满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---The boys look so happy and excited. -...

---The boys look so happy and excited.

---Right. They think it is a ______ to play the piano with Lang Lang on the stage.

A. regret    B. pity    C. pleasure


C 【解析】句意:——那些男孩看起来如此高兴和兴奋。——对。他们认为和郎朗一起在舞台上弹奏钢琴是一件快乐的事。regret后悔;pity遗憾;pleasure快乐;根据The boys look so happy and excited.可知此处指快乐的事,故选C。  

---Can you ______ the question in a few minutes?

---Sure. I will find the answer to it at once.

A. raise    B. solve    C. ask



---Is it polite to laugh at that boy who has no arms?

---No. Instead, we should help him when he is in trouble.

A. make fun of    B. play with    C. learn from



---Where can we find the same type of the latest book?

---Maybe you can ask the website Amazon for help.

A. quality    B. price    C. kind



---Thanks a lot for your help.

---You are welcome. Actually, I managed to fix it without difficulty.

A. easily    B. carefully    C. secretly



---Could I take a seat next to you?

---Sorry, it is not available. My daughter is coming to the cafe.

A. stand up    B. sit up    C. sit down



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