满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Are you happy most of the time? Or do yo...

Are you happy most of the time? Or do you easily get angry sometimes? Everyone has a different temperament(脾气). It is usually believed that both genes(基因) and environment may influence peoples temperament in different ways. Scientists have found that the season of the birth also plays a role.    Scientists from Budapest, Hungary, studied 400 university students. In the study, The students needed to finish some questions to know which of four kinds of temperaments they most had. From the questions, scientists found that the students always answered something like “my mood often changes for no reason.” and “I love to deal with new projects, even if it is risky.” these answers were then connected with their birthdays.   They discovered that people born in summer easily change between sad and happy moods compared to people born in winter. Those who always feel positive are mostly born in spring and summer.   The study also found that those born in fall less probably had a mood of depression which may easily drive them to cry, while those in winter were not easier to be angry.   Scientists said that this was probably because the seasons had an influence on certain chemicals in the human body. And the chemicals are important to control people’s moods even in adult life. “It seems that when you are born may increase or decrease your change of developing certain mood, disorders,” scientist Xenia Gonda told the Telegraph.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正 (A)、误(B)

1.Ages probably may influence people’s temperaments according to the Paragraph 1.

2.The underlined the word “depression” most probably means sadness.

3.The answers to the questions of the study were matched with their birthdays.

4.People born in winter get sad or happy more easily.

5.The best title of this passage is “The Influence of Genes”.


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.B 【解析】这篇短文主要通过实验讲述人的脾气不但受人的基因和环境影响,而且人出生的季节也起作用。研究表明,夏季出生的人比冬季出生的人情绪易变。秋季出生的人极少有可能出现消极的情绪,而冬季出生的人不容易生气。 1.细节理解题。由第一段It is usually believed that both genes(基因) and environment may influence people’s temperament in different ways. Scientists have found that the season of the birth also plays a role.可知年龄不可能影响人的脾气。 2.词意推测题。由下文which may easily drive them to cry可知秋季出生的人极少有可能出现消极的情绪,可知此句正确。 3.推理判断题。通读文章可知介绍的是季节对人的情绪影响。故此句正确。 4.细节理解题。由文中while those in winter were not easier to be angry.可知“冬季出生的人不容易生气”。 5.主旨大意题。通读文章可知这篇短文主要通过讲述的是季节对人的脾气的影响。题干是“基因的影响”。故此句错误。

Zhang Wei is a highly skilled doctor. He was born in a lonely _____ village. The people there lived a hard life. They seldom walked out of the mountain. They could _____ get good education. However, Zhang Wei was ____, for he not only went to college, but he also became an excellent doctor. Then what made him lucky? A volunteer teacher called James, who came from Germany, encouraged him and_______ his life.

When James first entered Zhang Wei’s school, he couldn’t ____ his eyes. He was shocked by the sights(情景)in front of him: broken windows, small old desks and chairs. Even worse, students of different ages were in the same classroom. It was the only class in the school. James realized _____ poor the people were in education. He planned to find out as many ways as he could to help them. One day when James was giving a class, Zhang Wei made some noises for fun. Other kids laughed. At that time James decided to make good use of the ____to help him. He walked towards Zhang Wei and asked him to put out his hands. Looking at them _____, James said with a kind smile, “As soon as I see your little fingers, I know you will become a highly skilled doctor in the future. Come on!” Hearing this, Zhang Wei was surprised because almost ___ said such words this way. Zhang Wei couldn’t believe that completely, but he remembered what the teacher said in his heart.

After that, Zhang Wei studied harder and then made more progress continuously. Later, Zhang Wei went to college. After many years, he became a famous doctor, saving many lives. ____ Zhang Wei talks about his life, he always expresses thanks to his volunteer teacher. His encouraging words have made what he is.

1.A. forest    B. sea    C. mountain    D. river

2.A. hardly    B. usually    C. always    D. ever

3.A. simple    B. lucky    C. popular    D. common

4.A. worried    B. understood    C. changed    D. caught

5.A. cover    B. close    C. open    D. believe

6.A. how    B. when    C. where    D. what

7.A. chance    B. change    C. example    D. action

8.A. angrily    B. sadly    C. nervously    D. carefully

9.A. everybody    B. anybody    C. nobody    D. somebody

10.A. Whatever    B. Whenever    C. Whoever    D. However



I live in a small town and almost everyone knows each other. It ____ very quiet. Nothing much ever happened around here. However, these days, something unusual ____ in our town. Clara, a teacher of ____ is really nervous. When she ____ by the town newspaper, she said, “Every night we hear strange noises outside our window. My husband thinks that it could be a cat, but I think it must be some persons ____ fun. We called the policemen, ____ they couldn’t find anything strange. They think it ____ the wind. I don’t think so. My neighbor Lucy is ____, too. “I think it was ___big to be a cat,” she said. “Maybe it was a bear or a wolf.” Everyone in our town is feeling uneasy. ____ something visiting the homes in our neighborhood. What is it on earth? Who can help us?

1.A. used to be    B. uses to be    C. is used to be    D. was used to be

2.A. happened    B. is happening    C. was happening    D. has happened

3.A. my    B. me    C. mine    D. I

4.A. interviewed    B. is interviewed    C. was interviewed    D. interviews

5.A. have    B. had    C. has    D. having

6.A. and    B. but    C. though    D. until

7.A. might be    B. should be    C. can’t be    D. must be

8.A. happy    B. worried    C. careful    D. silent

9.A. such    B. either    C. so    D. too

10.A. There are    B. There must be    C. There must have    D. There must is






Dear Nancy,





Liu Wei is very famous in China because he can play the piano with his toes(脚趾).

One day when Liu Wei was only 10 years old, he played a game with some friends. He lost both his arms because of electricity (电). Liu Wei was very sad when both his arms were cut off after the accident. But soon he had to make a choice. “For people like me, there were only two choices. One was to give up all the dreams which would cause a quick death. The other was to work hard without arms to live an excellent life.” says Liu Wei.

Liu’s dream was to be a pianist. His excellent life included a show on China’s Got Talent(中国达人秀) and a wonderful performance playing the beautiful Marriage D'amour with his two feet on the piano. Liu Wei learned to play the piano with his feet. And teaching himself to play the piano with his feet was very hard. Many times he wanted to give it up, but his parents went on encouraging him and he wanted to make his parents proud.

Maybe you can not believe that Liu Wei is able to play well only with his toes. The audience(观众) were deeply moved and very excited when they watched his performance.


Why is Liu Wei very famous in China?





When both his arms were cut off, was Liu Wei very sad or not?



How did the audience feel when they watched Liu’s performance?



What is the main idea of the passage?






The movie Wolf Totem is popular with not only the old __________ __________ the young.


One Belt One Road Project will __________ a great __________ to the world.


Tourists are __________ __________ respect the local customs and traditions.


There __________ __________ a new school in Huashan Area in the near future.


The construction of light railway is aimed to improve the __________ __________ in our city.



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