满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

– ______ is the sports meeting going to ...

– ______ is the sports meeting going to be held?

– It will be held at the National Stadium.

A. When    B. Where    C. What    D. How


B 【解析】句意:——运动会将在哪里举行?——它将在国家体育馆举行。When什么时候,对时间提问;where哪里,对地点提问;what什么,对事物提问;how如何,对方式提问;根据It will be held at the National Stadium.可知此处对地点提问,故用疑问词where,故选B。  

It’s nice to see you again. We ____ each other since 2014.

A. won’t see    B. don’t see    C. haven’t seen    D. didn’t see



– Shall I tell Tom about it?

– No, you _______. I’ve told him already.

A. needn't    B. wouldn’t    C. mustn’t    D. shouldn’t



—May I go to Jinbao Park with you next Sunday?

—No, you can’t, _________you have a ticket. I have only one ticket.

A. if    B. until    C. unless    D. as soon as



—You never feel worried before an exam. How can you?

—Well, I’ve been working hard all the time. Surely I am _________ any exam.

A. busy with    B. afraid of

C. ready for    D. interested in



My brother will come to see me tomorrow. I’ll meet    at the airport.

A. her    B. you    C. him    D. them



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