One sunny Sunday morning, Alex and Emma were playing football in the park. Their dad was sitting on a chair, reading a newspaper.

Then Emma stopped and walked to Alex. “It’s too hot,” she told him. “I think I need a sun hat.” “Me too!” Alex agreed.

Emma looked at her dad’s newspaper and said, “I have an idea.” She asked Dad for two sheets of newspaper and made each of them into a hat. Then she put one on Alex’s head and the other on hers. “The hat is great!” Alex said.

They sat down next to Dad and watched everyone in the park. Then the wind began to blow. Some people started flying kites. “I wish I had a kite,” Alex said. “Or a plane!” Emma said. She took off their hats and made them into two planes.

They played with their planes until they heard thunder (雷声). “Oh, it’s time to go home now,” Emma said. “Or all of us will get wet even if I make each of us a paper umbrella!”

1.Alex and Emma played in the park with their ________.

A. father    B. mother    C. friends    D. teacher

2.Alex and Emma stopped playing football because ________.

A. they thought it was boring    B. they lost their football

C. the weather was hot    D. they felt hungry

3.When the wind began to blow, Alex and Emma ________.

A. started flying kites

B. decided to go home

C. made two paper planes to play with

D. started playing football again

4.The underlined phrase “even if” probably means “________” in Chinese.

A. 如果    B. 即使    C. 既然    D. 因为

5.We can infer (推断) from the passage that ________.

A. Alex and Emma do not like reading newspapers

B. Alex and Emma live near the park

C. Alex and Emma are both good at playing football

D. Alex and Emma didn’t take umbrellas with them



Miss Li enjoys cooking and she often watches some cooking programs on TV.

1.You can’t watch The Chef’s Choice on________.

A. CCTV-1    B. CCTV-4    C. CCTV-7    D. CCTV-10

2.The Chef’s Choice is shown_________.

A. every day    B. on weekends

C. five times a week    D. once a week

3.What food does Chef Nic introduce?

A. Chinese food.    B. Traditional food.

C. English food.    D. Food around the world.

4.It’s 21:20. What program is Miss Li probably watching?

A. The Chef’s Choice.    B. Chef Nic.

C. The Taste.    D. American Food.

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Xie Tingfeng is the host of The Chef’s Choice.

B. Famous stars often appear in The Taste.

C. The Taste tries to find food for the Spring Festival.

D. Chef Nic is shown three times every week.



In 2045, I will live in a smart house. It won’t be very __, because the earth will be more crowded in thirty years, and there won’t be much room for me to __ my house. But it will be comfortable and full __ smart furniture (家具). In the morning, my bed will “stand up” and wake me up. __ I don’t need an alarm clock. After I take a shower and then go into the __, my breakfast is already ready.__ cooks it? My smart table does.

I will spend the daytime in my office. But I can still know what is __ in my house. Is there__ visiting me? Does my dog do well alone at home? I can watch all of these on my phone.

When I arrive home in the evening, the lights will “know” I’m back and they will___ themselves. I __ I will have such a cool house. Do you think so?

1.A. tidy    B. popular    C. cheap    D. big

2.A. mind    B. build    C. buy    D. improve

3.A. by    B. in    C. of    D. to

4.A. So    B. But    C. Or    D. Though

5.A. classroom    B. living room    C. kitchen    D. office

6.A. Who    B. How    C. When    D. Why

7.A. sleeping    B. happening    C. iving    D. playing

8.A. everyone    B. no one    C. someone    D. anyone

9.A. put on    B. turn on    C. take up    D. put up

10.A. agree    B. seem    C. choose    D. believe












参考词汇:aim v. & n. 目标;

confidence n.信心

Boys and girls, the final exams are coming. _____________________________

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _  With these done, I believe we can be successful in the exams.



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