满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Letter A Young people are always told th...

Letter A

Young people are always told that they should make the most of their time, which they will never be as free again. So, my question is-why fill up all this free time with housework. Parents expect their children to get good grades, be good at sports, and be popular with other kids. However, there is not enough time in the day to do these things and then do housework as well. It’s not fair to expect teenagers to give up their precious time to do boring housework. Parents and children both have jobs. Parents’ jobs are in the workplace. Their children’s jobs are at school.

The only difference is that parents get paid and children don’t. Parents say that they make their kids do housework to teach them responsibility. But this is just a trick. Parents trick their kids into doing housework because they are lazy.



Letter B

Both parents and children have jobs. The parent’s job is to go to work to earn money.The child’s job is to go to school.But we all get hungry.Someone has to cook the meals and clean up afterward. We all wear clothes that get dirty. Someone has to wash them, iron them, and put them away.Children work from 9 until 4.Parents work from 8 until 6. Sure, after 4 o’clock, children have homework. But after 6, parents have homework too. They have to do the shopping, go to the bank, pay the bills, and help their kids with their own homework!

I think it’s only fair that teenagers help out a bit at home. They might not like it, but it’s good for them. It teaches them how to look after themselves. This is really important when they leave home to go to college or to live on their own.



1.What is the writer’s question in Letter A?

The question is why ______________________ with housework.

2.How are parents’ jobs different from children’s jobs according to Letter A?

Parents _________________, but children don’t.

3.Why does Letter B say it’s good for teenagers to help out a bit at home?

Because the writer thinks it teaches children ______________________.

4.Who most probably wrote Letter B, a parent or a child?


5.The two letters agree that parents and children both have jobs, don’t they?



1.fill up all this free time 2.get paid 3.how to look after themselves 4.A parent 5.Yes, they do 【解析】本文是两封信讨论对于孩子在家做家务的观点。在A信中认为让孩子们在业余时间做家务时不公平的。在B信中认为孩子在家做家务对他们是有好处的。 1.根据So, my question is-why fill up all this free time with housework.可知在A信中我的问题是为什么用所有的业余时间做家务,故此处为fill up all this free time 2.根据The only difference is that parents get paid and children don’t.可知父母的工作不同于孩子的工作的地方是:父母会得到报酬,孩子们得不到报酬,故此处为get paid。 3.根据I think it’s only fair that teenagers help out a bit at home. They might not like it, but it’s good for them. It teaches them how to look after themselves.可知在B信中,青少年帮助做一点家务对他们是有好处的,因此这教会他们如何照顾自己,故此处为how to look after themselves。 4.根据But after 6, parents have homework too. They have to do the shopping, go to the bank, pay the bills, and help their kids with their own homework! 可知此处介绍父母的辛苦,故推断是一位父母写的B信。故此处为A parent。 5.根据Letter A Parents and children both have jobs.和Letter B Both parents and children have jobs. 故在两封信中都同意孩子和父母都有工作,故此处用肯定回答,故为Yes, they do。

you   give   succeed  happy pride   have  well  much  use   do

Be pleased to do anything even though it is very tiny(微小的). In fact, there’s no single thing that is not worth1. or you are not able to do. So living a happy life with a light heart is the 2. important. A good mood(情绪) decides your quality of life. Then how can you live a happy life?

Make each day meaningful by helping someone or just making someone smile. The feeling which makes you want to help others stays at the bottom of your heart. 3. depends on your feelings in your heart. Helping others is helping 4.. By helping others, you will be 5. more. Seeing their satisfied smile will make you feel 6. of what you have done.

Face difficulties 7. in your life. Everybody may meet with difficulties. No one can avoid them. The difficulties can teach you a lot. They are your treasure. They will help you to be closer to8..

Think a lot about the good experiences you have had in the past few years. Be grateful(感恩的) to life. Don’t think too much about the negative(消极的) things. They are similar to bad weather. Bad weather will pass sooner or later, so will the negative things. Everything will get9. at last.

Never worry about the things you can’t change. Worrying isn’t 10.. Worrying can neither change the situation nor solve any problem. Come on, everybody! Let’s live a happy life with a light heart and enjoy the beautiful sunshine every day.





Don’t do such things _______.


It seems ________ that he will be here at that time.


Her brother _______ the army for three years.


I can’t tell ______ or not it will rain tomorrow.


The ________ city sports meeting will be held in May.



Tea is an important part of Chinese tradition. Tea has very close relationship to Chinese culture.

It is said that Chinese tea was discovered by King Shen Nong. People say that he lived 5,000 years ago. One summer day, while he was visiting a faraway part of his country, he felt very thirsty. The servants began to make water hot enough to turn into gas for him to drink. Dried leaves from a near plant fell into the water. The king drank some, and found it could make him feel less tired. Also as a scientist, Shen Nong was interested in the new drink. And so, tea was created in 2737 BC.

Drinking tea has many advantages. It makes people feel less tired, clears heat inside the human body and helps people lose weight. As you add a cup of tea to your daily life, please check the following helpful advice.

Drink it hot. Tea oxidizes(氧化) quickly, so it is suggested that you drink it hot.

Do not drink too much strong tea. It will probably be harmful to your stomach and make you feel sick if you make the tea too strong.

The best time to drink tea is between meals. It may not make you have a strong wish to eat when your stomach is full.

Do not drink with medicine. It may change the medical result. You can drink tea two hours after you take medicine.

Green tea is the best choice for office workers. Why? Because green tea helps stop the bad result of the computer.

1.Drinking tea has lots of advantages EXCEPT ______.

A. helping you lose weight    B. letting you feel less tired

C. having a strong wish for food    D. clearing heat inside your body

2.Mr. Brown is a computer programmer (程序设计员). He’d better drink _______.

A. Green tea    B. black tea

C. strong tea    D. coffee with milk

3.What can we infer(推断) from the passage?

A. Don’t drink too much strong tea.

B. Not all office workers drink green tea.

C. Tea is connected with Chinese culture closely.

D. King Shen Nong loved creating new things.

4.The passage is mainly written to ______.

A. let us know tea was discovered

B. give some advice about drinking tea

C. tell people the history of tea

D. advise people to drink green tea




How time flies! The 9th graders are going to graduate soon. We invite them to write about their school memories.

Let’s share some of them.              —Ms. Rosen

Favourite memory: Moving to this school last year and meeting new friends.
Unpleasant memory: Being the “new girl”.
Favourite teacher: Ms. Rosen. I like her interesting classes.
Advice: School can be fun if you do your best.

Favourite memory: School trips. Singing competitions.
Unpleasant memory: Project homework.
Favourite teacher: Ms. Williams. She treats every student equally.
Advice: Work hard and fun will come.

Favourite memory: Meeting new friends. The weekends.
Unpleasant memory: Tests.
Favourite teacher: Mr. Taylor. He helps me with my lessons.
Advice: Once you fall behind, keep trying till you catch up.

Favourite memory: Being with new people. Fun classes.
Unpleasant memory: The loss of a new watch.
Favourite teacher: Ms. Rosen. She helped me through hard times.
Advice: Hard work brings success.


1.Who dislikes tests among the four students?

A. Brita    B. Jay    C. Rocky    D. Angel

2.How many of the four students mentioned Ms. Rosen?

A. One.    B. Two.    C. Three.    D. Four.

3.What can we learn from the given information above?

A. The four students will be in Grade 9 next term.

B. The four students do not enjoy school very much.

C. The four students all think it’s important to work hard.

D. Their favourite memories are all about trips.



Last week, Chicago became the first city in the US to join the “Lights Out Plan”. People turned off the lights in the city’s tallest buildings, so that thousands of birds could get to their winter homes. Every year in autumn, some birds fly over Chicago on their way to the south, and come back the next spring.

Lights mean danger to birds. Birds find their way by looking at the stars in the sky. Lights in tall buildings are so bright that birds may mistake them as stars. This means they can not find the right way to go home.

This month, about 300 types of birds are flying over Chicago to go back to the south to live through the cold winter. Birds fly to warmer places for a few reasons. Many birds cannot live in the cold, so they fly to warmer places. But there are other reasons,too. Birds need to look for food in the south. Another reason is that they want to have baby birds. Many birds like to have their baby birds in the same “house” they lived in last year, so they fly back there.

There are about 9,000 kinds of birds in the world, and about 600 kinds of birds migrate(迁徙). Some birds can fly a very long way. Sometimes they fly to other countries. We have fewer birds today because there are fewer places for birds.

1.Why did people in Chicago turn off their lights last week?

A. Because people wanted to save money.

B. Because people liked the dark night.

C. Because people were afraid that birds would make much noise.

D. Because people were afraid that birds would lose their way.

2.Today we have fewer birds because __________.

A. lots of birds are often ill    B. people kill lots of birds

C. there are fewer places for birds    D. other animals eat them

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. All birds fly to warmer places every year.

B. Some birds have to fly to warmer places in autumn.

C. Some birds can fly a long way to other countries.

D. About 600 kinds of birds migrate in the world.



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