满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

There is an old tiger in the forest. He ...

There is an old tiger in the forest. He doesn’t want to look for food now. He often asks other animals to get him something to eat.

One day, he sees a monkey and says, “I am hungry, monkey. Go to the village and get me something to eat.” “I can’t do that now, tiger,” the monkey says, “There is another tiger over there. He will not let me get anything for you to eat. I am afraid of him.” “What?” cries the old tiger. “Take me to that tiger. I will talk to him.” The monkey and the tiger get to the bridge over the river. “Now look down at the water.” Says the monkey. “Do you see the tiger?” “Yes, I do,” cries the old tiger. “I will eat him.” With these words, the tiger jumps into the river.

1.An old tiger lives ____.

A. in the zoo    B. in the garden    C. in the forest

2.How many tigers and monkeys are there in the story?

A. Two tigers and two monkeys.

B. One tiger and one monkey.

C. One tiger and two monkeys.

3.Why does the tiger ask the other animals to get him food?  Because__.

A. they are afraid of him

B. only they can look for some food

C. they are his friends

4.The monkey ____.

A. goes to get something to eat

B. gets to the bridge with the tiger

C. knows there is another tiger

5.Which of the following is right?

A. The tiger is very clever.

B. The monkey eats the tiger.

C. The tiger jumps into the water.


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C 【解析】试题分析:这篇文章讲述了森林里住着一只老虎,它总让其他动物帮它找食物。有天它让猴子给它找食物,猴子告诉它森林里还住着另外一只老虎,不让猴子寻找食物,它很怕那只老虎。老虎听了后就让猴子带它去见那只老虎。猴子把老虎带到河的桥上,指着水里的老虎的影子说这就是那只老虎。老虎看到了就跳到河里说要把那只老虎给吃了。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 考点:故事类短文阅读。




A. But I saw pandas and koalas.

B. Did you visit your grandparents in the town?

C. Did you ride a bike or take a bus there?

D. How was the weather there?

E. Did you have a trip last month?

F. The lions were very scary.

G. They tasted delicious.

A: Hi, Lily. (46)1.

B: Yes, I did. I visited a small village.

A: Oh, great. (47)2.

B: I took a bus. The village is a little far. 

A: Did you have much fun in the village?  

B: Of course. I swam in the river. I also picked   some pears. (48)3.

A: Sounds interesting. (49)4.

B: It was cloudy and cool. Did you go anywhere?

A: Yes. I went to the zoo.

B: Did you see any lions? 

A: No, I didn’t. (50)5. They were really cute.



Today is Sunday. Brother and I__________ at home. We want to carry two boxes into the room. My box is big, but it’s light. My brother’s box is __________, but heavy. We put__________ on the table. We can see __________clothes in the boxes, but my _________aren’t in them. Brother can  ________ me to find them. They’re under the bed. I must look  ________ my things. We put the _________ boxes away. The chair is _________. It must be mended(修理). After that, we play volleyball________the playground(操场). We are very happy, we like this Sunday.

1.A. are    B. am    C. is

2.A. small    B. big    C. round

3.A. it    B. them    C. they

4.A. the    B. a    C. some

5.A. books    B. pens    C. socks

6.A. meet    B. help    C. see

7.A. for    B. like        C. after

8.A. one    B. two    C. three

9.A. old    B. new    C. black

10.A. in    B. on    C. at



---Let’s go to the movie tomorrow evening.


A. Sounds boring.    B. No, it’s not good.    C. That’s a good idea.



I _________ a kite with my brother last Saturday.

A. flew    B. am flying    C. fly



---________does she usually get up?

         --- She usually gets up at 6:30.

A. How often    B. What time    C. How long



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