满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

If you shop online on Double Eleventh Da...

If you shop online on Double Eleventh Day, you may buy what you like at the ____________ price of a year.

A. cheap    B. low    C. cheapest    D. lowest


D 【解析】句意:如果你在双十一那天在线购物,你可以以一年中最低的价格买到你喜欢的东西。A. cheap便宜的;B. low低的;C. cheapest最便宜的;D. lowest最低的。英语中,修饰的名词是商品名时,用cheap, expensive;修饰的名词是价格price时,用high, low。双十一可以买到一年中最便宜的东西,用最高级,修饰price,用lowest。故选D。  

— Do you mind if I borrow your notebook? I didn’t write down all the notes.

— ____________. I am not using it now.

A. Certainly not    B. I’m sorry    C. Of course    D. Yes, I do



It will be hard for us to say goodbye to our dear classmates and teachers before leaving this school ____________ we have so many wonderful memories together.

A. because    B. although    C. in order    D. so that



Our environment is in great danger. Maybe we should ____________ a way to protect it.

A. come from    B. come up with    C. come on    D. come out



—Jack, look at the time. ____________ you play the violin at such a late hour?

—Sorry, dear. I’ll stop right now.

A. Will    B. Can    C. May    D. Must



In the show Super Mom, Nemo was often made ____________ by his brother Angie.

A. cry    B. cried    C. crying    D. to cry



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