满分5 > 初中英语试题 >




1.What are your family rules?

2.Which rules do you agree / disagree with?

3.How do you change the rules that you disagree with?







Every family has its own rules, so does mine. My parents are very strict with me, so I have to follow a lot of rules in my home. For example, I must finish my homework on time. I am not allowed to go out or watch TV on school nights. I think it’s necessary to have some rules. Thanks to them, I can have a healthy life. But I don’t think some of the rules are good. I think I should be allowed to watch TV in my spare time. I can feel relaxed if I’m allowed to do so. 【解析】试题分析:这是一篇给材料作文。要求结合自己的实际情况,介绍一下你家的家规。动笔前应认真阅读要点提示,根据要点组织材料,确定写作内容。首先要介绍家规有哪些;赞同什么,反对什么;对于不赞同的家规发表自己的观点,提出合理化的建议,注意不要遗漏要点,可适当发挥。结合材料可知本文主要是第一人称,时态应该用一般现在时态。注意情态动词should, can , must后面动词用原形。适当使用连词,序数词,注意从句的应用,做到上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。 点睛:做英语书面表达时,只要注意认真审题,分析体裁,确定时态;分析内容要点,列出一些基本词汇及词组;注意表达的条理性,用好连接词;为丰富文章的文采,可以多用一些复合句;注意尽量不要犯语法、句法以及搭配性错误,写好后多读多修改,我想一定会写出满意的文章来。  

Joe’s grandchildren visited him during the holidays. Before the vacation time, Joe cleaned the house. Unluckily, he lost his favorite watch.

When Joe’s grandchildren arrived, they asked him 1. he was so upset. Joe said, “I lost the most valuable watch that was 2. (give) by your grandma.” His grandchildren promised him that they would find the watch for him.

One of Joe’s 3. (granddaughter) asked, “Grandpa, do you remember when you last saw the watch before it was missing?”

Joe replied, “Maybe when I was cleaning the barn(仓房).”

The children went to the barn, which was full 4. old books, broken furniture, and so on. They searched for more than two hours, but couldn’t find the watch. They were very 5. (sadness) and left.

After a while, one grandson walked into the barn again. He requested the others not to follow 6. (he). The little boy sat quietly in the barn for about 15 minutes and then rushed to his grandpa. Yes, he got the watch and 7. (happy) give it to Joe.

Joe was surprised and asked how he was able to find the watch. The little boy replied, “I sat in the barn without 8. (make) a noise and the barn was so quiet. After a few minutes, I heard the tick-tick sound and found it.” Joe 9. (hug) the little boy and thanked him.

This was the power of silence. If we stay calm, we may find a way to deal 10. a difficult situation very easily.





It seems that Bill ________ ________ _______ physics.


________ these farmers busy _________ _________ next year?


Mr. White plans to do that _________ _________.





Mary loved her son Robert very much, but she worried about him a lot. He was always losing things, and he didn’t take care of his toys or clothes. She wanted him to be more careful. She wanted him to be responsible.

One morning, Mary saw Robert beating a broken drum with a knife. “Stop!” Mary shouted. “Where are your drumsticks(鼓槌)?” “I …I …I don’t know.” said Robert.

“You must remember what I have told you, Robert,” said Mary. “If you lose anything again, I will give away all your toys to the children who know how to take care of them.”

“But, Mama,” said Robert. “ 73 “If I don’t have any toys, how can I learn to take care of them?” Mary had to turn away so that Robert would not see her smile. “I’ve got another way to teach you to be careful,” she told him. “I want you to wash your clothes for two months. If you can do this, it means you are responsible, and it means people can trust you.”

The next week Robert began his work. At first, he disliked it very much. But after a while he changed his mind. He wanted to show his mother he was responsible.  74 He not only washed his clothes, but also kept his toys in a box where he could find him. He was careful with everything.

Two months later, Christmas came. Robert was so happy to get his presents: a new coat, a video game and a new drum. There was also a note. “For Robert, who is very responsible.” He felt so proud.



Why did Robert beat his drum with a knife?


What present did Robert get at Christmas?











ourselves   almost     note      laughed    disappointed   boss

boring     including   quarter    exciting     still         chances

My name is Dong Lin. I’m the 1. of a car company. Now, I’m a successful businessman. However, I used to be shy.

I 2. remember the first day of my high school. There were 28 students in my class. A 3. of them were boys; 4. me. The first lesson was English. When class began, our English teacher Miss Liu asked us to introduce 5.. When it was my turn, I got so nervous that I couldn’t speak a word. Some students 6. at me and I left so 7. with myself.

When class was over, Miss Liu asked me to her office. She said to me, “Dong Lin, going to high school can be a bit difficult at first. But it can also be 8.. Why not consider it as a wonderful new challenge with lots of 9. of learning new things and making new friends?” Miss Liu’s words helped me become more confident.

From then on, I write a thank-you 10. to Miss Liu every year on Thanksgiving Day. I would not have become so successful without her.




1.With the help of Mr. Yang, I do b_________ in English than before.

2.Li Ming and her classmates enjoyed t__________ in the park yesterday.

3.Coffee is ready. How nice it s_________.

4.Paul is hard-working and always does well in his lessons. It is u________ for him to fail an exam.

5.The children got t________ after doing so much homework.

6.— How about this pair of shoes?

— Oh, they’re too small for my f_________.

7.I haven’t been to Shanghai and n_________ has my sister.

8.Mr. Li usually r________ home from work at 6:30 p.m.

9.Jenny is very patient with the children, but her husband s________ is.

10.The population of our city has i_________ from 28 million to 31 million.



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