满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

–May I have a look at the magazine China...

May I have a look at the magazine China Today?

   --Certainly. _______.

A. Here you are         B. Its a pity       C. Thank you      D. Id like to


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:—我能看一下《今日中国》这本杂志吗?—当然可以,给!根据答语可知,被借人很痛快地同意出借,所以排除A和C,而D常用于回答Would you like…?同意把东西借给对方应该说:Here you are 给你。故选A。 考点:考查交际用语。  




(1)参考词汇:轮子wheel 太阳能solar power (2)词数80左右(文章的开头己给出,不计入词数)。



My invention is a flying bike. ..._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




1.我去过海南岛两次了。  I ________ ________ ________ Hainan Island twice.

2.昨晚我直到爸妈回家才睡觉。Last night I ________ ________ to bed ________my parents got home..


________ ________ Xiao Mei is!She is always the first to come and the last to leave.


With the help of the Chinese people, a new and modern railway in Kenya ________ ________ several months ago.


________ my friends ________ I enjoy reading Chinese poems. We share our feelings every week.


I can’t understand ________ ________ ________ ________ football at this moment.

7.不要放弃,终有一天你会成功。 Don’t ________ ________, and you’ll succeed one day.




1.Where is my phone? I can’t f__________ it.

2.I woke up late today so I had to hurry to get r__________ for school.

3.Your hands are very dirty. Go and w__________ them now, Ben!

4.As usual, she left her room c__________ and tidy before going to school.

5.The sofa is terribly heavy. Can you move it by y__________?

6.At the weekend, you may play a computer g__________, but you mustn’t play for more than 30minutes.




In the middle of my home country there are very large places. They are hot and dry land called


1. ____________ Families live a long way from other people. Sometimes they are the only people for thousands of kilometres. 2. ____________

About 65 years ago these people found that using strong radios was a possible way for families

living far away to communicate with each other. They decided they could use the radios for school. In this way, children could talk to each other like at school. 3. ____________

The children each spent about 30 minutes a day on the radio. They talked to their teacher about

their work and difficulties. The teacher designed some exercises and tasks based on what they

learned and posted them to the children. After finishing their work, the children sent it back to their teacher to mark. 4. ____________ He tried to visit each child twice each year. This was sometimes difficult. The journey was very long and could be dangerous. In addition, the school held camps once a

year. The children could all meet each other and shared their learning experience.

5. ____________. The government provides families with computers so that the children can

use the Internet to talk to their teachers and classmates by e-mail now. The teachers enjoy their

work very much because they get to know the children and their families very well. It is an interesting way to learn, don’t you think?


A. The teacher also travelled around the country.

B. All over the deserts are farms and small towns.

C. This was how the first“ School of the Air” started.

D. This families’ children cannot go to school like you.

E. With the development of technology, computers are becoming popular.



People can’t see you when you’re speaking on the phone, but they can hear you. So, the way you speak is especially important. In fact, researchers have calculated that 80% of communication over the phone is through your tone of voice; and only 20% is from the words you use. Here are our top tips on how to speak over the phone.

1. Facial Expressions

Your facial expression can influence your voice. For example, if you smile, your voice will sound warm and friendly, just the opposite, if you have an angry look on your face, it can make you sound unpleasant.

2. Volume

If you speak too loudly, you could sound angry. And if you speak too softly, it’ll be difficult to hear you. So, speak loudly enough to be heard clearly, but not so loud that you’re shouting.

3. Pace

The pace of your voice is how quickly you speak. And this can show how you feel. For example, an angry person might speak faster than normal. Or a downhearted person might speak very slowly. Try speaking a little more slowly than normal. This will make you sound confident, and it’ll make it easier for the other person to understand you.

4. Gestures

Gesturing can influence the tone of your voice. When you gesture, you bring more air into the lungs, which can make your voice sound warmer. Gestures are also useful to help you stress the right words or even find the words you need. The best thing about gesturing during a phone call is that no one can see what you’re doing, so you can gesture as wildly as you like!

5. Movement

If you’re feeling nervous, stand up and move around. It will reduce the nervousness in your body and help your voice to sound more confident.

6. Pauses (停顿)

Using pauses every now and then can help you to slow down. This will make you sound more confident and in control. Also, if you pause after giving some new information, it’ll give the other person time to understand it. At the same time, listen to how the other person uses pauses. They could tell you something about the speaker’s feeling. For example, when a speaker is really angry, he might use pauses and says, “I... am... so... angry...”

1.How much of telephone communication is from the words you use?

A. 20%.            B. 40%.               C. 60%.           D. 80%.

2.What can people do to reduce their nervousness on the phone?

A. Gesture wildly.     B. Move around.         C. Raise their voices.      D. Make facial expressions.

3.How can pauses help people talk on the phone?

A. The speaker can show he is friendly.            B. The speaker can tell more information.

C. The listener will feel confident and in control.     D. The listener will have time to understand the words.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. How to control the speed of your speech.      B. Different good ways of talking on the phone.

C. Reasons of making gestures while talking.      D. How to improve communication among friends.

5.What is the writer’s opinion about telephone talk?

A. Your voice on the phone will show what you’re feeling.

B. Using too many pauses while talking will annoy others.

C. Speaking loudly makes it easier for others to understand you.

D. The words you use are more important than the way you speak.



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