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powerful place create find green local ...



powerful   place   create    find    green     local    area    wise    play    use

There was once a very special lion called Simba. Simba would play in this beautiful place, running and jumping with his friends, the leopards(豹)and other lions in the1.. Simba had a very special gift—every time he spoke loudly, he2.such a strong wind. And it seemed like a hurricane(飓风).

On the land where Simba lived were lots of animals: giraffes, elephants, etc. And even though it wasn’t a particularly3.place, there were lots of trees and animals. One day, as Simba was4.with his friends, they saw enormous machines destroying part of the plain by building oil wells.

Day by day, the men built more and more oil wells, destroying the5.nature in the process. Simba had fewer and fewer friends to play with, and fewer6.to run on. Then a7.lion told him that the only way to stop the people using petrol (汽油)was to8.renewable energies. Such as the wind.

So he decided to help people with one of the most9.renewable energies in the world: wind power. Then he went round all the countries in the world roaring(咆哮)with all his might to create a great wind. It would help men10.more renewable energy. In the end, Simba succeeded in getting people to stop using petrol, and his home became lively again.


1.area 2.created 3.green 4.playing 5.local 6.places 7.wise 8.find 9.powerful 10.use 【解析】本文讲述的是一只狮子帮助人类保护环境的故事。森林里有一只狮子,它有一种特异的能力:它大声地讲话时,就能产生一阵飓风。它在森林里和其它动物一起快乐地生活着,一天它们发现人类开着巨型机械在建油井,油井越来越多,动物们活动的场所越来越少,这只狮子的朋友也越来越少。一头聪明的狮子告诉它,只有帮助人类找到可再生的能源,人类才会停止使用石油。于是它决定帮助人类利用最强的可再生的能源:风能。最后,它成功地帮助人类使用风能、停止使用石油,而且它的家又充满生机了。 1.句意:Simba在这个美丽的地方跑啊,跳啊,和他的朋友们:豹及其它这个地区的狮子一起。他和生活在同一个地区的动物们一起快乐地生活。地区:area.故填:area. 2.句意:每次他大声讲话时,他就产生一阵风,就好像一阵飓风一样。产生,创造:create,描述的是过去,用一般过去时态,动词用过去式:created。故填:created. 3.句意:而且即使这不是一个特别绿的地方,但是还是有许多树木和动物。动物喜欢生活的地方往往是树林覆盖较好的地方,比较的碧绿茂盛。绿色的:green。故填:green. 4.句意:一天,当Simba在和他的朋友们一起玩耍的时候。由was可知句子用的过去进行时态,其构成是:was/were+现在分词。play=playing。故填:playing. 5.句意:一天一天地,人们建了越来越多的油井,破坏了当地自然的发展。当地的:local。故填:local. 6.句意:Simba一起玩耍的朋友越来越少,跑的地方越来越少。人类建油井破坏了环境,占据了动物活动的场所,所以它们可以活动的地方越来越少。地方:place,few后跟可数名词的复数。故填:places. 7.句意:一只聪明的狮子告诉他唯一的阻止人类使用石油的方式是找到可再生的能源,比如风能。能够想出解决办法的狮子是聪明的狮子。聪明的:wise。故填:wise. 8.句意:一只聪明的狮子告诉他唯一的阻止人类使用石油的方式是找到可再生的能源,比如风能。找到,发现:find。助动词to后动词用原形。故填:find. 9.句意:因此,他决定在最强大的可再生能源风能上帮助人们。从句型结构上可知本空选择形容词,修饰energy,而且加most构成最高级,结合句意和被选项,可知本空选择:powerful:强大的。故填:powerful. 10.句意:它可以帮助人们使用更多可再生能源。用,使用:use,帮助某人做某事:help sb. do sth. 故填:use.

When I was a child, my father had to do three jobs for a family of seven. Every time I saw him come back late, looking ______, I promised myself that someday I would show my ______ to my father for what he had done.

Over the next twenty years, my father worked hard to _______our big family and suffered a lot from a heart problem. One morning, my father’s old car broke down and he asked me to ______him up after his medical examination. He had ______ refused when I offered to replace (取代) his old car. He said that he did not want something that he couldn’t pay________.

______he stepped out of the doctor’s office, he looked serious. We drove in silence and he made me promise to keep the medical report as a ________. I did this with a heavy heart.

At that time, I was _______a new car. I asked my father to go with me to pick_______out. When I started talking with the salesman, I noticed my father________a brown car. I________chose a white car. My father took one final look at the brown car and seemed kind of ______before leaving. I heard him muttering (嘀咕) to himself, “_______like that car. Wish I could ________it.”

Several days later, I asked my father if he could go with me to pick up______new car. As we arrived, the salesman______him a key to a new car - the brown one - and________that it was for him, from me. My father looked at me in great_______. I told him it was my childhood______and smiled at this man, who had given up everything for his family.

1.A. excited    B. tired    C. angry    D. sad

2.A. thanks    B. jobs    C. talents    D. regrets

3.A. build    B. save    C. protect    D. support

4.A. send    B. give    C. pick    D. look

5.A. strongly    B. hardly    C. exactly    D. happily

6.A. myself    B. itself    C. himself    D. ourselves

7.A. Before    B. Since    C. As    D. Until

8.A. fact    B. secret    C. decision    D. suggestion

9.A. imagining    B. making    C. producing    D. expecting

10.A. it    B. one    C. that    D. him

11.A. attacking    B. admiring    C. buying    D. stealing

12.A. finally    B. suddenly    C. simply    D. easily

13.A. worried    B. pleased    C. sorry    D. proud

14.A. Really    B. Actually    C. Recently    D. Clearly

15.A. borrow    B. afford    C. collect    D. receive

16.A. my    B. your    C. his    D. her

17.A. returned    B. lent    C. handed    D. posted

18.A. created    B. explained    C. warned    D. doubted

19.A. fun    B. pain    C. trouble    D. surprise

20.A. dream    B. promise    C. experience    D. interest



Last year, nearly 28,000 new energy cars________ and 80 percent of them were buses.

A. sold    B. sell    C. are sold    D. were sold



This is a very good picture. Who _______ it?

A. paints

B. is painting

C. painted

D. has painted



—Is this toolbox Mr. Black’s?

—It was, but it is_________ now. I bought it last week.

A. my    B. mine    C. him    D. his



I don’t know        to get off. Would you please remind me of my stop?

A. what    B. when    C. if    D. how



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