满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

What will you do if you are in trouble o...

What will you do if you are in trouble on a lonely island? Surely you need to find a way to get in touch with the outside world. Your best chance of doing this is to attract the attention of a passing plane.

Body language

Pilots(飞行员) from different countries understand body languages if they have the correct training. When you put your arms up and down in a straight line, it means, “yes”. When you point down and swing (摇摆) your arm from side to side, it means “no”. If you want the pilot to know that it’s safe to land, push your hands out in front of you and bend(弯下) your knees. If you want to say that it’s not safe to land, put your arms up in the air and move them to one side.

Start a fire

The smoke from a fire can be seen from far away, so it's a good way to attract attention. If the weather is dry, it isn’t hard to start a fire. Remember, however, that fires can be very dangerous if they lose control. Never light a tire unless you’re sure that it can’t spread. If the ground is dark, light smoke can be seen more easily. Green grass and leaves produce light smoke.

Ground- to- air marks

It’s a good idea lo make some marks, too. Use large pieces of wood to make the marks. If you can’t find any wood, use earth. Some useful marks are:

F :“I need food and water”

II:“I need medicine.”

I:“I am badly hurt.”

X:“I can’t move from here”

So next time, if you meet this problem and can’t get away from the island, try the advice above.

1.Which of the following means “It’s not safe to land”?

2.If you are hungry and thirsty, you should draw_________ on the ground.

A. F    B. II    C. I    D. X

3.From the passage, we can learn that ___________.

A. Putting up and down your arms in a straight line means “No”

B. You should start a fire when you are sure it will spread

C. It’s a good idea to use flowers and grass to make marks on the ground

D. Your body language, smoke and ground marks are helpful to save you out

4.The passage is mainly about _______.

A. ways of living on a lonely island

B. ways of asking for help on a lonely island

C. body languages on an island

D. the importance of making marks on an island


1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 【解析】本文主要介绍了如果孤单一个人到了无人岛该怎样自救,最好的机会是吸引经过的飞机的注意:可以用肢体语言、生火、在地面做一些大型的标志等等。 1.推理判断题。题意:下面哪一个是“着陆不安全”的意思?由第二段最后一句:If you want to say that it’s not safe to land, put your arms up in the air and move them to one side.可知,如果你想要说着陆不安全,把手臂伸向空中,并向一边移动。故选D。 2.细节理解题。题意:如果你又饿又渴,你应该在地上画什么?A. F;B. II;C. I;D. X。由短文里的:F :“I need food and water”可知,在地上画F表示“我需要食物和水”。故选A。 3.推理判断题。题意:从短文中,我们可以了解到什么?A. Putting up and down your arms in a straight line means “No”手臂直上直下意思是“不”;B. You should start a fire when you are sure it will spread当你确定会传播开时,你应该生火;C. It’s a good idea to use flowers and grass to make marks on the ground在地面上,用花和草作标志是好主意。D. Your body language, smoke and ground marks are helpful to save you out你的肢体语言、烟和地面上的标志有助于救你出去。根据短文内容,如果我们被困在孤岛上,我们可以使用肢体语言、生火、在地上做一些标志等等来吸引飞过的飞机的注意力,从而有助于自己脱险。故选D。 4.主旨大意题。题意:短文主要是关于什么的?A. ways of living on a lonely island在孤岛上生存的方式;B. ways of asking for help on a lonely island在孤岛上求助的方式;C. body languages on an island岛上的肢体语言;D. the importance of making marks on an island在岛上做标志的重要性。本文主要讲述的是假设身陷孤岛时的一些求助方式。所以本题选B。

Have you ever heard of the proverb(格言) “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise?” It was written by Benjamin Franklin. Another famous proverb is “ A penny saved is a penny earned”, which means money should not be wasted. People like to use proverbs because they usually have deep meanings. Here is an interesting collection of proverbs about love.

Some people say “Absence makes the heart grow fonder(多情的)”. That means you love someone even more when he or she is far away.

Another proverb says “love is blind”. In other words, when you are in love with someone, you may refuse to see anything bad about the person.

Here is another popular saying about love: “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Some people believe that a woman can win a man’s love if she cooks his favorite foods. Some people only want to love someone who is very good-looking. You might tell them that “Beauty is only skin deep.” What a person looks like is not really important.

All in all, those proverbs are quite interesting sometimes. If you try to memorize some of them in your English study, you may find a lot of fun when talking in English. So, please have a try. “Action speaks louder than words.”

1.“A penny saved is a penny earned” means you should ________.

A. make more money    B. find a job    C. save money    D. work harder

2.The proverb “_________” is almost the same as the one “Never judge(判断)a person by his look”?

A. Love is blind    B. Absence makes the heart grow fonder

C. Beauty is only skin deep    D. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach

3.How many proverbs are there in this passage talking about love?

A. 3    B. 4    C. 5    D. 6



On a cold, rainy day, a boy found a turtle(乌龟) along the river. He was very happy, __________ to keep the turtle as his lovely pet.

He put the turtle on a stone and watched it ___________ a long time. But the turtle didn’t move.

Out of curiosity(好奇), the boy started to examine it to find out __________ was wrong with it. But the turtle pulled in its head and firmly(紧紧地) closed its shell. The boy was very upset. So he took the turtle __________and began to shake it. But the turtle still stayed in __________ shell. The boy picked up a stick to try to pry(撬) it open.

The boy’s uncle was watching all of this.

“No, that’s not the way,” he __________ the boy. “In fact, you may kill the turtle before you make it open up with a stick.”

The boy’s uncle took the turtle into the house and put it near the fireplace. The turtle didn’t move at all __________ it got warm. Then it pushed out its head, then its legs and began to crawl(爬行). “Turtles are like that,” said the uncle, “and people, __________.”

“If you want the turtle to move, you should make it feel warm and safe first. In the same way, if you want other people to be __________ to you, you need to be nice to them first. The others will open up their __________ when they feel warm and safe inside,” the uncle continued to say.

1.A. hoped    B. hope    C. was hoped    D. hoping

2.A. for    B. by    C. with    D. as

3.A. when    B. what    C. why    D. where

4.A. quietly    B. carefully    C. angrily    D. politely

5.A. our    B. it’s    C. its    D. us

6.A. asked    B. stopped    C. shouted    D. hit

7.A. until    B. although    C. unless    D. because

8.A. as well as    B. too    C. either    D. also

9.A. free    B. angry    C. happy    D. friendly

10.A. hearts    B. heads    C. brains    D. faces



— Never speak to your parents like that again. It will hurt their feelings.

— ____________.

A. I’m afraid not    B. My pleasure    C. It’s all right    D. Sorry, I won’t



— I don’t know ____________.

— She has lost her watch. It’s a birthday gift from her dad.

A. if she will come to my house tomorrow

B. what did she do yesterday afternoon

C. why she looks unhappy

D. how did everything happen



— Her mini skirt costs more than 500 dollars.

— I can ____________ believe that. It’s so expensive.

A. hardly    B. only    C. almost    D. quietly



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