满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

______ interesting the book is! I want t...

______ interesting the book is! I want to buy one, too.

A. How    B. What    C. How an    D. What an


A 【解析】试题分析:句意:这本书是多么有趣啊。我也想要买一本。强调形容词interesting,用how引出感叹句,故选A。 考点:考查感叹句。  

The wildlife park is very large. Follow your ________, or you’ll get lost easily.

A. waiter    B. doctor    C. guide    D. farmer



我们的生活中处处充满着爱,有父母的爱,有老师的爱,有同学的爱,有朋友的爱……请以“Love Around Me(我身边的爱)”为题,写一篇短文。内容要点如下:














参考词汇: receive love;  get on ...with; chat online;

There is lots of love around me in my everyday life. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.



Do you want to make homework simpler? Oxford Learning founder and CEO Dr. Nick Whitehead, said, “Homework might be an unavoidable (不可避免的) part in school, but it doesn’t have to be the boring part. With the right skills in place, students can turn homework from headache-including to trouble-free.” These steps will make an obvious difference.

Use your notebooks

Students should never think they can remember all school details. When a teacher assigns homework, students should write the details in their notebooks. To make them effective, students need to remember to take the notebooks out of their school bags at night, open them up, and read over the night’s list.

Remove distractions (使注意力分散的事物)

Computers on, music on, text messages receiving

Whitehead says that if students aren’t research the Internet for useful information, they should turn off all the above electronics and focus on the task at hand for enough time. They’ll find that it is easier to concentrate (全神贯注) and that homework takes less time.

Think actively

What happens if students are struggling with a question, or can’t work out an answer? When facing difficulties, it is wise for the student to take a small break then return to look at the problem again.

Get organized

Homework is often the most disorganized part. Whitehead recommends, “Students should keep all the stationery(文具) in a bin so they don’t waste time searching for pens or rulers.” He also recommends staying at the same place to do homework every night, and (when possible) completing homework at the same time each day.

How to make homework1.

As students, homework is an unavoidable part in school, but many students feel 2. about homework. The following steps can help turn homework from headache-including to trouble-free.


Use your notebooks

Students should use notebooks to write the details in their school. At home they open them up, and read over the night’s list.


Remove distractions

3. you don’t have to search the internet, turn off computers. Then you may find you can concentrate on homework more easily and it takes less time.

Step3: Think 4.

When you have trouble in doing your homework, you should take a small break then come back to look at it again.

Step4: Get organized

5. all the stationery(文具) in a bin is important for every student. They should pick the same place to do homework, and finish homework at the same time each day.






1.Chairman Xi asks each of us Party members to _________________________________ (对自己严格要求).

2.Dean was so busy that he ________________________ (不得不拒绝) the invitation for dinner with Jill politely.

3.Nobody found he was a born artist ________________________________ (直到他获得了奖).

4.I noticed the 8-year-old boy __________________________ (毫不费力,没有困难) expressing himself.

5.He often doubts ___________________________ (是否值得) spending so much time doing his homework.




appear;  water;  visit;  invent;  in a hurry;  listen to;

hear from;  keep fit;  leads to;  be considered as

1.Look! My aunt _____________________ flowers in the garden.

2.The pop singer Sun Nan _____________________________ on CCTV next week.

3.Xishuanghu Lake is one of the most wonderful places __________________ in Lianyungang.

4.It’s important to keep a balance between work and rest. Too little rest often _________________illness.

5.Tom ________________________ many songs by The Beatles, now he can sing some of them.

6.I have a new pen pal. I’m looking forward to _____________________ her as soon as possible.

7.Why did they leave the house ___________________ with the door open?

8.Let’s go and play basketball after school. It can help us __________________.

9.Smart phones have shaped our daily life since they ___________________.

10.Sam ______________________ (被认为是) a great writer because he has written several wonderful novels.



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