满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Britain is ________ European country. It...

Britain is ________ European country. It is also________ island country.

A. an, a    B. the, an    C. a, an    D. an, an


C 【解析】试题分析:句意:英国是一个欧洲国家。它也是一个岛国。定冠词the表示特指,不定冠词a/an表示泛指。表示“一……”是不定冠词a/an的用法,a用在以辅音开始的单词前,an用在以元音开始的单词前。注意:是读音,不是字母。European 读作:[ˌjʊərəˈpi:ən],第一个音[j]是辅音,用不定冠词a;island [ˈaɪlənd]的第一个音[aɪ]是元音,用不定冠词an。故选C。 考点:考查冠词。  

亲爱的同学们,七年级这学期就要结束了, 暑假即将来临。在这一年的中学生活中,你一定结交了许多好朋友。请以My best friend 为题,用英语写一篇短文,介绍一下你最好的朋友Daniel。内容要点如下:




1. 聪明、兴趣广泛;

2. 喜爱动物;

3. 善良、乐于助人(举一例)。


1. 多读书来了解世界;

2. 帮父母做家务;

3. 和父母去旅游,因为






My best friend

Daniel is my best friend.______________________________________________________




Do you like taking music lessons? A study shows music lessons can make children have

b1. memories(记忆力) than others. The Canadian study shows that a2. one year of training in music, c 3. could get better grades(分数) in a memory test than others.

There were two groups of children aged b4. 14 and 16 in the study. One group of children took music lessons outside school, and the o5. group didn’t take any lessons. In one year, they took four tests at d6. times. The results showed that the children taking music lessons not only d7. better in music listening but also made much progress in other subjects, s 8. as English and math.

People say music is the medicine for a sad heart.Now it shows music can also h9.us with our memories.We are s10. to find more in the wonderful world of music.



八、任务型阅读 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一最恰当的单词,每个空格只填1个单词。(10分)

A good book can teach you things beyond(超出) your class. It can open your eyes and clear your minds. If you want to get into a good reading habit, there are a number of ways to develop it.

Plan your time

You should give yourself at least thirty minutes in all for reading every day. When time is set, nothing can change it. For example, make it a habit to read during breakfast or lunch time.

Always carry a book

Wherever you go, take a book with you. When you leave the house, make sure that you always carry a good book as well as your school things. Remember that a book always stays with you.

Find a quiet place

Find a place in your home where you can sit in a comfortable chair. When you read a book, no one will trouble you. There should be no televisions, computers, music or even noisy family members around you.

Have a library day

Have a library card, and you can read as many good books as possible in the library. Make it a weekly trip to the library. You can save a lot of money.

Blog it

One of the best ways to develop a good reading habit is to put it on your blog (博客) . If you don’t have one, create one. It’s free. Ask your friends and family to go there to share your ideas and give you some advice.


Some ways to have a good reading1. .

Plan your time

You should read at least half a(n) 2. every day. Make it a habit of 3.   during breakfast or lunch time.

Always 4.  a book

Make sure a book always with you wherever you go.

Find a quiet place

Find a place at home 5.  a comfortable chair and without televisions,   6. , music or noisy people around you.

Have a 7. day

It is a very cheap way to read good books in the library. Go on a trip to the library every 8..

Blog it

It 9.  no money to create a blog. Your friends and family can share your ideas and give you some 10.online.







Don’t put ______ ______ ______ the rubbish bin.


______, he ______ someone ______  to him: “Don’t be afraid!”


Later, some firemen came and ______ ______ the fire.


______ _______ ______ ______, I could play the violin when I was 5.


Lask week, a five-year-old girl ______ ______ _____ and was crying in the street.


This pair of shoes ______ ______. I want to ______ ______ _____




1.It’s about 10 minutes on foot from the railway station to the hotel. (对划线部分提问)

________ ______ is it from the railway station to the hotel?

2.Alice did her homework last night. (改为否定句)

Alice ______ ______ her homework last night.

3.She spent one hour writing the letter yesterday. (同意句转换)

It ______ ______ one hour ______ ______ the letter yesterday.

4.There was only one knife on the desk when I went back home. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ ______ ______ there on the desk when you went back home?

5.Our teacher told us something about his pet dog. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ your teacher ______ you ______ about his pet dog?

6.He went to bed.  He didn’t have supper last night. (句意不变,合并成一句) He went to bed_____ _____ _______last night.

7.They met some of their classmates last week. (用next week改写句子)

They _______ _______  some of their classmates next week.



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