满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读下面的短文,根据文中信息完成文后表格。(每空一词) Can you find...


Can you find your way if you are in a new city? No? Don’t worry. Here are some tips to help you find the way.

First, you can buy a map of the city. The map will be very helpful to you. You can find the place where you are on the map. Then look for the place you’re going to on the map. You will know how to get there easily.

Another way is to ask a traffic policeman. At the traffic lights, there are usually some traffic policemen. They will be happy to help you find your way. So when you are having some difficulties finding your way, feel free to get some help from them.

You can also look at the Sun. The Sun may help you find your direction. For example, in the morning, the Sun is in the east. At noon, the Sun is in the south. In the late afternoon, the Sun is in the west. It can help you know where you are and which direction you are going to.

It’s a good idea to take the taxi to the place you can’t find. The taxi driver usually knows

the way well. He can take you to the right place quickly but you have to pay some money for it.












1.find 2.map 3.place 4.help 5.tell/show 6.Sun 7.east 8.taxi 9.better 10.costs 【解析】在陌生的城市里,你能找到你的路吗?本文就此提了一些好的建议:可以买张市交通图;可以问交警;也可以看太阳来找到自己的方向或者乘坐出租车等等。 1.句意:怎样找到路。本文主要讲述的是在陌生的大城市里如何找到路。故填:find。 2.句意:买一张地图。由第二段第一句:First, you can buy a map of the city.可知:买一张市地图可以帮助找到路线。故填:map。 3.句意:找到你要去的地方。由第二段倒数第二句:Then look for the place you’re going to on the map.可知,然后要在地图上找要去的地方。故填:place。 4.句意:向交警求助。由第三段开头Another way is to ask a traffic policeman.可知,作者建议向交警求助以找到路线。向某人求助:ask sb. for help.故填:help。 5.句意:他们时刻准备帮助你,并且告诉你地点在哪儿以及怎样到那儿。由第三段可知,交警乐于帮助人们找到路线,人们可以时时向他们求助。所以交警可以告诉人们某地在哪儿,并且指出怎样到那儿。故填:tell或ask。 6.句意:看太阳。由短文第四段第一句:You can also look at the Sun. 可知,看太阳也可以帮助人们确定方向。故填:Sun。 7.句意:如果早上你要去的地方在东方,你需要向着太阳走。早上太阳从东方起来,向着太阳走就是起向东方。故填:east。 8.句意:坐出租车。由短文最后一段的:It’s a good idea to take the taxi to the place you can’t find.可知,作者建议,找不到地方时,乘出租车是一个好的主意。故填:taxi。 9.句意:出租车司机通常比别人更了解路。由最后一段的:The taxi driver usually knows the way well. He can take you to the right place quickly可知,出租车司机通常了解路,而且可以快速地送人去目的地。本句中有连词than,可知句子用比较级。故填:better。 10.句意:它是到你的目的地的好方式,并且可以节约时间。但是它会花你一些钱。由短文最后一句:He can take you to the right place quickly but you have to pay some money for it.可知,乘出租车可以快速到达目的地,但是得支付一些钱。事物作主语时,花钱做某事,用cost:Sth. cost sb. some money.故填:costs.



What______________________________________________________________the shopping centre tomorrow?


Can you____________________________________________________________________________________________?


________________________________________________________________________________________ dinner.


You can see___________________________________________________________________________________.


________________________________________________________________, so I do exercise every day.



C) 根据句子意思用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空

1.Look! The cute young panda_______ (lie) on the grass.

2.The map shows you how_______ (get) to Sunshine Middle School.

3.It will take you half an hour_______ (drive) to Xuanwu Lake Park.

4.I would like to invite Tom_______ (join) my birthday party.

5.Who makes the little boy_______ (stand) there?



B) 根据句子意思用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空

1.Pandas are cute. Every year, lots of_______ (visit) come to see them.

2.In autumn, the tree_______ (leaf) turn yellow and fall down.

3.Take the_______ (three) turning on the right and you will find the house.

4.Shanghai lies in th_______ (east) part of China.

5.It’s about three_______ (hour) drive from Sunny Street.



A) 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词使句子意思完整正确

1.I will teach you how to draw a giraffe. Just_______ (仿效) me.

2.There will be a new_______ () above the river in our village.

3.We are driving_______ (沿着) Green Street and will arrive about an hour later.

4.It’s very_______(危险的) to cross the busy street alone.

5.You should_______(记住) all the new words you learnt in class.



Mr Edwards can never go to work on time. He works in London but he lives in the countryside (乡村) of a city called Cambridge. He loves his home, so he doesn’t want to move to London; he loves his job, so he wants to keep it. The problem is that the traffic in London is very heavy every day. There are too many cars. During the rush hour you can walk faster than you drive a car!

Mr Edwards thinks a helicopter (直升机) is the final solution to this problem. Mr Edwards

wants to fly over everyone else. A helicopter will be expensive and he will have to learn how to fly it but he says that many kinds of cars are also expensive. He is right. One of the most famous British car is the Bentley and it is only for rich people.

His wife said he could just ride a bicycle, but he argued that there are too many hills in Britain and that Cambridge is more than 60 kilometres from London. Then his wife suggested that he should take the train to London. “That won’t work,” he said. “I like the feeling of freedom (自由) when I’m driving. I won’t feel that on the train! Also, I will have to walk from the station to my office. You know how difficult it is to cross the road even at traffic lights.”

Then he thought for a moment and continued, “But in a helicopter I can feel completely free and crossing the road will be easy!” He started to sing, “Up there, where the air is cleaner!”

His wife sighed, “But my dear, up there, you will get airsick!”

1.Why can’t Mr Edwards get to work on time?

A. Because he always gets up late.

B. Because he lives in the countryside of a city called Cambridge.

C. Because there are too many cars on the road during the rush hour.

D. Because he spends too much time in having breakfast every day.

2.Why doesn’t Mr Edwards move to a place that is nearer to his working place?

A. Because he loves the fresh air of the countryside.

B. Because he thinks his neighbours are all friendly and helpful.

C. Because he doesn’t like his job and is thinking about getting another one.

D. Because he loves his home very much.

3.What is the problem with going to work by helicopter?

A. It costs a lot of money to buy and drive the helicopter.

B. He has to find someone to drive the helicopter for him.

C. He has to find a place to park the helicopter.

D. He won’t have any freedom if he drives a helicopter.

4.Mr Edwards’ wife suggested that Mr Edwards should go to work    .

A. on foot or by bike    B. by bike or by train

C. by train or by helicopter    D. by bike or by helicopter

5.What Mr Edwards’ wife said in the last paragraph means that    .

A. she thought the helicopter was a good way to go to work

B. she still didn’t agree with Mr Edwards’ idea of going to work by helicopter

C. she was very worried about Mr Edwards’ health

D. she was worried that they didn’t have enough money for a helicopter



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