满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Would you like to watch the film with m...

—Would you like to watch the film with me?

    , but I have too much homework to do.

A. I’d love to    B. That’s all right    C. It doesn’t matter    D. Not at all


A 【解析】-你要和我一起去看电影吗?-我非常愿意去。但是我有太多的家庭作业要做。A. I’d love to我非常愿意去;B. That’s all right 不客气,没关系;C. It doesn’t matter 没关系; D. Not at all没关系,根本不,一 点儿也不。Would you like是委婉地提请求的句子,对其回答时,先礼貌地表示“非常愿意”:I’d love to。如果要拒绝,再在后面委婉地说明理由。故选A。 点睛:Would you like sth? 回答为:Yes, please. 或No, thanks.对Would you like to do sth?的回答,总是先说一句:I’d love to.  

—I’m going to Australia for a holiday next week.


A. Have a good time!    B. Not at all.

C. Thank you.    D. I have no idea.



I’m sorry. I don’t know the way to the police station. I think he    .

A. may be know    B. may knows    C. may know    D. know



He walks    the road    the traffic lights and walks

    the bridge.

A. cross; at; cross    B. across; at; to    C. across; on; cross    D. cross; on; to



You can take the underground and get off at the third    .

A. traffic lights    B. bridge    C. station    D. exit



    is the library from our school?

—It’s quite near. Just three miles    .

A. How far; away    B. How far; far    C. How long; away    D. How long; far



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