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Your nose has many important jobs, and i...

Your nose has many important jobs, and is always busy.


Smelling helps you gather information about the world around you. A good scent (气体),like flowers, brings you pleasure. A bad scent, like smoke or sour milk, warns you of danger. Most things around you release scent particles (微粒) into the air. These invisible chemicals enter the nose when you breathe. Nerves in the nose send information to the brain to identify a smell. You are able to recognize thousands of smells.


    Most of the air you breathe enters through your nose. The nose uses hair and mucus (粘液) to clean dust and germs (细菌) out of the air. The air that enters your nose contains oxygen. Your body uses oxygen to unlock the energy in the food you eat.  Even when you sleep, your body needs energy to keep your heart beating and your brain working.


    Your nose helps you enjoy food. Flavor is a mixture of taste and smell. The smell of the food helps you identify what you are eating. The sense of smell contributes more to (贡献) food flavor than the sense of taste .When you are sick and have a stuffy nose, your food doesn’t taste as good because without smell, food loses most of its flavor.

Smell memory

    Smells can bring back memories. Your brain uses a process to create a picture in your mind from the odors(气味)you smell. Smells can affect your feelings because the part of the brain that helps you identify smells is close to the area that affects your emotions, mood and memory. More smell memories are collected as you get older.

    Your nose has many important jobs, and is more than just a smeller!

1.How many important jobs does a nose do according to the passage?


2.Smelling helps you recognize thousands of smells, doesn’t it?


3.What does the nose use to clean dust and germs out of air?


4.What happens to your food if you are sick and have a stuffy nose?


5.How do smells bring back memories?



1.Four. They are smelling, breathing, tasting and smell memory. 2.Yes, it does. 3.Hair and mucus. 4.It won’t taste as good. 5.By using a process to create a picture in your mind from the odors you smell. 【解析】本文是一篇科普类短文。讲述的是“鼻子”重要而忙碌的工作:闻气味、呼吸、品尝及气味记忆等等。 1.细节理解题。题意:根据短文,鼻子有多少项重要的工作?根据每段的小标题可知,鼻子主要有四项工作:闻气味、呼吸、品尝及气味记忆。故回答:Four. They are smelling, breathing, tasting and smell memory. 2.细节理解题。题意:闻味道帮助你认识成千上万的味道,是不是?从第二段的Nerves in the nose send information to the brain to identify a smell. You are able to recognize thousands of smells.可知鼻子里的神经给大脑发送信息来识别一种气味,然后人们就能够认识成千上万的气味。故作肯定回答:Yes, it does. 3.细节理解题。题意:鼻子用什么来清扫灰尘和细菌?从第三段的The nose uses hair and mucus (粘液) to clean dust and germs (细菌) out of the air.可知,鼻子用鼻毛和粘液来清扫。故回答:Hair and mucus. 4.细节理解题。题意:如果你生病了或是鼻子不通,你的食物会发生什么?从第四段的when you are sick and have a stuffy nose, your food doesn’t taste as good because without smell, food loses most of its flavor.可知生病或鼻子不通时,食物口感不好。故回答:It won’t taste as good. 5.细节理解题。题意:气味怎样唤起记忆?由第五段的Your brain uses a process to create a picture in your mind from the odors(气味)you smell.可知大脑通过在头脑中创建一幅来自闻到的气味的图的方式来存储气味,并唤起记忆。故回答:By using a process to create a picture in your mind from the odors you smell.

Once my mother told me a story. In Africa, when an antelope (羚羊) wakes up every morning, the first

thing it thinks about is, “I must be able to run faster than the fastest lion, or I will be k ___1___.” At the same time, a lion wakes from his dream. The first thing the lion thinks about is, “I must be able to catch the ___2___antelope, or I will die of hunger .” So almost at the same time, the antelope and the lion get up and start running toward the rising sun.
   This is life: full of chances and challenges. Whether you are an antelope or a lion, you must go a___3___when the sun rises. For students, it is just the same. If we don’t study hard, sooner or later, we will fall b____4____the other students. At first, I didn’t know what the word “exam” meant. Later, I knew an exam was a kind of competition. In competitions, there are always w ___5___  and losers. As I grew up, I got to know “competition”. In one’s life, there must be competitions, so people can improve.
   Each time I saw children playing games and heard their laughter, I wished I were that age again. However, I remembered my parents’ words: “You must work very hard in order to have a good f ___6___. ” So I picked up my pen and began to study hard again.
    I was still not sure what competition really meant. One day, I was taking part in an English-speaking competition. When I went to the stage, I saw other students looking at me kindly. I s ___7___ knew what competition was. It is not as cruel as my teacher and parents told me. In fact, competition is the opposite: it is kind and necessary.
    I learned a lot from realizing this  . Now I understand better about the world. Competition is important for us all.



Today some people call Amsterdam the "City of Bicycles" because it is a city which is flat and convenient for bicycles.

In the 1960sa group of cycling fans had an idea. They believed that it would be better for everybody if only bicycles were allowed in the city centre. They were____that this would help to save energy. reduce pollution and provide free public transport. The group painted hundreds of bicycles____and placed them in public places around Amsterdam for people to use____was allowed to take them and use them for short journeyswhether he was a local or a foreigner.

Wherever someone finished a journeythey would leave the bike there for someone else to use. The problem was that it didn't work-thieves took all the bicycles within weeks!

____more than thirty years laterthe "white bike" is back in town-this time with a computer chip(芯片) to____its every move! To take a bicycleyou have to put a special card inside. The new "white bike" is not white any more but is an unusual design with bright colours. The bikes are parked at special parking places and people who want to use them

have to take them to another place that has enough room.

There is already____traffic in central Amsterdambecause both locals and tourists have been using the white bikes. Thanks to the good ideas of lots of peoplelike the cycling fans in the 1960smany people around the world have been enjoying city centre streets without cars for many years.


A. awful    B. wonderful    C. hopeful    D. thankful


A. black    B. brown    C. blue    D. white


A. Anybody    B. Everybody    C. Nobody    D. Somebody


A. Instead    B. However    C. For example    D. After all


A. make    B. mark    C. record    D. describe


A. heavier    B. worse    C. safer    D. less



“ Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country.” It’s a famous quote from US president John F, Kennedy’s inaugural(就职) speech in 1961.

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of the social networking site Facebook, must agree with Kennedy. The 33-year-old American donated $100 million to the public schools in New Jersey, US.

Who is this young billionaire? How did he make his fortune?

Thirteen years ago, Zuckerber was a computer geek(怪才) at Harvard University. As a second-year student, he set up a website to put the “face books” --photos of incoming first-year students online. The website, where people were able to share personal information, was a success at once.

Zuckerberg first opened Facebook to high school students and then to everyone. Greeting such as “Have you checked your Facebook page today?” and “Do your ‘friends’ know what you ate for breakfast?” became a part of American life. Now Facebook is the most popular site in the world with 1.7 billion users.” I could have never imagined all of the ways people would use Facebook when we were getting started thirteen years ago,” Zuckerberg wrote in a recent blog.

Zuckerberg’s dream is to make the Internet a more connected place. The mission(任务)could become profitable for Facebook. The more people share information about themselves online, the more money Facebook will make selting advertising. Zuckerberg is already worth $34 billion, according to Forbes.

Yet the billionaire keeps his own life out of the public eye. At the company, it is said that he sits among a sea of desks like hundreds of workers. A visitor to Facebook might not even spot Zuckerberg in T-shirt and jeans. He usually takes one two-week vacation each year with his wife Priscilla Chan, a Chinese American. On the weekends, it is reported that he roasts pig and goat in his backyard for friends and takes Chinese lessons.

The Social Network, a movie based on Zuckerberg’s story, came out in 2010. It became one of the most popular films of that year.

1.At the very beginning, Mark Zuckerber set up the website in order to________.

A. communicate with more people

B. make a lot of money

C. put the photos of first-year students online

D. become a famous person

2.Zuckbergerg donated $100 million to________.

A. Harvard University    B. Facebook

C. the public schools in New Jersey    D. high school students

3.Zeukerberg founded Facebook_________.

A. when he was a first-year student at Harvard University

B. when he was 33 years old

C. thirteen years ago

D. as soon as he graduated

4.The sentence “Yet the billionaire keeps his own life out of the public eye.” means__________.

A. Zeuckerberg doesn’t want to attract people’s attention.

B. Zeuckerberg doesn’t like to live in public places.

C. Zeuckerberg is afraid to meet people.

D. Zeuckerberg lives in a place far away from people.

5.In his daily life, Zeuckerberg________.

A. like to roast pig and goat for friends on weekends

B. sometimes take Chinese lessons

C. is quite different from other people

D. makes some movies

6.The best title for the passage might be_________.

A. Facebook is a popular website    B. Mark Zeuckerberg

C. Mark Zeuckerberg and his wife    D. US president, Kennedy




1.Soldiers fought against their enemies in the First World War.(一般疑问句)

________soldiers________against their enemies in the First World War?

2.I feel like going to Europe for a visit next summer vacation.(就换线部分提问)

  ___________ do you feel like___________ next summer vacation?

3.I will understand the sentence after I look it up in the dictionary.(保持意思基本不变)

I ________ understand the sentence _____ I look it up in the dictionary.(保持意思基本不变)

4.There is hardly any traffic in the early morning here.(反意疑问句)

There is hardly any traffic in the early morning here,________ ________?

5.Can you tell me? Where did you have dinner tonight?(合并两句为一句)

Can you tell me ________ you ________dinner tonight?

6.less, tired, their, with, people, build, wood, three, to, house





1.Please add some________to the water and heat it up.(chemistry)

2.Mary put a pillow on the seat so that she could sit________.(comfortable)

3.This factory will________fashionable bags for women next year.(product)

4.Harry was________because Jim didn’t seem to remember him.(puzzle)

5.We had a________time at their house last night.(please)

6.The boss will hold this kind of meetings________.(month)

7.________online is his favorite indoor activity.(chat)

8.The kite flew away and it was________(visible).



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