满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Once upon a time, there was a teacher an...

Once upon a time, there was a teacher and his student lying down under a big grass area. Suddenly, the student asked the teacher, “Teacher, I wonder __________ I can find my soul mate(灵魂伴侣)? Can you please tell me?” __________ for a second, then the teacher answered, “Well, it’s a pretty hard and easy question.”

The student __________hard.

The teacher continued, “Look that way, there is a lot of grass there. You just walk there but please __________ walk backwards(向后地), just walk straight ahead. On your __________, try to find a beautiful grass and pick it up and then give it to me. But just one.”

The student replied, “OK ,wait for __________.” Then he walked straight ahead to the grass field.

A few minutes later the student came back.

The teacher said, “Um, I don’t see any beautiful __________ on your hand.”

The student explained, “On my journey, I __________ a few beautiful grass, but I thought that I would find a  __________one, so I didn’t pick it up. But I didn’t realize that I was at the ___________of the field, and I hadn’t picked up any ___________you told me not to go back so I didn’t go back.”

“That’s what happened in ___________life,” the teacher told the student.

What is the message of this story?

Grass is people ___________ you. Beautiful Grass is people that draw your attention. Grass field is time.

In looking for your soul mate or your right job, please don’t always ___________and hope that there will be a better one. By doing that, you’ll ___________your lifetime ,because “Time Never Goes Back.” So the moral (寓意)of the story is LOVE & take the chance that you have now! Treasure it, don't wait until you lose it.

1.A. what    B. how    C. why    D. where

2.A. calm    B. still    C. silent    D. peaceful

3.A. guessed    B. considered    C. worked    D. thought

4.A. never    B. sometimes    C. often    D. usually

5.A. road    B. way    C. path    D. field

6.A. him    B. her    C. me    D. you

7.A. tree    B. grass    C. flower    D. leaf

8.A. saw    B. planted    C. discovered    D. received

9.A. worse    B. better    C. sweeter    D. greener

10.A. beginning    B. top    C. middle    D. end

11.A. but    B. though    C. because    D. so

12.A. magic    B. main    C. true    D. real

13.A. around    B. for    C. by    D. with

14.A. change    B. compare    C. correct    D. miss

15.A. save    B. manage    C. waste    D. own


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.D 11.C 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.C 【解析】本文通过一个老师教给学生寻找灵魂伴侣的故事,告诉我们现在是最值得珍惜的,要好好把握,珍惜现在的大好时光。 1.句意:老师,我在想我怎样才能找到我的灵魂伴侣,你能告诉我吗?故选B。 2.本题考查silent for a second(安静了一会)。故选C。 3.根据老师说Well, it’s a pretty hard and easy question可知学生努力地想。故选D。 4.根据just walk straight ahead可知老师告诉学生一直往前走,决不能向后走。故选A。 5.本题考查on one’s way在某人的路上。故选B。 6.从文中可判断学生让老师等他。故选C。 7.根据try to find a beautiful grass and pick it up and then give it to me. But just one可知,老师没有看到任何美丽的草在学生的手里。故选B。 8.句意:在路上,我看到了一些美丽的草。看到用see。故选A。 9.句意:但是我想我能找到更好地,于是我没有摘它。更好的用better。故选B。 10.本题考查at the end of(在------的尽头)。故选D。 11.根据前文叙述学生没摘到任何东西是因为老师不让他向后走。本句是因果关系。故选C。 12.句意:这就是我们在真实生活中发生的。真实的是real。故选D。 13.句意:草就是你周围的人。周围的用around。故选A。 14.句意:所以请不要总是比较和希望找到更好的。比较是compare。故选B。 15.句意:做这些会浪费你的生命。浪费是waste。故选C。 点晴:首先,完型填空的首句一般都是完整的,其目的是给答题者一个整体思路,顺着这个整体思路进行第一遍的"跳读",也就是不看选项通读全篇。接下去进行第二遍的诸题攻破,边看边选。这篇做起来是最费时间的,因为每选一个空,都要考虑到有关的语义搭配、固定句式、词组、时态等各个方面。比如,如果选项是动词,那么,考查的可能是时态,动词过去式、过去分词的规则、不规则变化;如果选项是介词,考查的可能是固定搭配或词组;如果选项是连词,则考的可能是上下文的顺承转接等等。.这就要求答题者有较深的基础知识功底,同时,要能做到上下呼应,左右连接。在填完所有的空之后,就进入到了第三遍的纠错过程。这一步要求把所有的选项一一对应到相应的空中,把它作为一篇完整的阅读文章来通读、复查。

英语课堂上老师要求学生们就“与人相处”的话题展开小组讨论。请根据以下你所在小组的讨论结果,以“How to Get on Well with Others?”为题,写一篇英语短文。



Wang Li

respect others

Liu Ying

learn to share


be polite to others








How to Get on Well with Others?              











My Dream Job

When I grow up, I’m going to do what I want to do. I’m going to move somewhere interesting.61.Paris sounds like a city that I could enjoy. There are lots of art exhibitions there.62.我想当个艺术家。So how am I going to do it? 63.First, I’m going to find a part-time job for a year or two and save some money. And I’m going to be a student at an art school in Paris. 64.And I want to learn French at the same time. Next, I’m going to hold art exhibitions because I want to be rich and buy a big house for my parents. 65.我还想环游世界。One day, I’m going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.








(Ann is our monitor. She is talking to Bob. )

Ann=A   Bob=B

B:Hi,Ann,you look unhappy.1.?

A:Our English teacher Mrs Li is ill and now she is in hospital.

B:2..What’s the matter?

A:She has a terrible stomachache.


A:Since 3 days ago. She is always around us before exam. She is too busy to see the doctor. We’d better go and see her tomorrow.


A:Sure. Go down Jiankan Road and then turn left. The hospital is next to Jinsanjiao Reastaurant.


A: The No.9 bus or the No.2 bus.

B: OK. See you tomorrow.

A: See you.




1.Yesterday he made a d________to give it up.

2.To my s________, they all agree to visit the museum instead of playing basketball.

3.You can’t i_____how happy I was when I heard the good news.

4.The floor is too dirty, could you please s________it?

5.The photo often r________me of my English teacher.



Teenagers growing pains

Today, our students are facing many different problems and they want to ask some experts for help. Nancy says she feel stressed these days because of too much homework. She hasn’t enough time to sleep for a long time and often falls asleep during the classes.John says he doesn’t like to study because of the bad effect of computer games. Cindy says she gets fat because she likes to eat junk food and hardly ever takes exercise. Frank has the worst problem. He always fights with others as he doesn’t know how to get on well with others and few of his classmates would like to talk with him.





Feels stressed.

Too much homework

Hasn’t enough time to 1.


Doesn’t like to study

The bad effect of 2.


Gets fat

Likes to eat3.and

4.takes exercise.


Fights with others.

Doesn’t know how to 5.with others.





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