满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

–The living conditions in the countrysid...

The living conditions in the countryside have improved greatly in recent years.

   --The farmers are living a much ______ life than before.

A. happy          B. happier         C. happily         D. happiest


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:——近几年来,农村的生活条件大有改善。——农民们过着比以往更为幸福的生活。由第二句后面的than before知道,空白处应该填一个比较级的形式。A.happy,幸福的,是原形;C. happily,幸福地,是副词原形;D. happiest,最幸福的,是最高级。故选B。 考点:考查形容词的比较级用法。  

Youd better advise him ______ anything out of the window while driving.

   --I will. He has to know its dangerous.

A. not throwing       B. no throwing      C. not to throw     D. dont throw



Quite a few new laws and rules on food safety ______ into use last month.

   --Can you tell me what they are?

A. were putting     B. have been put     C. were put    D. put



How many children do most post-80s families have?

   --One. They ______ two in the future, I guess.

A. will have      B. had           C. have       D. have had



Do you have anything else to say for being late again?

   --No, nothing ______ sorry.

A. above         B. behind          C. from        D. but



Life is becoming convenient with the Internet.

   --Thats true! Almost everything ______ be done online.

A. must          B. would          C. should       D. can



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