满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— Don’t always fix your eyes on the scre...

— Don’t always fix your eyes on the screen, Ted. It’s bad for your eyes.

— Oh, I know.

A. stare at    B. look after    C. think about


A 【解析】句意:——不要总是盯着屏幕,特德,这对你的眼睛有害。——哦,我知道了。A. stare at盯着,凝视;B. look after照顾;C. think about考虑,思考。故答案为A。  

— Mr Smith appeared at the party last night.

—The kids must be very happy. You know, he is their favorite teacher.

A. gave up    B. took up    C. showed up



— The head teacher gave us a lot of suggestions on improving our English.

— Do you think they are useful?

A. information    B. advice    C. advise



— I feel bad. I argued with my mum just now.

—You had better apologize to her right now.

A. say hello    B. say sorry    C. say thanks



— When did you get to Window of the World yesterday?

— We reached there at nine yesterday morning.

A. arrived at    B. arrived in    C. arrived



— Will you to give me a hand because I am not able to complete the work alone?

— With pleasure.

A. shouldn’t    B. can’t    C. needn’t



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