满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读下面的短文,将短文中画线的句子译成中文(4分,每题2分) Stress is...


Stress is what you feel when you are worried about something.

64. It can make you feel bad. many things can cause stress in a kid’s life. now many kids feel stressed because they have too much homework to do both at school and at home.65. They don’t have their own time to do what they are interested in. Now more and more students are getting short—sighted. They often read in bed or keep reading for a long time.




1.压力能使我感觉很糟糕 2.许多孩子们没有他们自己的时间做他们所感兴趣的事 【解析】这篇短文主要是讲述了造成压力的原因。 1.短语make sb. do sth.表示使某事做某事。feel bad表示感到糟糕。根据题意,故填压力能使我感觉很糟糕。 2.短语have one’s own time to do sth.表示有自己的时间做某事;短语be interested in…表示对……感兴趣;这里是what引导的宾语从句,用陈述语序。根据题意,故填They don’t have their own time to do what they are interested in.



If you don’t repair the bike, ___________________________.


Jack is very outing and easy to __________________________


____________________,they all agreed with me.


Why don’t you ___________________________________________________?


We study hard _______________________get into a good university.










A: Good morning,doctor!

B:Good morning!1.?                                                                                             

A: I have a headache.


A: It started at 10 o’clock last night.

B:3.?                                                                                          A:No,I didn’t take any medicine.

I think I must come to see you first.

B: You’re right.You just have a cold and have a fever.

A: Is it serious?4.?

B:No,it’s nothing serious.  You should stay in bed and have a good rest.

5.Drinking hot water can make you feel better.And take the medicine three times a day.

A:OK.Thank you,doctor.

B:You’re welcome.



Maybe most of us do not enjoy doing housework. We hate to do it. But I think it’s our job to do housework. Here is some advice for you.

★Learn to do little things

Doing housework is really not as bad as it sounds. If we all do our parts of housework, it will seem much less tiring. We can do little things first. It will show that you are growing up.

★Divide housework among (在……之中) the family

Your parents are also busy. They work all day and they have to keep the house clean. So it’s necessary to make everyone do housework. It will make everyone’s job easier.

★ Make it fun

If you can make housework a funny thing, that will be great. Most people think cooking can be fun if you put your heart into it. For example, if you cook a wonderful meal, your family or friends will be proud (骄傲的) of you.

1.How many pieces of advice does the writer give us?

A. Two.    B. Three.    C. Four.    D. Five.

2.If we do our parts of the housework, it will seem _______.

A. tiring    B. relaxing    C. difficult    D. heavy

3.The underlined word “divide” means “_____” in Chinese.

A. 分配    B. 提供    C. 管理    D. 交换

4.According to the passage the writer thinks that ________.

A. parents should do all the housework

B. everybody in the family should do housework

C. dividing housework among the family is not necessary

D. cooking can never be fun

5.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Learn to do housework

B. Learn to be a good cook

C. Small things we should do

D. How to divide housework among the family



Dear Dr. Smith,

My mom always keeps asking me, “What’s going on?” If I want to go to a concert, she asks who I will go with. I think that’s my own thing. Sometimes it seems that she doesn’t trust me. It makes me very sad. How can I make her stop?


Dear Kate,

Many young people have the same problem as you. If you don’t talk much with your parents, they might feel they need to ask you questions to know about your life. It seems that your mom is getting into your thing, but I think she’s just trying to keep a close relationship with you. In fact, some experts often tell parents to stay close to their kids by asking them about what’s going on in their life.

Some parents do this better than others. But some parents ask questions because they don’t trust their kids. Your mom is just trying to stay close to you because she loves and cares about you. You can have a talk with her about it.

Of course, that doesn’t make the questions less boring. If you’re tired of so many questions, tell your mom about your day before she asks. If you offer more information, your mom won’t ask you too many questions!

If you do this, I’m sure you can get on well with your mom.

Dr. Smith

1.Kate’s problem is that _________.

A. she is sad about the person at the concert

B. she doesn’t like or care about her mother

C. her mother always asks her lots of questions

D. her mother doesn’t want her to make new friends

2.The underlined word “trust” means “_______” in Chinese.

A. 关心    B. 讨厌    C. 信任    D.

3.Dr. Smith thinks Kate’s mother maybe _____.

A. doesn’t love Kate    B. doesn’t trust Kate

C. tries to stop Kate    D. tries to stay close to Kate

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Kate’s problem is a special one to young people.

B. Dr. Smith believes that all parents trust their kids.

C. Dr. Smith advises Kate to offer more information to her mom.

D. Some experts advise parents should only ask their kids about their study.

5.In which column (栏目) can we find this passage in a magazine?

A. World Animals.    B. Problems and Advice.

C. Sports.    D. Health.



One cold Sunday, Mariko and her dad were walking to the store.“I’m tired of winter,” said Mariko.

Dad waved (挥手) at their neighbor. “I know Mr. Hill hopes spring will come too.”

Mr. Hill was sitting and enjoying the sun in his garden (花园). He waved, and Mariko waved back.

“Mr. Hill loves his garden,” said Mariko. Mr. Hill had the most beautiful spring flower garden. It was full of daffodils (黄水仙).

Dad said, “Yes, he does. And because he is old, it is hard for him to go outside in winter.”

At the store, Mariko helped Dad choose milk, bread and carrots.

“You may choose something for yourself, Mariko,” said Dad.

At first Mariko thought apples would taste good. But then something else caught her eye, “Oh, Dad, look, daffodils!”

“Is that something you want?” asked Dad.

“Yes!” Mariko said happily.

Mariko couldn’t stop looking at her daffodils all the way home. But when she got to Mr. Hill’s house, she stopped, “Maybe I could ...”

“Wait here, Dad, please,” she said. “I’ll be right back.”

Mariko ran to Mr. Hill and gave him the daffodils.

“What a wonderful winter surprise!” said Mr. Hill. “You have brought me spring!”


1.What did Mariko and her father do on Sunday?

A. They did some shopping.

B. They worked in the garden.

C. They visited their neighbors.

D. They helped Mr. Hill pick flowers.

2.What did Mariko and her father NOT bring home?

A. Apples.    B. Carrots.    C. Milk.    D. Bread.

3.Mariko chose daffodils probably because ______.

A. they were colorful

B. her mother liked them

C. her garden needed new flowers

D. the flowers made her think of spring

4.From the story, we know that Mariko ______.

A. disliked shopping    B. liked daffodils best

C. was popular with her neighbors    D. was kind and thought of others

5.What is the best title of the story?

A. A shopping day    B. A winter surprise

C. Beautiful flowers    D. Spring and winter



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