满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Dear Rick, Thanks for your letter. Do yo...

Dear Rick,

Thanks for your letter. Do you want to know about my evening? Well, I usually get home from work at 6:00 pm. I cook dinner for my family—my parents, my sister and my brother. After dinner I usually watch TV, play computer games or play chess. I like playing chess because my father works in a chess club. I take a shower at around nine o’clock and then go to bed at around nine thirty. Sometimes I read some books because I can learn something about my work. How about your evening?

Write to me soon, please.

Best wishes.


1.When does Tony get home from work?

A. At 6:00 am.    B. At 6:00 pm.    C. At 9:00 am.    D. At 9:30 pm.

2.Tony’s family has ________ people.

A. two    B. three    C. four    D. five

3.What does Tony not do in the evening?

A. Watch TV.    B. Play computer games.    C. Play the piano.    D. Play  chess.

4.Where does Tony’s father work?

A. In a chess club.    B. In a swimming club.    C. At a school.    D. At a bookstore.

5.The letter is about _________.

A. Tony’s work    B. Tony’s evening    C. Tony’s family    D. Tony’s dinner


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 【解析】本文是托尼写信给Rick介绍他晚上的活动。 1.B 细节理解题。根据Well, I usually get home from work at 6:00 pm.可知托尼在下午6点下班回家。故选B。 2.D 推理判断题。根据I cook dinner for my family—my parents, my sister and my brother.可知托尼家有他的父母,妹妹,弟弟和他,一共是五口人,故选D。 3.C 细节理解题。根据After dinner I usually watch TV, play computer games or play chess.可知托尼在晚饭后看电视,玩电脑游戏或者下象棋,他不会在晚上弹钢琴,故选C。 4.A 细节理解题。根据I like playing chess because my father works in a chess club.可知托尼的父亲在象棋俱乐部工作。故选A。 5.B 概括归纳题。根据Thanks for your letter. Do you want to know about my evening? 可知在这封信介绍了托尼晚上的活动,故选B。 点睛:根据题干要求,在文中寻找答案所在的语句或段落,进行分析理解,词义猜测,推理判断和概括归纳,选出正确的选项。例如小题2,根据I cook dinner for my family—my parents, my sister and my brother.可知托尼家有他的父母,妹妹,弟弟和他,一共是五口人,故选D。

The Blacks are American tourists. They visit now in Beijing. This is their first visit to China. They are going to stay in China for three months. They want to visit some big cities and villages. They hope to learn some Chinese, too.

Mr Black is a taxi driver. He likes to drive in Beijing. Mrs Black is a school teacher. She is visiting a city school today and a village school tomorrow. Their daughter is a middle school student. She is going to meet some Chinese students.

They are taking a lot of pictures in China. When they return to America, they are going to show the pictures to their friends. They want the American people to know more about China.

1.The Blacks are from________.

A. China    B. England    C. Canada    D. the USA

2.The Blacks are staying in________ now.

A. England    B. Beijing    C. Shanghai    D. New York

3.Mr Black is________.

A. a teacher    B. a doctor    C. a taxi driver    D. a worker

4.There are______ people in Mr Black's family.

A. two    B. three    C. four    D. five

5.Why are they going to show the pictures to their friends when they go back to America?

A. Because the pictures are very beautiful.

B. Because they like China.

C. Because they want the American people to know more about China.



Most children like to watch TV. It’s very interesting. By watching TV they can see and learn a lot and know many things about their country and the world. Of course, they can also learn over the radio(收音机). But they can learn better and more easily with TV. Why? Because they can hear and watch at the same time. But they can’t see anything over the radio.

TV helps to open children’s eyes. TV helps to open their minds, too. They learn better and better ways of doing things. They can find the world is now smaller than before.

Many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening. They are always busy with their lessons. But a few children watch TV every night. They go to bed very late. They can’t have a good rest. How about you, my young friend?

1.According to the passage, a few children go to bed late because they ________.

A. are busy with their lessons    B. do their homework

C. watch TV every night    D. listen to the radio

2.Children can’t see anything ________.

A. in the country    B. over the radio

C. on TV    D. by watching TV

3.TV helps to open children’s ________.

A. eyes and minds    B. minds    C. eyes or minds    D. eyes

4.___children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening.

A. No    B. Hundreds of    C. A lot of    D. Few

5.Children can study better and more easily with TV because.

A. they like to watch TV

B. they can’t learn over the radio

C. they don’t like to listen to the radio

D. they can hear and see something at the same time



John is a Canadian. He lives in a tall building. He gets up at ____ every morning. He _____ home at seven o’clock. And he gets to school at seven forty.

He has _____ classes in the morning and two in the _____. After school, he likes to play volleyball______ his classmates. He goes home at five thirty________. He and his ______have dinner_____ home.____ he does his homework. He goes to_____ at around nine thirty.

What a busy day!

1.A. six fourty    B. six forty    C. seven fourteen    D. seven forty

2.A. goes    B. gets    C. comes    D. leaves

3.A. eight    B. ten    C. four    D. twelve

4.A. morning    B. evening    C. night    D. afternoon

5.A. and    B. with    C. to    D. like

6.A. a.m.    B. p.m.    C. in afternoon    D. in the morning

7.A. teachers    B. mothers    C. parents    D. students

8.A. at    B. in    C. out    D. behind

9.A. When    B. Then    C. How    D. Why

10.A. bed    B. the bed    C. a bed    D. beds



在你的成长过程中,许多人、许多事物一直在陪伴着你、支持着你、温暖着你,让你感动、伴你成长。请以“Say thanks to          ”为题,写一篇短文。








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