满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Jack’s father is doctor. He always wear ...

Jack’s father is       doctor. He always wear        uniform at work.

A. a, an    B. a, the    C. a, a


C 【解析】句意:杰克的父亲是一名医生。他总是在上班时穿着一套制服。第一空表示一个,doctor是辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词a修饰。第二空表示一套制服,uniform是辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词a修饰。故选C。  

近年来我国的发展世人瞩目,中国的传统文化正越来越受到各国朋友的关注。请根据提示,以“The Spring Festival”为题写一篇短文,向外国朋友介绍我国的春节。




①春节是中国农历年(the lunar year)的第一天;


③除夕(On Chinese New Year’s Eve):家人团员(get together), 吃年夜饭(big dinner),守夜(stay up till midnight), 放烟花鞭炮(play fireworks and crackers);

④大年初一(the first day):穿新衣(put on new clothes),向父母拜年(greet parents),收压岁钱(get lucky money)

The Spring Festival




It is necessary to relax ourselves after the exam. There are some kinds of  activities for us to take part in. First of all, we can go for a w1. along the bank of the river. We can also go to the movies or listen to music. What’s more, joining in a sports club is a good c2., which can keep us healthy. For example, p3. football in the afternoon may relax ourselves. Above all, we should arrange(管理) our time p4. and live a regular(规律的) life. I hope all of us can have a wonderful time.





or      try    although     other

Chinese students work hard to learn English. Do you know American kids are 1. to learn Chinese? About 50,000 American students now study Chinese .“Because of china’s fast growth, Chinese is more useful than2.languages,” said Scott McGinnis, a Washington language expert.

For example, in 1999,only three Chicago schools had Chinese classes. This year more than 20 do. In many US cities , students take Chinese lessons during holidays3.on the weekends. But Chicago schools teach Chinese during the regular day. Last year China gave them 3,000 textbooks because they had done a good job.

4. Chinese classes are becoming popular, it is one of the most difficult languages. It totally takes an English speaker about 1,320 hours to become good at Chinese , but it only takes 480 hours to learn French, Spanish or Italian.




1.We see this English speech competition as a chance to prove ________ (we).

2.You should depend on yourself. It’s you who make final _______________ (decide).

3.Many countries think _________ of China’s high-speed railway technologies. (high)

4.You should drive carefully though you’ve _______ in passing the driving test. (success)



A:Dad, we were told to collect some information about Wuhu Subway. 1.

B:Sure. It’s reported that Subway Line l will be built.

A:Great ! How long is it?

B:It has a total length of 29.2 kilometers.

A:How many stations are there?

B:2. And it connects four main areas of the city from the north to the south.

A:Then how about the ticket price?

B:Well, it still remains unknown. 3.

A:Hope not.  I’m looking forward to taking the subway to school!



A. It covers 24 stations.

B. But I hope the ticket won’t be expensive.

C. Would you please tell me something about it?





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