满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

- Tina, breakfast is ready. Dad cooked i...

- Tina, breakfast is ready. Dad cooked it for us.

- It can’t have been Father. He ______ early on Sundays.

A. always gets up    B. often got up

C. had got up    D. never gets up


D 【解析】试题分析:always gets up总是起床;often got up经常起床;had got up已经起床;never gets up从来不起床。句意:蒂娜,早饭已经准备好了。爸爸给我们做的。——不可能是父亲。他在周日从来不起床。故选D。 考点:考查短语辨析  

Why not ________to Beijing for vacation?

A. consider going    B. considering going    C. consider to do    D. to consider go



–Mom, I don’t know which piece of cake belongs to me.

--Well, my dear. They are _______ the same, you may take _______ half.

A. both ; every    B. all ; any

C. both ; either    D. all ;either



  ---The film______ again sometime next week.

--- I would like see it again.

A. showed    B. will show

C. will be shown    D. shows



We all want to know who can________the physics problem?You knowit’s very difficult

A. work out

B. take out

C. set out

D. look out



— I’m looking forward to _____my parents soon. What about you?

— Me too

A. seeing    B. see

C. saw    D. to see



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