满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

为配合我市开展“创建文明城市(build a civilized city)”活...

为配合我市开展“创建文明城市(build a civilized city)”活动,学校举办以“How to Behave Well”为主题的英语征文比赛。现在请你根据所给提示内容,用英语写一篇参赛短文。










参考词汇:整洁clean and tidy  脏话dirty words  遵守obey

In order to build a civilized city, we students should try our best to behave well in the activities.


If everyone behaves well, our city will be more beautiful and more attractive.


In order to build a civilized city, we students should try our best to behave well in the activities. It's a good habit to keep our clothes clean and tidy. Our city should be kept clean every day. Don't throw litter. It's good manners to say "Thank you" and "Please" and so on. We should never say dirty words. Be friendly to others and always ready to help the people in need. For example, when we are on a bus, we should give our seats to the old and the women with babies. We should also obey traffic rules. When the traffic lights are red, we should stop. And we'd better not talk or laugh loudly in public. If everyone behaves well, our city will be more beautiful and more attractive. 【解析】这篇作文要求我们以How to behave well为题,给学校的一个征文比赛投稿,内容是关于在日常生活中如何注意自己的言行举止,配合市里创建文明城市。题目中已给出了具体的写作内容,我们可以根据这些提示,组织语言,连贯成文。需要注意的是第5条,这一条需要发表自己的看法,因此学生们应展开自己的想象力,根据自己的理解,补充一到两点自己的看法。写作时,需要注意英语表达和汉语的不同,不要逐词翻译,写汉语式的英语。正确使用动词、形容词和副词以及一些介词短语。还应使用一些较好的句型,增强文章的连贯性和流畅性。 点睛:这篇短文是语篇优秀的作文,短文中作者根据题目给出的提示,介绍了日常生活中我们应如何做到文明的行为举止。首先短文内容完整、充实,包含了题目中给出的所有要点,并发表了自己的看法;其次短文中使用了正确的时态和人称,语法规范,实词的用法准确无误,符合英语的表达习惯。最后,短文中使用了一些较好的句型,如It’s a good habit to keep our clothes clean and tidy、It's good manners to say "Thank you" and "Please" and so on. 、Be friendly to others and always ready to help the people in need. For example, when we are on a bus, we should give our seats to the old and the women with babies. 、When the traffic lights are red, we should stop. And we'd better not talk or laugh loudly in public.等。  

Randy couldn't wait to get to school. It was his history teacher, Mrs. Anderson's birthday, and she p 1. the class a special treat to help her celebrate. Mrs. Anderson was good at cooking. She could make delicious cakes and cookies.

Randy's mouth w 2. as he walked into the room.

Mrs. Anderson had a long covered holder on her desk and the room smelled d 3.. Mrs. Anderson said, "As promised I have a special treat for you today."

Wait, Mrs. Anderson," Olivia said, "We have to sing happy birthday first." Randy really wanted to see what Mrs. Anderson had made. But the class always sang on someone's birthday. So Randy sang along, i 4. cakes and cookies the whole time.

Finally it was time to eat. Mrs. Anderson said, "I wanted to share something really special with you, so I made my grandmother's famous blueberry muffins."

Blueberry, Randy didn't like blueberries. Mrs. Anderson walked around the room, giving out the muffins. When she got to Randy's desk, he p 5. said,

"No, thanks. I don't like blueberries."

"As a birthday p 6. to me, do you think you could at least try one. Mrs. Anderson said.

"You could pick the blueberries out if you'd like."

Randy put his hand on his s 7.. He was really hungry. He watched his classmates eat the muffins and hear them say how delicious the muffins were. He decided to have a try.

So he n 8.. Mrs. Anderson gave one muffin to him. Randy tasted a little and smiled.

"Hey, it's good." He took a 9. big bite with several blueberries.

"I'm glad you like them. Randy," Mrs. Anderson said.

Randy tried to say "You're welcome'" with his mouth f 10. of blueberry muffin.



I remember the exact moment I learned the principle(原则) of preparing for luck.

I was on the wrestling(摔跤) team, Now, if there’s one thing I can tell you about any sport, it is that wresting is probably the sport that has the least luck. There are only two people out on the mat(垫子), so you cannot blame(指责) it on your teammates or your coach(教练). And guess what? There is no weather because we do the whole thing indoors, so you can’t say, “It was raining” or “It was snowing.” So we should say wrestling is the sport with the least luck.

On our team there were two world champions; one of them had been a world champion five times. We also had five people who were national champions. One of them was a guy by the name of John.

John had never been beaten in any high school wrestling competition that I could remember, as he was a national champion. There was nobody local who could touch him.

One day, we went for a match with our biggest opponent(对手). John went out on the mat, and about a minute and 30 seconds into the match he tried to make a special move. He rolled over, and his opponent caught him halfway through his roll. He was pinned(压住)! The match was over.

I remember on the way home, one of our teammates tried to comfort John by saying, “Oh, he just got lucky.” And John said, “That’s so silly. The opportunity presented itself, and he just took advantage it.”

We used to have this big sign in our wrestling room that the coach had put there. “Luck is what happens when opportunity meets preparation.”

John’s opponent was prepared to make use of this opportunity. The possibility of beating John was not strong and he knew it. But he waited for the right opportunity, and he defeated and pinned a national champion.

In other words, the real message is “Be prepared!” It’s not just finding the opportunity, you have to be prepared to take it.

1.The author thinks that if you want to win in the wrestling, ________

A. you must have the best luck

B. you must prepare for it well

C. you should know your opponent

D. you must become a national champion

2.The phrase “on the wrestling team” can be replaced by “________”

A. a leader of the wrestling team

B. a person working for the wrestling team

C. a member of the wrestling team

D. the coach of the wrestling team

3.Why did one of the author’s teammates comfort John?

A. Because John was beaten easily

B. Because John’s opponent was much stronger than him

C. Because John looked very unhappy after the match

D. Because failure is the mother of success

4.From this passage, we can infer that ________

A. John’s opponent had more luck than him

B. wrestling is an outdoor sport

C. wrestling is the sport with the most luck

D. John didn’t prepare so well as his opponent

5.What’s the best title for this passage?

A. A Wrestling Match    B. Catch the Opportunity

C. To be Lucky, be Prepared    D. A Sport with the Least Luck



At present, more and more people are crazy about travelling. Why do people travel?  “The world is so big that I want to have a look.” many people would say. But travelling abroad now means much more than that for the growing number of Chinese tourists. Of course it offers us good opportunities to meet people from other countries, learn about their culture and customs.

According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), more than 1 billion people travelled to another country in 2012. In 2012, Chinese people travelled abroad 30 percent more than in 2011. In 2014, the number of outbound tourists has reached over 100 million for the first time. Compared with 2013, it has increased by 19.49%. Chinese has ranked first as the main source of the world tourism according to the report. The prosperity (繁荣) of the tourism industry can also bring both our country and foreign countries great economic benefits. Chinese people usually travel abroad in large tourist groups and visit several countries in one trip.

Chinese people don’t just travel for sightseeing. The China International Travel Service Company said that all their tour trips sold out a month before Christmas Day. Stores offered discounts (打折) during that time, so shopping in Europe and the United States is popular among Chinese travellers.

In December, China is going through a very cold winter. So many people like to go to some countries in Southeast Asia because the weather there is quite pleasant.

The improvement of living standards means more Chinese can travel abroad. But many of them don’t have a sense of public manners. A report by Living Social website in March 2012 even listed Chinese as the world’s second worst tourists.

If you want to change that bad name, remember to avoid the following: littering, spitting, snatching bus seats, line-jumping, taking off shoes in public, talking loudly and smoking in non-smoking areas. Besides, we should learn some necessary manners of foreign countries.

1.Which of the followings is not the reason why Chinese people travel abroad?

A. To have a look at the word    B. To shop abroad

C. To bring foreign countries great economic benefits    D. To learn about foreign culture and customs

2.How do Chinese people usually travel abroad?

A. In small groups and visit one country in one trip

B. In large groups and visit several countries in one trip

C. In small groups and visit several countries in one trip

D. In large groups and visit one country in one trip

3.The underlined word “outbound” in the passage probably means _______

A. outside the station    B. going out

C. going towards    D. going abroad

4.Which of the following is right according to the passage?

A. Chinese has ranked second as the main source of the world tourism according to the report

B. A report by Living Social website in March 2012 even listed Chinese as the world’s worst tourists

C. Chinese people like to travel before Christmas because of the cold winter in China

D. People choose to some countries in Southeast Asia in winter because of the nice weather there

5.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Many of Chinese people behaved badly when traveling abroad

B. In 2013, the number of outbound tourists is larger than that in 2014

C. Chinese people won the bad name because too many Chinese people buy discount things before Christmas

D. We have to change names when we travel abroad




1.The above reading is more probably ___________.

A. a poster    B. a book report

C. a rain check for a book sale    D. a ticket for a big sale

2.It’s clear that the 36st book sale begins on ___________.

A. October 5, 2012    B. October 4, 2012

C. January 31, 2013    D. February 1, 2013

3.If you want to get some cheapest books, you’d better get to the Needham Public Library _____

A. at 9: 00 am on Oct.4    B. before 4: 00 pm on Oct.4

C. at 9: 00 am on Oct.5    D. between 1: 00 and 4: 00 on Oct.5

4.The reading tells us at 2: 00 pm on Oct.5 you need to pay only ______ for a book with a hardcover.

A. 50 cents    B. 25 cents    C. 1 dollar    D. 8 dollars

5.Which of the following is the best way to get some information for the next book sale?

A. To visit the ongoing book sale when the library is open.

B. To telephone the manager of the library.

C. To send an e-mail to booksale@needhamlibrary.org.

D. To mark your calendars right now.



For much of my childhood, my mother filled the evening hours doing something for someone else. Sometimes she knitted (编织) hats for babies, and at other times she cooked chicken soup for sick neighbors. Therefore, I wasn't ________when one evening my mother announced she'd start a new project.

"I'm going to telephone neighboring________every night," said my mother.

"Every night? But you don't even________these people. "

"Doesn't matter," she said. "What's important is that I want to listen."

I was sixteen years old and couldn't figure out why my mother was willing to spend her evenings talking to strangers. She had friends and my two elder sisters to call________she felt lonely.

My________didn't affect my mother's project. That evening after supper, she settled on the sofa with the phone and began making phone calls.

For a while, I listened as she asked the lady on the phone about her day, what she had eaten for dinner, and asked if she had _________that the beautiful roses had come out in a neighboring park. When she finished the call, I said, "What do you________whether she had cookie or cream pie for dessert?"

My mother replied, "I'm the_______ person she talked to today."

It took me nearly thirty years to understand the________of what she was doing. Now, as my mother is nearing sixty, I find myself thinking about those nightly________she used to make.

I am often the only person who telephones my mother, and sometimes I'm the only person she speaks to all day. I ask her what she cooked for dinner, but mostly I just_______ as she describes a walk she took, or how her dog Lucky stole a piece of cheese from the kitchen.

I_______ that my mother's calls were lifelines (生命之线 ) that kept lonely seniors connected to the world. Somehow, she managed to work full-time and _______a family while improving the lives of others.

That kind of _______needs commitment (奉献,投入) and organizational skills that I do not have. While she freed several seniors from________, I struggle to call just one - my mother.

1.A. interested    B. satisfied    C. surprised    D. excited

2.A. teenagers    B. children    C. juniors    D. seniors

3.A. meet    B. know    C. pass    D. find

4.A. because    B. if    C. though    D. until

5.A. doubt    B. advice    C. answer    D. praise

6.A. decided    B. felt    C. noticed    D. imagined

7.A. hate    B. love    C. mean    D. care

8.A. only    B. early    C. first    D. last

9.A. difficulty    B. importance    C. possibility    D. difference

10.A. visits    B. orders    C. calls    D. cries

11.A. think    B. listen    C. talk    D. write

12.A. realize    B. explain    C. express    D. recognize

13.A. protect    B. start    C. affect    D. support

14.A. service    B. experience    C. promise    D. tradition

15.A. hopelessness    B. illness    C. loneliness    D. helplessness



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